Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

Legalizing pot would be a great for America. Yes it would fuck the common drug dealer over but so what fuck them. The way I look at is when all the people around me buy brick and support mexican Imported crap, the last thing I wanna smoke.Or your Mids which is usually not much better but with less seeds and not compacted. I would like to see it recreational nation wide. Just so I could grow with no worries of raids federal or state. Go Cali be the pioneer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plain and fuckin simple but it will never be that!!
Legalizing pot would be a great for America. Yes it would fuck the common drug dealer over but so what fuck them. The way I look at is when all the people around me buy brick and support mexican Imported crap, the last thing I wanna smoke.Or your Mids which is usually not much better but with less seeds and not compacted. I would like to see it recreational nation wide. Just so I could grow with no worries of raids federal or state. Go Cali be the pioneer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plain and fuckin simple but it will never be that!!

it would be an all around better choice to decriminalize, other then legalize, there is a HUGE difference
Can i see your statistic for "Right now 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another."

Because I think that number is completely bullshit. same goes for the next statistic of 90%. i also call bullshit.
and 55 million people involved?

I can't take any of this seriously.
P.S. If your spelling was a bit better, maybe I'd believe a little bit more.
Can i see your statistic for "Right now 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another."

Because I think that number is completely bullshit. same goes for the next statistic of 90%. i also call bullshit.
and 55 million people involved?

I can't take any of this seriously.
P.S. If your spelling was a bit better, maybe I'd believe a little bit more.

Their is an old saying "90% of statistics are made up on the spot, including this one"
As for the spelling, you knew damn well you didn't login to cnn, or a medical journal. So if I tell you its August and I misspell the month, does that mean its not August? Again, great for the ego, not so much for logic. Get over yourself.
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.


Your argument is about as flawed as those statistics that you pulled out of your ass. You may also want to invest in a dictionary if you expect anyone to take this drivel seriously.
Their is an old saying "90% of statistics are made up on the spot, including this one"
As for the spelling, you knew damn well you didn't login to cnn, or a medical journal. So if I tell you its August and I misspell the month, does that mean its not August? Again, great for the ego, not so much for logic. Get over yourself.

Don't excuse illiteracy. Typos are one thing, not knowing the difference between fair or fare or pair or pear is just plain pathetic. No wonder third world countries have better schools. We fund them and let our own idiots off the hook.

The only thing you need to do is get over yourself. Typos are fine, but as the other poster pointed out, the idiot OP is full of misspellings, from a damn computer no less. Someone tell him what the red squiggly line means please....

[/end roll eyes]
i disagree.

legalize, utilize and decriminalize.
legalizing and decriminalizing are two different roads, The first leads to a Corporation Industrializing Marijuana, or the Second, we have the same laws as Amsterdam, everyone over the age of 18 can buy up to 5 grams at one time from a single club, there are over 100 clubs in Amsterdam, so if you bought from everyclub you could get a pound of some stanky bud.

I just personally don't like the idea of the government having it's fingers in everything.
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.


people I need your help, I can only 'approve' of this post is there any way of taking rep away :confused:?
Wow thats going against everything so many ppl have worked so hard for, ppl have spent a lifetime trying to fight to legalize and free the herb. Marijuana is a plant as we all know and was put on the earth to grow, and use for pleasure and medicine. The only ppl who will be hurt by legalization is the blood sucking dealers who try and get rich off ppl like us who want to come home after a long days work and free there minds of the days stresses, or the unfortunate ppl who use it for medicine to cure and or help relieve the various diseases that affect so many of us. I am only speaking for myself and know i am goin to take heat for this but, i could give 2 shits what someone making a living selling something that should be free and growing in every garden thinks. Marijuana will only help the economy think of all the smoke shops, cafe's that will turn up all over, there will need to be growers, trimmers, packagers, transportation,retailers, the list is endless on the jobs that could be created as a result of legalization. Legalization will also regulate cost, which i think is a great thing considering the steep prices we pay for marijuana. Numerous ppl i talk to spend $200 to $600 or more a month on personal bud for a month, that is unreal to me considering how much it takes to grow and harvest. I guess what i am trying to say is i know there is going to be pissed off ppl legalized or not but lets think what motives do these ppl have who want to support the proabition because they may have to get off there asses and get a job. I personally could think of many things i would love to spend my $500 or $600 on like a vacation, or savings.
I would love to debate this topic with anyone who is for the proabition of this sacred plant.

peace and love
and may all your bowls be full, and gardens harvest heavy
and god bless , all who dream of a true free world where we can all medicate and intoxicate freely!
Don't excuse illiteracy. Typos are one thing, not knowing the difference between fair or fare or pair or pear is just plain pathetic. No wonder third world countries have better schools. We fund them and let our own idiots off the hook.

