Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

actually growing up I always had above average test scores in any subject I tested in, except spelling. At St. Thomas College Prep High School my freshman year I wrote an essay in 30 minutes and tied for 2nd place against all students, including seniors. So no, spelling doesn't have alot to do with content. Maybe if english is your second language, than I could see how the misspellings would make it hard to comprehend the content, but otherwise your just stroking your own ego. And really, what third world country has better schools, your full of shit. Were not getting our ass kicked by third world countries, unless you think that way of india, I never really considered them any more third world than us, if you don't think so than maybe you don't leave the city enough... Its countries like Japan, China, India, pretty much any country in Europe, etc. Here's an idea, if things aren't were you think they should be, do something besides talking down to your peers to change it. But I guess its alot easier to roll your eyes and convince yourself that your special for passing spelling in middle school. We're all so proud. †golf clap†

Yes, I know I didn't capitalize India or English, but you still understood it right? If you want to debate someone, challenge they're logic, going for the technicality just makes it look like you couldn't come up with a real reason. Honestly, I don't see you having a problem doing that, so instead of aiming below the belt to discredit, why don't you just negate the arguments themselves?

My concern for you is this, if all you look at is the superficial, you'll miss out on so much that you could have learned from others. You'll always come up with a reason why you can't learn from others because you see them as inferior. They're is no one on this earth I can't learn from, be it a scholar or an autistic child, or even the sleazy crack head on the street. You can argue this, but its something I've learned from men far wiser than either of us.

If you mean what you say in your last paragraph, you wouldn't mind people pointing out obvious errors in grammatics. I'm not picking on just you. Where I live, we have a 50% drop out rate among high school students. Those that do graduate, most have trouble spelling and reading at a high school level. It pisses me off to see it and not being able to do something about it. There are those that begrudge the spelling correcter in internet forums, however I welcome them. Maybe if you take responsibility for what you write, others will too. We are being left behind by the world when it comes to education.

Take your message above in the quotes... even though it passes a spell checker, it has several grammatical errors in it. That doesn't mean that I can't pick up a grow tip or something from you, but I have to wonder how you would do as a mentor or a parent to a child learning to read or write. I don't believe poor semantics or grammar is superficial. I also do not view that person as inferior, but i do see an area they could improve in IF THEY WANTED TO.

Key words... It's all about the attitude...
actually growing up I always had above average test scores in any subject I tested in, except spelling. At St. Thomas College Prep High School my freshman year I wrote an essay in 30 minutes and tied for 2nd place against all students, including seniors. So no, spelling doesn't have alot to do with content. Maybe if english is your second language, than I could see how the misspellings would make it hard to comprehend the content, but otherwise your just stroking your own ego.

Yes, I know I didn't capitalize India or English, but you still understood it right? If you want to debate someone, challenge they're logic, going for the technicality just makes it look like you couldn't come up with a real reason. Honestly, I don't see you having a problem doing that, so instead of aiming below the belt to discredit, why don't you just negate the arguments themselves?

My concern for you is this, if all you look at is the superficial, you'll miss out on so much that you could have learned from others. You'll always come up with a reason why you can't learn from others because you see them as inferior. They're is no one on this earth I can't learn from, be it a scholar or an autistic child, or even the sleazy crack head on the street. You can argue this, but its something I've learned from men far wiser than either of us.

All of these points are valid, which I why I don't bitch at others for not bothering to make their text readable... until the subject is broached. Now more than ever, we rely on communication through typed text than any other form. It is not "just" the Internet, as so many argue. Nor is it "stroking your own ego" to ask that people make what they're conveying to others be readable without needing a code book to decipher the text before our eyes. I ignore typos and misspellings day and night, without complaint. However, when numerous people point out that they can't read what a person is saying, the common denominator to said problem is the person not bothering to make their messages readable. That said, I still don't point out the obvious unless (1.) I simply cannot read what's before me, and I truly care about what has been said, or my favorite: (2.) when people point out the vast stupidity of others with such atrocious spelling & grammar that they're begging to be ridiculed. :lol:

FYI, I don't include a "below average" ability to spell in the whole "not bothering" scenario above. My uncle was VP of a "top secret" contracting division in Hughes Aircraft for nearly two decades, is one of the most brilliant people I've ever known face to face or online, and he can't spell to save his life. It's simply his weak point; his brain doesn't work as strongly in that area. ("That's what my secretary is for," he'd always laugh when he'd spell "recipe" instead of "receipt" and the likes. lol) My strongest grades in school were in reading, comprehension, spelling, grammar, etc., and I've never been able to do the most simple math in my head; it's infuriating and often embarrassing, but I've learned to deal with it and laugh it off... without getting defensive about it.

