>>>>The Day We've All Been Waiting For <<<<<


Well-Known Member
do you even have to state what crop you make your profits from? could you just state that your occupation is a farmer? I dont think a farmer has to state what crop they profit from, but I am not sure.


Well-Known Member
Just to read the meaning of the word makes one sick...

Main Entry: federal
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin foeder-, foedus compact, league; akin to Latin fidere to trust (akin to my white ass) more at bide
Date: 1660

1archaic : of or relating to a compact or treaty
2 a: formed by a compact between political units that surrender their individual sovereignty to a central authority but retain limited residuary powers of government b: of or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units c: of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinguished from the governments of the constituent units
3capitalized : advocating or friendly to the principle of a federal government with strong centralized powers; especially : of or relating to the American Federalists
4often capitalized : of, relating to, or loyal to the federal government or the Union armies of the United States in the American Civil War
5capitalized : being or belonging to a style of architecture and decoration current in the United States following the American Revolution
&#8212; fed·er·al·ly \-d(&#601;-)r&#601;-l&#275;\ adverb


Well-Known Member
NORML.ORG US CA: Landlords of Medical Cannabis Centers Threatened With Real Estate Forfeit

...."[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] It would seem that inspiring landlords to evict tenants who cultivate, process, or distribute medical cannabis might be more cost effective and less labor intensive than the oft employed raids, but this new strategy has not only instigated potential legal defenses of the medical cannabis community, it has also drawn the attention of members of Congress, many of whom already opposed the use of brutal force against patients who were complying with local law.".........


Well-Known Member
Stir the cauldron children... Stoke that fire... It will get to the point that even ppl that do not smoke or do not even approve of it will get fed up with these kind of shifty tactics =]

Alcoholics are angry aggressive ppl and this was the main reason IMO that alcohol was legalized and pot was left behind in the legal dust...

We are by nature and by lifestyle MUCH more passive... this just means things will take a lil longer... But it may mean that when all is said and done we will have a much more solid ground to stand on...

Quoting a quote by FDD... =]
there was a old wise bull and a young spunky bull standing on a hilltop looking down on a herd of cows. the young bull looks at the old bull and says "Let's run down there and fuck one of those cows." the old wise bull turns and says "Let's walk down there and fuck 'em all."
I live that quote... =]

Peace... =]


Well-Known Member
i think i'm gonna go for it. come monday morning i'm taking 2 lbs to them. i talked with a friend who is in business for himself. he says all i have to do is file and claim it. i don't have to state where it came from. i will sit down with the club on monday and fully go over the details. i can't see how they would purposely put me in jeopardy. they are a club that caters to the patient. i trust and love them. i've been with them on a personal level for almost 3 years.

i want to be on the right side of the tracks when the train comes thru. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
wow, I'm not in a mm state, but I'm pretty pissed now. I'm jealous of you californians but I didn't realize what a thin line you're on. it's bizarre man, the whole world is going to hell, seems like an in-opportune time for their intervention. you'd think they could pursue something a little less trivial.

I'm sick to my stomach:spew:


Well-Known Member
Its funny because MOST law enforcement do not want to deal with it these days... I had some cops in my house for a domestic case and when it came about they had to ask me IF i had any weed in the house...

They all seemed to be shaking their heads NO as to que me for what my answer should be and were relieved when i did say NO... =]

His words... "Thats a GOOD answer"... =]

This is a far cry from a few years ago when even the mention of weed would get them all in a hissy and they would do anything to have a reason to search you for it... About five years ago the response was not NO is a good answer, it was "NO? <insert scare tactics here> Are you sure there is not something you want to tell us?"...

Thank goodness those days are over... =]

It is like this in most states that have already or are trying to decriminalize and probably some that are no where near it... It is just not worth the effort to hassle with such an insignificant and in most cases irrelevant issue...

Power to the people... =]


paying tax is money for them. if they make enough of it. if every "farmer" paid taxes the fed and state would start to "show profit" from this untapped source. right now they get shit

to them its business we need to keep this in mind WE need to buy them out of this war


Well-Known Member
i would feel shamed not to pay my "income" tax. as much as it sucks to have to pay i still support the nation i live in. everyone else has to pay taxes. like i've always said "what makes me any better than anyone else?" nothing.

i'm kinda getting excited now. they open at 10am tomorrow. i'll be waiting on their door step. :)


Well-Known Member
Hi All

I'm from Wa. where it is legal to possess Medical Marijuana, but it is illegal to sell it. So there is really no tax problem here.

Just a thought.
If the IRS takes your tax money, and all the paperwork with them is filed. That would make them a party to it, for taking your taxes. It seems to me this could help in your defense, if there is a problem. So to me it seems the IRS could help establish this as a legitimate business.

Remember this is just a thought, it may not help to legitimatise it at all, and could just send the hounds to your door.



Well-Known Member
Hi All

I'm from Wa. where it is legal to possess Medical Marijuana, but it is illegal to sell it. So there is really no tax problem here.

Just a thought.
If the IRS takes your tax money, and all the paperwork with them is filed. That would make them a party to it, for taking your taxes. It seems to me this could help in your defense, if there is a problem. So to me it seems the IRS could help establish this as a legitimate business.

Remember this is just a thought, it may not help to legitimatise it at all, and could just send the hounds to your door.

so once they accept my money, hmmmm...........interesting thought.

i having some hang-ups, such as "I HATE KRAGENS". but that's another thread. i'm looking at a 3 hour delay. i'll report back soon. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i've about had enough. they took samples. they're going to sit down after they close tonight and smoke out. then i have to call tomorrow and find out if they like it. the will offer me a price. they are already trying to lowballme. she asked what i've been getting for it. i told her. she says "FOR OUTDOOR??". i said "yep". she says "humff". :roll: i told her to try it and make me an offer and we'd go from there. then she goes on to tell me how easy outdoor is to grow. yeah maybe acres of B grade. thyen she strts going off about how she grow back in the 70's with pyscho mountain men that just got back from Nam. tells me about the warehouse with a 10,000 plants. tells me how she herself is sitting on 100 lbs. yeah? well then why are you even looking? :confused:

i'm about to pick up the classifieds and find a new job. :evil: