Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?


Well-Known Member
Havent bothered reading past this post yet but sure. Run another 15 or 20 amp cable in to your room from the main. I have done this over and over and over as I upgrade the setup. You dont need any power to simply add a tray under your plants with a drain system so you can drain to waste and pump out the old water. Would make your plants much happier. You should be using atleast a half gal to every gallon pot you use every watering. Time to expand my friend. Your yields are lacking in a mjor way.

FYI a few fan leaves out of that many plants on ONE round isnt a concern nor is the gnats which I dont even have right now. I forgot to use my foilar spray once. I only have to spray my plants once every 3-4 weeks not burn a bunch of sulfur every single night. Everytime you go in there you are getting sufur all over youself everytime you touch something and your shoes when you walk in there. Not good for the plants or the final product either. Doesnt matter if people buy it anyway.
what part of "i have no OPTIONS for any more power did you not understand? i made it VERY clear that i am limited to 30 amps. VERY CLEAR.

mega fail

thanks anyways. :(

and you said i wouldn't need any more power for a drain train then tell me all i need is a pump. i hand pump i assume.

fail 2.

i am only in week one of flower. how can you comment on my yield?

fail 3.

you have gnats all over your sticky paper and i went back and saw mildew in at least 3 of your pics. one of them was on the bud leaves.

fail 4.

i only use a "puff" of sulphur. you don't seem to understand how i do it or you would stop making up false claims to try to put it down. i can lick my hoods and not taste sulphur.

endless fail.

can you do anything properly? anything at all?

lolololololol one pic, ......... View attachment 1097353

stay tuned for the rebut with insults to follow ............................... :eyesmoke:

notice i don't try to insult you. simply pointing out the facts. :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
do you really want to continue this?

it's gotten you absolutely nothing so far.

i'm simply bored, sitting at home.



Well-Known Member
I'm willing to believe that 100g/sq. ft. is possible. I've seen ScrOGs that do nearly 70, and the system involved still has some room for refinement. Also, the strain involved, Trainwreck, is a notoriously light producer.


I've yet to see anything indicating that this person has achieved this yield in his photographs.

Another thing is the leaf removal. I've had several sativa strains completely self prune all sun leaves in the last few weeks of flowering. They turn yellow, and then brown and crispy very quickly, as the plants absorb the energy from them. I don't see how removing those leaves, green can provide any benefit.

Just details that make the claims seem questionable.


Active Member
Why would anyone take off a leaf from a plant ( MJ ) or any plant! The plant stores all its food in the leaf and use's it as needed, when it use's it up in turn than it turns yellow and falls off. Helll, when your plant pops out of the ground than just take off all the leaves and see how long it will live. LOL Heck I don't know. All I know is after it is budding I like to see the leaves turning yellow and falling off, less I have to do later and I know that my buds are getting bigger. Hey, it works for me so I will just let the plant grow like it wants to, all the way down to the little buds to the big ones on top. I do know this----------------- When having sex under a pot plant with leaves on it, it is harder for someone to see us doing it so no way wife wants me to pull leaves off!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone take off a leaf from a plant ( MJ ) or any plant! The plant stores all its food in the leaf and use's it as needed, when it use's it up in turn than it turns yellow and falls off. Helll, when your plant pops out of the ground than just take off all the leaves and see how long it will live. LOL Heck I don't know. All I know is after it is budding I like to see the leaves turning yellow and falling off, less I have to do later and I know that my buds are getting bigger. Hey, it works for me so I will just let the plant grow like it wants to, all the way down to the little buds to the big ones on top. I do know this----------------- When having sex under a pot plant with leaves on it, it is harder for someone to see us doing it so no way wife wants me to pull leaves off!!!!!
That's the best reason not to cut sun leaves yet!



Well-Known Member
when you cut fan leaves the plant will respond by shooting out a lot of leaves out of the buds. We all want that leafy bud don't we? lol


Well-Known Member
I believe I read in one of the major treatises that as the plant ages into advanced flowering, photosynthesis becomes less a factor.
Is this true?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
wow now you all are smoking sum bad stuff. i'll keep cutting my leaves, he will keep cutting his leaves, fdd don't cut his, you don't cut yours, and she cuts heres.. so we all have an oppinon on it now why not just leave it at that.. fuck comeon all we are allgrowers and we know it all.......LOL seems like every one forgets the most important part of growing, we all have diffrent lights, room size and hight, nutes so what works for one in his place and setup may not do the same for the person how in a dirrent place and there setup.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I believe I read in one of the major treatises that as the plant ages into advanced flowering, photosynthesis becomes less a factor.
Is this true?

yes```````````````````` thats why cutting sum big fan leaves off won't hurt any thing.


Well-Known Member
So your saying the plants not growing while its flowering.Thats funny how do the buds get there then?????????Fly in?


Well-Known Member
Yo JGA dont quit ur day job and start growing.You will end up living ina dumpster thinking like that


Well-Known Member
Oh wait whats this ? FDDs very own pics and posts. Like I said before, contradict much ? LOL

yes, yours. :bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

lollipopping is to remove the lower third or so of growth after 3 weeks of flowering. i usually wait until week 3 then remove any lower branches that have not formed thumb sized buds. this leaves 12 inches or more of bare stalk at the lower portion of the plant.


Whoa wait I thought your buds were just as big down below as up top? Why are you wasting all that bud ??? What about all those leaves and BRANCHES, wouldnt those take away from the plants energy ????? Wouldnt hacking off a THIRD of your plant take away from its ability to produce energy ??? Could you possibly contradict yourself any more FDD? Pathetic just plaint sad bro.

I want to listen to someone who grows like this >>>

I know I know, how can I compete in a debate over growing techniqes with I guy like him ^^ When all my plants are so "shitty" looking.

Or better yet who grows on the floor with little plastic saucers to catch water......

Dont listen to this guy cause clearly cutting his leaves off are killing his yields. That can must really be 2 inches tall and the plant is pobably a gram or two at best. Dont let pics fool you guys. He cant prove shit no matter how many pics he takes of actual grows. Pictures are over rated and speculation and conjecture are king ! >

Look at my6 poor diseased plants, oh the horror.... the horror !!

No really this is how its done by the pros like FDD who cant figure out how to get more power from a main panel to their grow room even with all that knowledge spinning around in their head . I would have happily helped but whats the point you are just going to keep bashing guys like me who just cants grow to your clearly superior standards.. >>

FDD you are an average grower at best outdoors, indoors you might become average with a lot more work IF you actually bother to listen to people. Amusing you would actually try and give me advise and critique anyone on indoor growing techniques after seeing your personal grow.

All this BS from people offering NOTHING but flapping their lips without so much as a picture or even results to claim is amusing. Well except FDD lol. Guys with experience results , pics and descriptions must be full of shit and the world must be flat. Yup that's it. I'm convinced , dont cut those leaves !!! You will kill your plants or cause them to mutate !!

All I did was come in this thread offering what my results have been with MANY years of experimenting. I offered pics to back up my claims and show my results. