Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?


Well-Known Member
you need to STOP with the insults and attacks. we are simply discussing grow techniques.

where did this come from? :? :shock: View attachment 1095203View attachment 1095202View attachment 1095204

took those pics 2 mins ago. just because i don't post it, doesn't mean it's not happening. ;)
Wow, I used to grow on the floor with little pans under them just like that 5 years ago. Stick with growing outdoors or you might try listening to people with more knowledge then yourself. Experience > the rest


Well-Known Member
May I ask how much is that per plant, dried???
25-30 grams per plant. Maybe my math is wrong but that equates to 120 per sq foot which is 1900+ per 4x4 tray hence my 1.4-1.9 grams per watt. Must be BS though if these wanna be indoor growers cant do it..... Couldnt be that they actually might want to try listening to people with the results to back up their claims.


Well-Known Member
LOL yeah ok whatever you say there ace about not insulting me and FDD if you cant see he is throwing insults at me I'd be very surprised. I only got defensive when he started tossing out comments like attending 4th grade science class etc. Uncalled for . You can take a botony major and they could still grow crap MJ. School is no replacement for actual experience and lots of the comments in here prove this point. You can "think" you know everything there is to know about something from reading books or what have you but you will never become an expert in such a manner. I'd love for one single person to say the pics I posted of my Chronic WW didnt yield an average of 30 grams dry . Proof is in the putting and I proved my point with some damn solid pictures to back it up. People posting calling BS must have their own issues, be it jeolusy or what I dont know. All I know is it isnt pretty to witness.

You can easily lead a horse to water but cant make it drink as the saying goes. Too bad so sad. Keep yielding half what I do and telling me I should attend 4th grade science classes. Where is the logic here ??? I guess it speaks for itself now doesnt it. Gotta love how you post your viewpoint with pics to back it up and a bunch of haters just stomp all over you.

FDD you were happy to chime in with your claims that this method of growing defies all bonatic logic yet you beleive in lolliping to get rid of all the small popcorn buds. Hmm, contradict much ?

As for the guy chiming in 1.4-1.9 gramsd per watt stating to prove it. Pay attention, I already did. What do you need a scale and video of me weighing it?? Anyone can tell those plants yielded exactly what I said they did.

* Sigh*

there is a HUGE difference in lollipopping and completely removing all the fan leaves. i'm not going to bother explaining it though. ;)

LOL some of you guys are too much. "High times poster" Thanks for the compliment then I guess. If you can pack 20-25 grams into your bowl and smoke it great, good for you cause that is what that plant will yield dry. Bunch of haters on a pot forum, I have seen it all now.. =(

the plant on the left is NOT 25 grams. i know how far along it is, it's pretty obvious. 12 grams is my guess. the 2 together may equal 25, maybe.

Wow, I used to grow on the floor with little pans under them just like that 5 years ago. Stick with growing outdoors or you might try listening to people with more knowledge then yourself. Experience > the rest

your plants look like shit dude, seriously. ;)

25-30 grams per plant. Maybe my math is wrong but that equates to 120 per sq foot which is 1900+ per 4x4 tray hence my 1.4-1.9 grams per watt. Must be BS though if these wanna be indoor growers cant do it..... Couldnt be that they actually might want to try listening to people with the results to back up their claims.
how about a CURRENT pic of your whole grow. throw up a piece of paper with the date on it. ;)

as of now you have only shown 2 plants here and there. NONE of them have been 25 grams. all this experience, you certainly have pics of it all. :)


Well-Known Member
Id bet my first born you do not get 1.4-1.9 a watt...No Fin way..And yes your plants look like shit


Well-Known Member
A couple things. I'd like to believe you are getting the yields you claim, but I know what a well run SOG on 6" centers looks like. I need to see a pic of the SOG canopy to believe your claims.

Anybody can cherry pick a SOG and come up with a short line of overachievers. A pic of tray would go a long ways toward making believers around here.

Secondly, a friend in BC has truly mastered the SOG technique. He's growing Purple Kush, a heavy yielding indica, and is yielding 2.6 pounds per 1000 w light. This amounts to 1.18 grams per watt. His canopies are solid. It is difficult to see how his yields could be dramatically improved on.

Again, a good pic is worth a ton of BS.

someone else

Active Member
there is a HUGE difference in lollipopping and completely removing all the fan leaves. i'm not going to bother explaining it though. ;)

the plant on the left is NOT 25 grams. i know how far along it is, it's pretty obvious. 12 grams is my guess. the 2 together may equal 25, maybe.

your plants look like shit dude, seriously. ;)

how about a CURRENT pic of your whole grow. throw up a piece of paper with the date on it. ;)

as of now you have only shown 2 plants here and there. NONE of them have been 25 grams. all this experience, you certainly have pics of it all. :)
It's great when posters speak with this aura of superiority in technique (without visual proof), like their way is the one and only right way to max yields.........................................


and then Fdd puts them in their place.

