Damn on some of the misinformation in that thing...
60% of teens being being in rehab is because the courts force rehab.
Being a gateway drug? Nope, I am 41 and never tried anything other than MJ. Well, I drink and smoked cigs years back. That may of been gateway linked from me drinking milk as a kid. I never met any drug user who has never consumed milk...Maybe a link?
Being stronger than in the 70% Proof?? Isn't this a good thing?
Causes more cancer than smoking cigs? Lie since there has been no proven medical link saying MJ even causes cancer while some say it fights cancer. They can't even find a case that MJ has caused 1 death.
Being sold in grocery stores. State would have the right to allow that if it becomes legal, BUT I HIGHLY DOUBT IT WILL. Why would you put something so safe on the same shelves as tobacco and alcohol which is proven to kill people. Someone may choose the more dangerous products if they see them with MJ. You don't see candy bars in the liquor isle.
Skyrocketing use in teens? In countries where use is permitted, the number of youth smoking is lower than places that ban it.
Drugged driving? Um, people have been smoking MJ since the beginning of time. Where are the stats this is happening now? If there are any, compare it to drunk driving stats.
The sad thing is the majority of people with no knowledge of MJ, other than it is currently illegal, will believe this because that is all they have heard all their life. People used to believe the world was flat.