Well-Known Member
actually growing up I always had above average test scores in any subject I tested in, except spelling. At St. Thomas College Prep High School my freshman year I wrote an essay in 30 minutes and tied for 2nd place against all students, including seniors. So no, spelling doesn't have alot to do with content. Maybe if english is your second language, than I could see how the misspellings would make it hard to comprehend the content, but otherwise your just stroking your own ego. And really, what third world country has better schools, your full of shit. Were not getting our ass kicked by third world countries, unless you think that way of india, I never really considered them any more third world than us, if you don't think so than maybe you don't leave the city enough... Its countries like Japan, China, India, pretty much any country in Europe, etc. Here's an idea, if things aren't were you think they should be, do something besides talking down to your peers to change it. But I guess its alot easier to roll your eyes and convince yourself that your special for passing spelling in middle school. We're all so proud. †golf clap†
Yes, I know I didn't capitalize India or English, but you still understood it right? If you want to debate someone, challenge they're logic, going for the technicality just makes it look like you couldn't come up with a real reason. Honestly, I don't see you having a problem doing that, so instead of aiming below the belt to discredit, why don't you just negate the arguments themselves?
My concern for you is this, if all you look at is the superficial, you'll miss out on so much that you could have learned from others. You'll always come up with a reason why you can't learn from others because you see them as inferior. They're is no one on this earth I can't learn from, be it a scholar or an autistic child, or even the sleazy crack head on the street. You can argue this, but its something I've learned from men far wiser than either of us.
If you mean what you say in your last paragraph, you wouldn't mind people pointing out obvious errors in grammatics. I'm not picking on just you. Where I live, we have a 50% drop out rate among high school students. Those that do graduate, most have trouble spelling and reading at a high school level. It pisses me off to see it and not being able to do something about it. There are those that begrudge the spelling correcter in internet forums, however I welcome them. Maybe if you take responsibility for what you write, others will too. We are being left behind by the world when it comes to education.
Take your message above in the quotes... even though it passes a spell checker, it has several grammatical errors in it. That doesn't mean that I can't pick up a grow tip or something from you, but I have to wonder how you would do as a mentor or a parent to a child learning to read or write. I don't believe poor semantics or grammar is superficial. I also do not view that person as inferior, but i do see an area they could improve in IF THEY WANTED TO.
Key words... It's all about the attitude...