Are they taking away our rights again?


Well-Known Member
just read this on yahoo and it threw up 2 red flags. first one is can they constitutionaly say that it is illegal to use a specific light. Next is although they may be thinking of our enviornment, how much really would converting all homes in california to cfl's help, or do they have stock in cfl producing companies, or are they trying to do something about their energy consumption? oh well

California may ban conventional lightbulbs by 2012 - Yahoo! News


Well-Known Member
if we all switch to cfls then it will counter how much we all use with our hids and itll kinda level out the usage overall so we are back at our consumption rate we were 10 years ago. soo yeah its a scam.


New Member
Having lived in California most of my life, I can say with confidence ... there is nothing the state legislators don't want to regulate. California state government is a boiling nesting place for cockroaches known as Democrats. What you see in California is where they would lead the entire country if they had the chance.



Well-Known Member
The dems and repubs cannot see their way to stop their odious, meddlesome ways.....they will not be happy until all citizens are in bondage.....


New Member
there is nothing the state legislators don't want to regulate. California state government is a boiling nesting place for cockroaches known as Democrats. Now please tell me what wonderful things the stinkin thieven Republicans have done in the last 6 years except give you a big bonus in taxes!


Well-Known Member
elected bush as their running candidate. just had to throw that one out there. he did lose the popular vote remember. still got love for you although I am a dem.


Active Member
bush/republicans and democrats alike are all schemers.they will continue to prey on the public as long as the public will stand for it.reaally don't like talking politics but that the way i c it!


New Member
reaally don't like talking politics but that the way i c it! Uh, your in the "Political forum, this where we talk politics. There are other places on this site where you can discuss weed venues. Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
In general terms, I loathe, despise, and detest Dems and Repubs.....
They are both enamored of big and bigger government....The difference between the two parties has become meaningless...
Very few politicians have any loyalty to US Constitution.....They really seem to not give a rats ass....
This is a fine kettle of fish we're in!!!


New Member
In general terms, I loathe, despise, and detest Dems and Repubs.....
They are both enamored of big and bigger government....The difference between the two parties has become meaningless...
Very few politicians have any loyalty to US Constitution.....They really seem to not give a rats ass....
This is a fine kettle of fish we're in!!!
I agree with you, they are for the most part corrupt and worthless. That is why I would like to see Obama get in. He hasn't had time to be corrupted. Whether he could change anything or not is questionable, but a fresh view would surely be appreciated by me. My own Senator with whom I shared my high school experience with is a sell out. He is a Mormon and is supposed to have high morals, but went along with Bush on the Iraq thing, shameless. I have e-mailed him many times on the illegal thing, and no response. Now he is the most powerful senator and has done nothing to curb the presidents war, for shame, he is also for amnesty for the illegals and that is against my principles, you're right corrupt and worthless! Do you think old Harry gets campaign money from corporations that want illegals, hell yeah!


Active Member
Where we're getting screwed is that the current trend is to elect someone to draft laws that...with all do respect....doesn't understand the law, how it works, how it might be overly broad or misapplied, or how it might be unfair to those people who don't line their pockets with cash, send them on vacations, etc.

You need people who understand the law to write the law, otherwise we'll have the insurance companies and big business writing laws favorable only to their Bush's "pro-oil" stance on tax dedusctions and reluctance to tax the oil companies that wanted to charge $5.00 a gallon, but still made "record profits" never before seen or contemplated. Odd, because Bush has tremendous financial interest in big oil.....he'll sell all his shares once his presidency is over, because they will never again be worth the value they were when big oil was in the white house.

Is California really that democratic? I mean, I know they are responsible for the "twinkie defense"....but they have elected a Republican governor twice (but he's a closet democrat!).


New Member
Is California really that democratic? I mean, I know they are responsible for the "twinkie defense"....but they have elected a Republican governor twice (but he's a closet democrat!).

Ahhhnold is a Republican in name only. There are a few true consevative/libertarians in California state government, but they are few and far between. Tom McClintock is a fine example. He'd make a fine gov.


PS: Med ... love the new avatar. Looks just like you. ^lol^


New Member
PS: Med ... love the new avatar. Looks just like you. ^lol^ Thanks, I kinda had you in mind when I chose it, sorta like when you read my posts, you'd know I was thinking of you when you saw the avatar~LOL~>