Further, spelling being one's weak point does not excuse the myriad mile-long paragraphs posted all over the place that don't contain one period, nor much of anything else to mark where a sentence ends or a train of thought might be taking another direction, etc. The reason I take care to type my posts in a very easily readable format is so that others can read what I've typed without the need to decipher my text... not so I may stroke my ego by looking down on others. :roll:

All that said, it's extremely difficult (read: impossible) to argue content when the technicalities don't allow us to know what the content actually is. Especially when there are posts so difficult to decipher that the reader finally gives up, having no idea if the content itself is worthwhile or not, because the text literally cannot be read.

(Most of this is not in direct reference to your posts, RavenMochi, because I can easily figure out what you've typed; I can't honestly say the same for the OP, to whom most of the comments in this thread RE: readability have been aimed.)

Now, to lighten the mood of this portion of the discussion with some fun made at the point of conveying our thoughts in typed text without checking for grammar or context... :mrgreen:

If you mean what you say in your last paragraph, you wouldn't mind people pointing out obvious errors in grammatics. I'm not picking on just you. Where I live, we have a 50% drop out rate among high school students. Those that do graduate, most have trouble spelling and reading at a high school level. It pisses me off to see it and not being able to do something about it. There are those that begrudge the spelling correcter in internet forums, however I welcome them. Maybe if you take responsibility for what you write, others will too. We are being left behind by the world when it comes to education.

Take your message above in the quotes... even though it passes a spell checker, it has several grammatical errors in it. That doesn't mean that I can't pick up a grow tip or something from you, but I have to wonder how you would do as a mentor or a parent to a child learning to read or write. I don't believe poor semantics or grammar is superficial. I also do not view that person as inferior, but i do see an area they could improve in IF THEY WANTED TO.

Key words... It's all about the attitude...

50%??!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!! I didn't make it past that point, thats just...WHERE ARE YOU?!! No wonder your so uptight on the subject , I would to, thats not all that I can even say about that....
You can talk shit all you want, I've never written an essay that didn't get an A, not ever. I just wrote a proposal for an improvement on a piece of medical equipment, and so far its been going very well. It's crossed the desk of 2 supervisors who loved it, and sent it unchanged to the research in development team. Sorry if I don't put that much effort into my post, I'm here to relax and discuss, I'm not here to be graded or evaluated, namely because I have no need for an approval. Hell, short hand would work for me here, I could seriously care less. I have a daughter and I'm not having any problems with that, so thank you for your concern, but I assure you it is not warranted.
As far as attitude, yours is condescending, so your in no place to talk to ANYONE about attitude. Nor I, for that matter, as mine has been pretty shitty as of late. Can't do anything about it?! Thought about becoming a teacher?! Don't get the idea that you'll save all the starfish, but at least you would be able to help a few.

Though on the topic of teaching my kid, I made the mistake of teaching her the basics of kendo a little to while I was typing this post she picked up a stick and hit me in the back of the head...good swing for a 3 1/2 yr old...owww †rubs head†
†ROFLAO† I just took the time to read the post in its entirety that all this has been about.... wow...umm...... †LOL† okay, I take it all back, the defenses, everything...†LOL† umm..yea, lets consider this squashed. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that bad....I just, I don't know what I thought, I figured a couple of misspellings here and there, not...well...what it was. My deepest apologies. †ROFLAO as he reads over the post again† This is an example every English teacher should show their own students before they ever get their first writing assignment... Great stuff...great stuff....

Oh, about my grammar, if I'm not writing a paper my grammar is fucking horrid, no, not bad, horrid, so I'll make no defense for my grammar on a post, not ever...especially my use of "..." what the hell is that?! †L† :blsmoke:

†LOL† caterpillar....
I'm in the South, Florida to be exact. Our school system sucks. Yes, we have a 50% drop out rate and one of the highest murder rates in the US.

Raven, our dumb mayor is saving money, so he is actually closing libraries down for 20 hours a week. He is ignoring the drop out rate and the illiteracy we have here.

I'm in college right now (should have done it years ago) and had to work with a group that I was leading to do a research paper for Sociology. I was ready to throw my hands up in the air and cry when I had to put our notes and work into a paper essay. I could NOT believe these people had passed English One on a college level. (it was a prerequisite).

Sorry about badgering your spelling, Katatawnic makes excellent points. It's not everyone's strong suite.
WAIT A SECOND, wasn't this thread supposed to be something about a bill in cali?! †LOL† I love sativa's...
I'm in the South, Florida to be exact. Our school system sucks. Yes, we have a 50% drop out rate and one of the highest murder rates in the US.