The only thing you need to do is get over yourself. Typos are fine, but as the other poster pointed out, the idiot OP is full of misspellings, from a damn computer no less. Someone tell him what the red squiggly line means please....

[/end roll eyes]

actually growing up I always had above average test scores in any subject I tested in, except spelling. At St. Thomas College Prep High School my freshman year I wrote an essay in 30 minutes and tied for 2nd place against all students, including seniors. So no, spelling doesn't have alot to do with content. Maybe if english is your second language, than I could see how the misspellings would make it hard to comprehend the content, but otherwise your just stroking your own ego. And really, what third world country has better schools, your full of shit. Were not getting our ass kicked by third world countries, unless you think that way of india, I never really considered them any more third world than us, if you don't think so than maybe you don't leave the city enough... Its countries like Japan, China, India, pretty much any country in Europe, etc. Here's an idea, if things aren't were you think they should be, do something besides talking down to your peers to change it. But I guess its alot easier to roll your eyes and convince yourself that your special for passing spelling in middle school. We're all so proud. †golf clap†

Yes, I know I didn't capitalize India or English, but you still understood it right? If you want to debate someone, challenge they're logic, going for the technicality just makes it look like you couldn't come up with a real reason. Honestly, I don't see you having a problem doing that, so instead of aiming below the belt to discredit, why don't you just negate the arguments themselves?

My concern for you is this, if all you look at is the superficial, you'll miss out on so much that you could have learned from others. You'll always come up with a reason why you can't learn from others because you see them as inferior. They're is no one on this earth I can't learn from, be it a scholar or an autistic child, or even the sleazy crack head on the street. You can argue this, but its something I've learned from men far wiser than either of us.
Wow thats going against everything so many ppl have worked so hard for, ppl have spent a lifetime trying to fight to legalize and free the herb. Marijuana is a plant as we all know and was put on the earth to grow, and use for pleasure and medicine. The only ppl who will be hurt by legalization is the blood sucking dealers who try and get rich off ppl like us who want to come home after a long days work and free there minds of the days stresses, or the unfortunate ppl who use it for medicine to cure and or help relieve the various diseases that affect so many of us. I am only speaking for myself and know i am goin to take heat for this but, i could give 2 shits what someone making a living selling something that should be free and growing in every garden thinks. Marijuana will only help the economy think of all the smoke shops, cafe's that will turn up all over, there will need to be growers, trimmers, packagers, transportation,retailers, the list is endless on the jobs that could be created as a result of legalization. Legalization will also regulate cost, which i think is a great thing considering the steep prices we pay for marijuana. Numerous ppl i talk to spend $200 to $600 or more a month on personal bud for a month, that is unreal to me considering how much it takes to grow and harvest. I guess what i am trying to say is i know there is going to be pissed off ppl legalized or not but lets think what motives do these ppl have who want to support the proabition because they may have to get off there asses and get a job. I personally could think of many things i would love to spend my $500 or $600 on like a vacation, or savings.
I would love to debate this topic with anyone who is for the proabition of this sacred plant.

peace and love
and may all your bowls be full, and gardens harvest heavy
and god bless , all who dream of a true free world where we can all medicate and intoxicate freely!

