I like black women

you wish.. but no she pulled it out and gave me a bad hand job in the pouring rain then we made out like in the movies then i came on the way back to my dorm hahah

so you got a handjob from the blower queen? :neutral:

fail :(
hahaha. not trying to be a jerk or anything, but fdd's right, LOL. you only got a handjob from a girl who gives great knobjobs? that is fail dude, major fail!! :hump:
I only chimed into this thread to see what it was all about.I mean, the title kind of makes ya want to look.. For some reason it pops up in the new posts just about every day. Nothing too exciting. Just shitty handjobs in the rain it would seem.
This thread made me laugh my ass off. "I like black women" is a positive but still racist comment if you think about it. you are forming an opinion about a certain segment of people, based on the color of their skin.

But so long as your Grandmother isn't leaving you a huge inheritance, then fuck her and her racist opinion dude.
†LOL† To make it worse, she didnt even do that right, I say thats her fail... she prob never sucked a dick in her life and wanted to try then copped out...thats what it sound like.
Well, i like black women. My family are kinda raciest. What the fuck should i do, i dont wanna bring a black girls home and say this is my gf. Then my grandmother would dis own me.

Remember how we talked about boundaries in the thread about your mom? Again, same situation.

Make it clear, to anyone, that being racist is not acceptable in your presence. If people use the N word around you, make it known that you find that word inappropriate and that you would prefer that they use another term not so offensive.

Have a spine...racism is such a 1950's thing.

All women are beautiful...if your hot, your hot. Race has nothing to do with it.
m8 i'm from northern ireland and brought up protestant, my family were dead against catholics because of family members bein killed by catholics and that during the troubles. same as you, tho my bro was my idol and dead against catholics . he warned me never to get involved with them but as a young red blooded male i didnt care what religion my pussy came in lol. cut a long story short the day i told him i was with one i saw the disapiontment in him and thought i was gona get belted but he asked was i happy i sais yes and that was that. if your family would rather stand by their veiws rather than you then quite frankly their not worth it even though their your own blood.
lets not forget that he kissed her in the mouth
that reminds me of the time we snuck up on our boy in his car with his tongue down the neighborhood guzzlers throat. she would blow like 10 dudes a night and dude was sucking her face off lmao. we snuck up in the dark on the car with the windows all steamed up and her on his lap, after a while we banged on the car and said noooo hes going out like eazzzy. he still wont own up to that shit.
what is the difference between a black girl and a bowling ball?

you could eat a bowling ball if you had to.

2 black girls run into 2 indian girls
one indian girl says, she's a navaho, I am arapaho

the one black girl replies,
dat cool, she a dallas ho
and I'm a detroit ho

should crows have sex with doves? there both birds!!!

j/k man, if she's hot, YOU MUST DO HER!!!
Dude her's a real answer from some one who knows... LOVE IS BLIND.... But unfortunately people are not.. Peace
White Pussy, Black Pussy, Yellow Pussy, Pink, Any Kind of Pussy, Just as Long as it Don't Stink....Peace
what is the difference between a black girl and a bowling ball?

you could eat a bowling ball if you had to.

2 black girls run into 2 indian girls
one indian girl says, she's a navaho, I am arapaho

the one black girl replies,
dat cool, she a dallas ho
and I'm a detroit ho

should crows have sex with doves? there both birds!!!

j/k man, if she's hot, YOU MUST DO HER!!!
this is the type of guy who kisses "the neighborhood guzzlers"
then turns around and marries her
he believes the "i'v never done this before" line all the while she's a pro

....j/k... like he said YOU MUST DO HER!!!!........LOL
this is the type of guy who kisses "the neighborhood guzzlers"
then turns around and marries her
he believes the "i'v never done this before" line all the while she's a pro

....j/k... like he said YOU MUST DO HER!!!!........LOL
you have me confused with this guy.