Well done.


Active Member
different schools of thought .. I prefer to trim/ prune but only in veg ..( plants recoup much faster ) shaping my plant the way I want to coordinate with my LST plan .. but once in flower .. nothing ..its quite possible and common to get infection in thoose cuts and not woth the risk ...if it aint broke dont fix it ..


Well-Known Member
there is a HUGE difference in lollipopping and completely removing all the fan leaves. i'm not going to bother explaining it though. ;)

the plant on the left is NOT 25 grams. i know how far along it is, it's pretty obvious. 12 grams is my guess. the 2 together may equal 25, maybe.

your plants look like shit dude, seriously. ;)

how about a CURRENT pic of your whole grow. throw up a piece of paper with the date on it. ;)

as of now you have only shown 2 plants here and there. NONE of them have been 25 grams. all this experience, you certainly have pics of it all. :)

You are using a very similar techniq to get a very similar result. You say cutting off the bottom third of a plant to remove all the pop corn and have the plant spend all its energy on the main cola is totally different? How so ? Heard of Scrogging adn the concept behind that as well?

You say not a single pic I showed would have yieled even 25 grams? LOL. You didnt see the pic with atleast 7-8 in it closer together? Those Fruity Chronics are about 5 inches thick and 18 inches tall nothing but solid dense bud to the hydroton. I honestly cant believe anyone looking at those pics would have the balls to doubt them yielding exactly what I claimed. Some were 25 and some were up to 32. Runs were 20. They for a fact averaged 30. Beleive it or not I really dont care. As for the pic with the two plant on them I already explained this. Those were comparison shots I made for a totally seperate thread I made about bulbs . The plants on the left were under Ulrta Suns and the ones on the right were my Hortiluxes. The only solid tray near finsh I can show is the tray I posted about where the left side was under the crap bulb and the right under the good bulb. Be happy to take some shots of that one though, no problem. The good half of that tray will be in the 20-25 gram per plant range the other half more like 15. I dont have any Fruity Chronic currenty to post. I almost lost the mother but she is back again thank god ! I can have lots more to post in a few more weeks if need be. Guess now I need to add further proof to my existing proof LOL. Lots of guys in the know have posted on here and other forums with over 1.5 grams per watt done in very simlilar fashion.

WTF is it with all the haters in here these days ?? Seriously ... =( Damn Joe Blow is claiming good results with method B so he MUST be full of shit ...... Sad for a weed forum to say the very least. Damn sad...

I guess next people will be saying I stole these pics off High Times too, or they are photoshopped LOL .....



Well-Known Member
So you post pics of your outdoor? Whats the point of that...Just one canopy shot is all we wanna see..


Active Member
When making decisions concerning particular grow techniques logic is your strongest ally. You say your friend tells you that cutting the fan leaves during flowering will increase bud production? First question in your mind should be why? Lets logically examine this claim: Bud production requires energy, energy is produced through photosynthesis, the chlorophyll found in the leaves of your plant plays a crucial role in photosynthesis. Thus we can deduct that leaves are directly related to energy production and therefore bud production. With this logic laid out what possible benefit is there from removing leaves during flowering? Especially when old pros such as Jorge Cervantes and Ed Rosenthal recommend leaving them as well. As for pruning during veg? This is a very useful tactic for culling growth that will not receive light during s.o.g. grows or on large bushy trees. Cant way to see what kind of flames I get for this one. All I have to say is, if your going to make a claim let it an explanation not a statement. Its not what to do that matter, rather why to do it which is important.



Well-Known Member
When making decisions concerning particular grow techniques logic is your strongest ally. You say your friend tells you that cutting the fan leaves during flowering will increase bud production? First question in your mind should be why? Lets logically examine this claim: Bud production requires energy, energy is produced through photosynthesis, the chlorophyll found in the leaves of your plant plays a crucial role in photosynthesis. Thus we can deduct that leaves are directly related to energy production and therefore bud production. With this logic laid out what possible benefit is there from removing leaves during flowering? Especially when old pros such as Jorge Cervantes and Ed Rosenthal recommend leaving them as well. As for pruning during veg? This is a very useful tactic for culling growth that will not receive light during s.o.g. grows or on large bushy trees. Cant way to see what kind of flames I get for this one. All I have to say is, if your going to make a claim let it an explanation not a statement. Its not what to do that matter, rather why to do it which is important.