Instead of hating the dealers, why not hate the system that ensures they can never get another job besides dealing if they're ever busted. Like I said, I know of AT LEAST 2 dealers who tried to get out because they were just tired of the stress, but because of their past records couldn't find work. And yea, they're still dealing. As far as the, "trying to get rich off of us" you've been watching to many movies, they're all some dealers who are doing very well, but those are just the ones you notice, most dealers I know make enough to get by.
I think legalizing and decriminalizing it would be helpful to our economy, but it will piss me off to no end to have to pay taxes on my weed...I can just see it now, instead of $10 for a dime, it'll be $10.80 with tax....
once again, it doesn't matter to me.. if this gets passed or not. number one, I'm not a resident of California and would never want to live there to begin with...

California is WAYYY over rated... its not what its cracked up to be really.. IMO.

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. If I lived in Cali, I would vote however I wanted to vote. I wouldn't let other peoples "opinions" determine rather or not I vote yes or no. Why? Because it doesn't affect me in any way. Even if I lived in California! I would still vote yes for legalizing it. Why? Simple.. because no matter what happens.. if it gets legalized.. or doesn't get legalized.. its not going to have ANY effect on me because I'm going to grow no matter what the laws are.. ya dig?

So, rather or not its legalized or not.. isn't going to effect what I do.. nor will it stop me from growing my own bud. Plain and simple. ;)

Anyhow, IMO.. your not "stupid" if you vote for legalization.. and your not stupid if you don't. It's called America for a reason.. the land of the free. People can vote however they want to vote.. its up to them as a person.. to determine how they vote.. and personally.. I don't let immature people that say things such as "Do not vote for legalization or you are stupid" get in the way of how I'm going to vote.. nor do I let some childish remark/statement like that get in the way of my opinions.

anyhow, that's my 2cents on the whole thing.

once again, it doesn't matter to me.. if this gets passed or not. number one, I'm not a resident of California and would never want to live there to begin with...

California is WAYYY over rated... its not what its cracked up to be really.. IMO.

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. If I lived in Cali, I would vote however I wanted to vote. I wouldn't let other peoples "opinions" determine rather or not I vote yes or no. Why? Because it doesn't affect me in any way. Even if I lived in California! I would still vote yes for legalizing it. Why? Simple.. because no matter what happens.. if it gets legalized.. or doesn't get legalized.. its not going to have ANY effect on me because I'm going to grow no matter what the laws are.. ya dig?

So, rather or not its legalized or not.. isn't going to effect what I do.. nor will it stop me from growing my own bud. Plain and simple. ;)

Anyhow, IMO.. your not "stupid" if you vote for legalization.. and your not stupid if you don't. It's called America for a reason.. the land of the free. People can vote however they want to vote.. its up to them as a person.. to determine how they vote.. and personally.. I don't let immature people that say things such as "Do not vote for legalization or you are stupid" get in the way of how I'm going to vote.. nor do I let some childish remark/statement like that get in the way of my opinions.

anyhow, that's my 2cents on the whole thing.


well said, i live in Cali (it's not awesome) and i can say that it wont effect me ether. I live off the grid anyway, i haven't fully gotten off city power but im almost there ^_^. I grow as much as I need to smoke and pay my food bills.
once again, it doesn't matter to me.. if this gets passed or not. number one, I'm not a resident of California and would never want to live there to begin with...

California is WAYYY over rated... its not what its cracked up to be really.. IMO.

Actually, it's not. If you've only been here as a tourist then you don't know shit about California.
Actually, it's not. If you've only been here as a tourist then you don't know shit about California.

Than why is it here in TX over the past few years we've gotten an influx of Californians looking for work? If it wasn't overrated than I would have thought they'd want to stick it out. Must not be that great. I understand regional pride, don't get me wrong, but don't get worked up over it.
Than why is it here in TX over the past few years we've gotten an influx of Californians looking for work? If it wasn't overrated than I would have thought they'd want to stick it out. Must not be that great. I understand regional pride, don't get me wrong, but don't get worked up over it.

I've never had to live more than 5 miles away from a beach my entire life. It never gets above 90 or below 50 degrees where I live. We've arguably got the best buds in the world. I haven't even seen schwag in years. We've got big cities, beautiful forests, snow covered mountains, and amazing beaches. In 3 hours I can go from skiing on a powdered covered mountain to laying on a warm beach. We are currently leading the way towards ending prohibition and medical cannabis. I

Yes, there is a recession right now and it's hard to find a job. But it'll end and Cali will still be Cali.