A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
Read Marijuana Horticulture (jorge cervantes)
let me know what you get off 1 plant!!
you just keep growing with yer little led's ........
You know what? It is closed minded and poor ass attitudes like this one that piss me off. LED technology is new and is quickly advancing. The UFO's from the OP probably didn't hit the required spectrums, and are definitely not tri or quad band lights. There are plenty of successful grows recorded online with LED lights. The assinine statements about just HPS and being done with it is just that asinine. You aren't taking into account power consumption for one, and the power used to remove the heat of the lamp. Today's LED's are kicking ass.

I'd suggest that until you actually have experience using top of the line LED systems, that you just stfu about them already. I'm fed up with asses like yourself that invade threads to throw out condemnation and criticisms. There is more than one way to grow a plant, how about growing up and realizing that you are not always right?

Pon De Floor

Active Member
Hey LG!

I think you might have some sort of nute lock-out, which usually happens when the nutrient formula is mixed wierd or improperly.

A good flush and new batch of nutes usually take care of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey LG!

I think you might have some sort of nute lock-out, which usually happens when the nutrient formula is mixed wierd or improperly.

A good flush and new batch of nutes usually take care of it.
thanks for the advice on the flush and new nutes. i used some bad soil to start out this round(stupid choice) and ive had plenty of problems with it. there is definetely some damage to the roots from some nute lock and being over-watered on top of that. i let them dry out after using straight water for the last couple feedings and then gave them some nutrients last watering. i dont think the bigger ones will come back by the end so im not hoping much. all the stem lower growth at the nodes is non existent so only the tops are what will be harvestable is my guess. hope you stick around to see what happens.
Have you ever used LED's to grow? I'm assuming yes since your bashing on them. I started off with a 400Watt HPS light and had to stop using it since it was causing my temps to rise up to 110F. I had intake and exhaust running all the time and had multiple fans running with homemade CO2 in there and it still wasn't enough to drop temps. so I had to buy a 12,000 BTU AC just to bring down the temps below 90F. So you really can't " Spend your money on HPS!!!!!!!!!and be done with it" Because in reality you have to buy a lot more then just a HPS light.
So I did some research on LED's and had an open mind. So I decided to try it and it's working out a lot better then my 400watt light. The big benefits with led lights are that there quieter use half the electricity produce very little heat. And you also get resinous, dense buds.
Here's some examples of my white castle under my gay ass LED's. this is only 2 1/2 weeks of flowering.

sorry to thread jack just hate it when people talk shit about something they don't know about, and trying to give advice about it.

Guys, everyone has different setups and needs. We can all see the advantages in both. For instance, my real good buddy - has severely limited space in his apartment and even more limited possibilities for air circulation. He chooses to use LEDs for obvious reasons (power consumption, limited space, heat) reasons that very much valid and fit his specific needs for his unique environment. Where I have the luxury of a spacious grow room that can house a 1000w HPSlight bulb and exhaust the air discretely, he has not. Without LED lighting systems its likely he wouldn't even grow as quality of herb as he does. I guess what i'm trying to say here is, realistically anyone who has Paid for an indoor grow from start to finish - knows that money, available space (for the growroom), and providing the plants with the proper environment are the primary concerns that growers face. Its apparent the latest LEDs and HID light systems can BOTH produce excellent quality bud, instead the questions we should all be asking here are what lighting system works best for MY individual needs and resources.
So just smile and burn another one :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey LG some of those buds are still looking pretty sweet!! Sucks about the other issues but keep at it youll get it down! I finally got around to posting some pics of the setup just been real busy!!


Well-Known Member
end of week 6

TC glad to see an update and hear all is well. i cant wait until you get your perpetual going good!



Well-Known Member
veg for next round



Well-Known Member
cleaned out the plants and the closet. then got the new girls transplanted and ready for the closet. once i watered them all, i moved them in and trimmed some lower half dead leaves. the longest have been in there for a week and the shortest went in this week. a few are straight SOG style and the others have been topped from once to many times. they have stretched and that will be done by mid of next week, which is when i will remove lower branches to focus growth up top. the plants did turn a lighter green from the switch to HPS but they are all looking real healthy. theyve had a watering already and should be set to go for atleast a month on nutrient supply. if i start seeing deficiency i will add a small amount of the veg and bloom humboldt nutes.



Well-Known Member
Very nice man!! Those buds look tasty, what strain is that? Looks like they are covered in resin, and nice and dense, just how i like them, lol. The new round is looking good and healthy too.


Well-Known Member
14 days for the oldest, the youngest were put in this week. i got some GDP and cali orange bud clones from my buddy. the GDP was a good size so it was already placed in the closet to start flowering. the COB doesnt have a secure root system yet and was heavily watered before i got it, so its taking time to start growing. all of the plants that will be in the closet are in there so no more will be added. i looked into a few threads on defoliation on here and other forums and decided to trim most fan leaves to allow all bud sites to be in good light. all the plants are still healthy and have started to really flower instead of stretch.

TC- the pics with multiple nugs are a mix of pre 98 bubba and la confidential. the last row of pics is the snowcap mix, which turned out the best. im looking forward to getting some real samples of each of these this grow.



Well-Known Member
you loving your hps or what? I've never used LED's but company's would always bring in samples to the hydro shop I used to work from and it was never very impressive. glad you got something you like going on!


Well-Known Member
you loving your hps or what? I've never used LED's but company's would always bring in samples to the hydro shop I used to work from and it was never very impressive. glad you got something you like going on!
thanks for stopping by ODB, i really am enjoying the HPS this go around. the first wasnt anything impressive but now its going great. LEDs are working great for veg for me! thats as far as they go though.

update- End of Week 3- took out the LA confidential cause of male balls forming along with the buds. i stuck them outside not to completly waste. placed in a couple more and raised up a few. also re-arranged the plants to allow some different light to some. i am really liking the defoliation technique since the results are looking good!



Well-Known Member
end of week 4- some in between there and two weeks



Well-Known Member
end of week 5- put some mylar up i got from my buddy. still need to put it up on the doors. also got a new pure kush clone and another gdp clone. the original gdp clone in the closet may be a killer queen and so might the new gdp clone. either way its good stuff to keep around for a couple runs. popped some seeds as well, not sure what they are but they might be decent.



Well-Known Member
heres a end of week 6 update- no one cares!



Well-Known Member
I care buddy!! I just havn't been on in that long. Life is a crazy thing, it goes by so fast. Those nugs are looking beautiful man, and im glad your better at regularly posting pics then I've become. Those girls look super dank, and looks like there might be some actual purple happening nice. I know it isn't "better", but it looks pretty. Well man i'll catch ya next time i can man kkep up the great work! Peace TC


Active Member
DUDE, piCTURES!! Use the LEDs for side lighing. I get tired of people blabing this bs about LEDs being better than hps. It will never happen. Well it might years from now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by TC! good to hear from you. life does move fast and im sure having a kid makes the days fly by. thanks for all the compliments and yes some of those nugs are turning purple. the snowcap specifically! my temps get to 63F and a high of 85F in last month. since that is stable i can move onto getting my other things settled. as you can tell theres alot of yellow growth which needs to be addressed at some point. once i get some money here in a couple weeks im turning to COCO and running the lucas formula(GH nutes). then i should have stuff looking healthier and ill have just one or two good strains as i figure out which produces well. i really like the snowcap but i stuck my last clone into flower. luckily i gave some to a friend and ill be getting it back in the future. the pure kush is a nice vegging plant and has yet to be flowered, smells nice though.

Zcomfort- thanks for dropping in. i use my LEDs for veg only. i think a 600w is good for my area for now.

End week 7

