Rapid Rooters??

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I am the one hit Wonder of Cloning.
My first try was with 12 clones. All 12 took right off and did very well. My second attempt was with 10 clones and not a one took off.

My questions are this..

(1) How long can Rapid Rooters be stored?
(2) How do you store the?
(3) Should I use a pre soak and light Nuts, like CLONEX or something?
(4) what happens if you dip your clones right into the bottle of Cloning gel, then stick the cap back on it for a later day? ( I now know this is a No-No).

Could really use some help here. I need to get this go around on clones to work, like the first time.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Come on you Weed Gods. I know some of you use Rapid Rooters. I love these things. I just think I need more knowledge. And I have searched High and Low. I was not wanting to look like an idiot.

But here & now I humble myself, And ask for help.


Just some idiot
I use rapid rooters, I don't soak them at all. I use Clonex and that is it. Right now I am trying to see if Liquid Karma helps and they seem to be doing great. One word of advice though don't get them too wet, nice and moist but not wet...they will rot. Also are you using a humidity dome and did you clone the same strain as before?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Yes it is the same strain as before.

I did ask those certain questions for a reason though. I am pretty sure my answer is in one of those questions.


Well-Known Member
I use rapid-rooters as well, you can store them in a zip-lock bag in the fridge, they will last longer that way. When it's time to use them I just take a few out and place in a smaller bag on my counter and let them warm up. They do go bad though, not just drying out but can become less flexible and sponge-like over time. I rarely add anything to them, I just use root powder (my preference) and when they need more moisture thats when I break out the liquidKarma. It does give them a good boost but only apply it once before they root, otherwise it can be too much. You should never dip cuttings directly into the bottle of cloning gel, it can contaminate the gel and you could have mass rot/infection if you do. Thats one reason I like the powder, it also tends to stay on the cutting when you place it in the plug. I do take needle-nose pliers and rough up the bottom of the hole before inserting the cuttings, it makes for much better contact with the stem and helps prevent embolisms (air bubbles in the stem that are almost always fatal).

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Thanks NorthernTights, and Gygax.
I was also keeping them in the fridge. But I did not warm them up. I did think about this half way through doing my cuttings.
I just bought new Rapid rooters today, and Clone Gel also. I also got some Simply Green. I have read, and also was told by my Hydro guy that this stuff is the best for cleaning items like your Res, and clone domes and such. Hence the word Simple Green. It will not hurt your plants. So anyway. I am going to take 12 cuttings in a little while, and see what happens..

Thanks again for all the help.



stays relevant.
Thanks NorthernTights, and Gygax.
I was also keeping them in the fridge. But I did not warm them up. I did think about this half way through doing my cuttings.
I just bought new Rapid rooters today, and Clone Gel also. I also got some Simply Green. I have read, and also was told by my Hydro guy that this stuff is the best for cleaning items like your Res, and clone domes and such. Hence the word Simple Green. It will not hurt your plants. So anyway. I am going to take 12 cuttings in a little while, and see what happens..

Thanks again for all the help.

Dangly, it's been over a year.... Are you still using the rapid rooters, have you learned any tricks with them?



Active Member
You really shouldnt use clear cups as the roots can get light on them. You should all see Subcools thread on cloning , he uses rapid rooters upside down so they are more stable.


Active Member
If you can see the roots , the roots can see the light ..and that is just a terrible idea >.< light harms roots ! Dont mean to come off as a dick , but if I can stop one person in there tracks at this very moment from using anything clear in cultivation .. no matter what item it is .. ive saved some plants life .


I also use 16oz clear plastic cups, but I make sure no light gets on the roots. I take a solid red cup and put a small rock in the bottom. Next I take a clear plastic cup with drainage holes punched in, and put it in the red cup. The red cup protects the roots, but I can still pull the clear cup out and see if they are root bound and ready to be transplanted. I am using these cups now and they are working great (I started from seed).


Whoa! Yeah, wtf? Why was a 2y/o thread revived?
Thats what ya get when members properly use the search function:bigjoint:

I too am looking into using rapid rooters for my next seeds. I have had (LUCKILY and THANNKFULLY) 100% germ rates with the 5 seeds I have sprouted so far using the paper towel method, but I REALLY dont like the "transplatting effect" and "abuse" the seeds "seem" to take when taking them from paper towel into whatever you happen to put them in. I was looking for something more "stable" to just basically throw the seed in and let it grow from there. Afterall, that is what you do with them correct? Put your seeds in there and let them germ....and then put the entire RR into your final growing medium??


Well-Known Member
Thats what ya get when members properly use the search function:bigjoint:

I too am looking into using rapid rooters for my next seeds. I have had (LUCKILY and THANNKFULLY) 100% germ rates with the 5 seeds I have sprouted so far using the paper towel method, but I REALLY dont like the "transplatting effect" and "abuse" the seeds "seem" to take when taking them from paper towel into whatever you happen to put them in. I was looking for something more "stable" to just basically throw the seed in and let it grow from there. Afterall, that is what you do with them correct? Put your seeds in there and let them germ....and then put the entire RR into your final growing medium??
haha bro this thread started like 10 years ago. My advice is just your standard rock wool cubes, much cheaper than rooters and work just as well. I just soak them in tap water for a bit then plant the seed in it once i have soaked the seed in water until it sank. Once you have a taproot coming out the bottom u plant the whole cube in a bigger pot, like a 16 oz keg cup.


Ok, cool. I think I am going to try them next cycle.....I JUST planted three more I germinated with the towel but I think Im just too clumsy or something and, not necessarily SEE anything getting damaged, but I FEEL like and THINK that with all of that....thats its hurting it a bit so just popping the entire rapid rooter or rock wool cube into my fina growing medium, as I grow autos, seems ALOT "safer" and "healthier" to me.


Thats what I have been noticing throughout my cannabis cultivation research. The only thing Im worried about with them is getting a 50 pack but only needing 3 or 4....I dont want all those other ones to go to waste...I would try to store them properly to keep them fresh for as long as possible but still.

I know they aren't THAT expeensive, but what bothers me the most about it is the felling of throwing all of the unused/non viable ones away......I HATE that feeling