Ok ladies and gents just some more bud porn, and a few shots of my outdoor ladies (well one for sure lady )
So these are the outdoor, two on the left are bagseed, no sign of sex yet, the 1 on the right is my clone that I put into the ground a month or so ago. It has been flowering for about 2 weeks now
Sour Diesel Clone that I planted outside
Some pics of the seeded Platinum OG
The oh so Lovely Bubba Kush
Sour Diesel
Sour D in front, Odyssey in the back, and Bubba on the left
That's funny, I have something very similar to that, it's only a rough draft though. We're gonna work on an excel sheet to log just about anything you can think of, my cousin is an expert at MS Excel and he's gonna help me set it up I'll pass it along when it's done for anyone who might be interested
Cool, I'll keep you guys posted. As it turns out, a lot of the corporate bullshit I learned over the last decade can be applied to keeping track of your grow, lol
I'm literally setting mine up to something we used at my old company (on a very tiny scale of course,) from suppliers and cost all the way through curing and dry weight, it's gonna take me a while though...
My plan is to have a binder with the same information printed out so I can fill it in by hand, then later plug it into my grow log on the Excel sheet.
For now I'm just laying it out and adding things that I think I might use, hopefully the finish product works as well as the one I'm picturing in my head, lol
I made little charts a while ago, used them for a day, then stopped to go back to my notebook haha. Make sure it has a large area for just 'notes' I write a lot of mumble jumble.
It'll be on an MS Excel sheet, should be able to customize it to your likings. Hopefully I don't lose interest in finishing it, I lost interest after I had nothing to put into it...hahaha
Haha, maybe we can all take turns making it better. You start, pass it on, someone add, pass it on...etc. etc. Between all of us there would be absolutely nothing left out.
Not a bad idea... I'll pass it along when I do a few more things to it, it's literally not much right now, just an idea and a few things on an Excel sheet
That's when the best things happen, just an idea. I have an idea, lets light this plant on fire and smoke it to see what happens. Ha, I would of loved to be there for that!