Raven, our dumb mayor is saving money, so he is actually closing libraries down for 20 hours a week. He is ignoring the drop out rate and the illiteracy we have here.

I'm in college right now (should have done it years ago) and had to work with a group that I was leading to do a research paper for Sociology. I was ready to throw my hands up in the air and cry when I had to put our notes and work into a paper essay. I could NOT believe these people had passed English One on a college level. (it was a prerequisite).

Sorry about badgering your spelling, Katatawnic makes excellent points. It's not everyone's strong suite.

†somber† I am sorry to hear that...That truly is tragic. It must be heartbreaking to see your home crumble like that. I wish you and yours the best of luck in this time of crisis. 20 hours a week? How did that man get voted in...wait, I already know the answer. He knew the right people.
†ROFLAO† I just took the time to read the post in its entirety that all this has been about.... wow...umm...... †LOL† okay, I take it all back, the defenses, everything...†LOL† umm..yea, lets consider this squashed. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that bad....I just, I don't know what I thought, I figured a couple of misspellings here and there, not...well...what it was. My deepest apologies. †ROFLAO as he reads over the post again† This is an example every English teacher should show their own students before they ever get their first writing assignment... Great stuff...great stuff....
:clap: Now you see what all the remarks have been about, eh?! :lol:

Raven, our dumb mayor is saving money, so he is actually closing libraries down for 20 hours a week. He is ignoring the drop out rate and the illiteracy we have here.
That's how it's been in CA in general. Our Governator loves to take away from the schools, libraries, disabled people's already meager checks, etc. I'm scared of who's gonna be in charge next, but I certainly won't be sad to see him go.

Sorry about badgering your spelling, Katatawnic makes excellent points. It's not everyone's strong suite.
Or even everyone's strong suit. ;) Sorry, but considering the most recent posts, I just couldn't resist! :mrgreen:

WAIT A SECOND, wasn't this thread supposed to be something about a bill in cali?! †LOL† I love sativa's...

Me too, but it's the indicas that can make me outright stupid. :lol:
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.


YA DUDE, because now that the government regulates beer, I can't make the beer I want. IMO, there's only two major groups that don't want weed legal. The DEA, and commercial growers. Which one are you dude?
YA DUDE, because now that the government regulates beer, I can't make the beer I want.

And don't forget, since beer is legal and the corporations have taken over the alcohol market, that must mean you can only buy coors light. There must be no such thing as a small/medium/mirco brewery since the evil corporations and government took over the market and pushed out all the little guys right?
Punk, I still don't see what the issue is for the commercial growers... If its decriminalized or legalized, then can't the commercial grower get whatever permit will be required and continue the course, now selling it to legal customers as opposed to illegal ones?!! Am I missing something? Lets face it, we can all grow our own produce, but most of us still go to the grocer for that, so even if no permits required, there will still be money in it. And if its not as much, so what, now you can grow outside without limits to make up for it...again, I'm missing something, aren't I?
YA DUDE, because now that the government regulates beer, I can't make the beer I want. IMO, there's only two major groups that don't want weed legal. The DEA, and commercial growers. Which one are you dude?

Man I wish you could still get untaxed liquor. Oh no wait a minute, I do. As a matter of fact its the only kind I buy.

Apricot brandy. YUM!!!
If pot is sold like tabacco. You can grow your pot and take it to auctions were the best pot gets the best price. I could see were this could scare some comm. growers.
If pot is sold like tabacco. You can grow your pot and take it to auctions were the best pot gets the best price. I could see were this could scare some comm. growers.

every state will be diffren when it comes down to it.. oregon will be a fucked up state..
every state will be diffren when it comes down to it.. oregon will be a fucked up state..

Every state MJ is not completely legal in is a F'd up state. Seems like all my friends eat pain pills like M amd M's and they are legal to obtain with a scrip. Goverment needs to quit hate'n on the stoner.
Every state MJ is not completely legal in is a F'd up state. Seems like all my friends eat pain pills like M amd M's and they are legal to obtain with a scrip. Goverment needs to quit hate'n on the stoner.
Great point, I don't see how pill poppers don't get any flak and it's all being directed at a naturally growing plant, kinda hypocritical of the Fed government. It's just easier to shove pills down your throat then have your become mentally aware.
Great point, I don't see how pill poppers don't get any flak and it's all being directed at a naturally growing plant, kinda hypocritical of the Fed government. It's just easier to shove pills down your throat then have your become mentally aware.

may be from looking at the goverment stand point, but as for county cops in my area they sure do hammer down on the duii's here.. most of them are pills over drinking.