Good old Ed Rosenthal also states to remove leaves blocking bud sites indoors =) Nice post though I must say unlike so many of the others in here. Yes you would think so but the fact is unser a very tight canopy indoors where you have 64 plants on a 4X4 tray the sound logic just doesnt apply. Also the key is WHEN you take the leaves off. 3 weeks in to bloom no sooner. Same as when you take then lollipping and SCROG. MJ does not need the leaves after this point as much as it needs a very good spread of light on your grow sites. I heard people talk about this and the only way I found out is by doing it myself. Many if not almost all the SOG growers in the 1-2 gram per watt use very similar techniqes.

Pictures are uploading now FDD so calm down =) Damn my wife will be pissed I spent all this extra time so late getting pics to prove a point on a pot forum of all things....


Well-Known Member
calm down? i was done long ago. it is you who is the spaz. ;)

i'm done with you. please stop bringing my name up. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well this gives a little better idea and I hope some of you get the "point" :joint:

Pics are of my one comparably crappy grow due to having the one Ultrasun bulb and experimenting with new nutes to boot (just on this tray).

7 week shot of another sad looking POS plant I grew

Some Sweet Tooth at 7 weeks sure needs an experienced grower asyou can see cause I just aint cutting it.

Canopy shot from a 3X6 tray with about 60-70 plants on it. Yeah I know more shitting plants, I really need some lessons BAD.....

Another 18 inch tall POS from my grow at exactly 6 weeks in. Cant wait for some tool to chime in about the plug and how it must nly really be a 6 inch tall plant.

4X8 switched 7 days ago but couldnt get the numbers to fill it this round. Closer to 3 per SQ foot. Will let them branch more to fill in. All the fan leaves are coming off in two more weeks. I know I know. The world is flat blah blah blah.....:cry:

2 weeks 3 days into to bloom. Yes two weeks


Some more of Dlively's shitty looking product, man I feel sorry for myself cause clearly I dont know shit and need to go back to 4th grade for some mad science classes yo ....

Starting to get the point ?

Oh this poor plant you can even see the stalks of the leaves I ripped off so long ago. Is it going to make it ?

PLEASE would somoene tell me what I am doing wrong ??!! :confused:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member

Those plants look shit dude.

On a serious note, you said you only remove fan leaves at 3 weeks flower. Whats your opinion on removing fan leaves blocking bud sites in preparation for 12/12, specifically, when growing indoors in a scrog?

Cheers and +rep for the fat buds.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to add I would be more then happy to help anyone who would like simlilar results . I only posted in this darn thread to share what I found to work very well indoors and how it MIGHT pertain to outdoors as well. All my monster plants have small pop corn on the bottom of the plants where no sun gets to.


Well-Known Member
how's the powdery mildew battle going? not to well i see. i can help you rid your garden of it forever. if you let me. ;)

had to jump back in. saw you may need some help. :cool:


Well-Known Member

Those plants look shit dude.

On a serious note, you said you only remove fan leaves at 3 weeks flower. Whats your opinion on removing fan leaves blocking bud sites in preparation for 12/12, specifically, when growing indoors in a scrog?

Cheers and +rep for the fat buds.

LOL was expecting serious post like this honestly. I only tried scrog once and didnt like it for a few reasons. I did read a lot on the matter and it seems people dont clear out any of the leaves or vegatative matter untill week 2-3 as well. At which point they clear EVERYTHING below the screen or practically everything. I have a friend who gets 2 pounds per light doing SCROG with Super Skunk and four plants so it works well if done right. So much of this shit is genetics. Airflow and lighting are super important too of course. Good nutes is probably the next in line IMO.


Well-Known Member
how's the powdery mildew battle going? not to well i see. i can help you rid your garden of it forever. if you let me. ;)

had to jump back in. saw you may need some help. :cool:
I only have it on a few plants right now. I did have it rear its ugly head on this last grow. I use Bloom A &B and it nukes it from plants for 3-4 weeks but I didnt use any this round or not late enough. Whats your formula for ridding it ?

FYI good luck on your outdoor bro my heart goes out to you on your ladies move.


Well-Known Member
I only have it on a few plants right now. I did have it rear its ugly head on this last grow. I use Bloom A &B and it nukes it from plants for 3-4 weeks but I didnt use any this round or not late enough. Whats your formula for ridding it ?

FYI good luck on your outdoor bro my heart goes out to you on your ladies move.
my outdoor plants are fine, thanks. :cool:

buy a sulphur burner. ;)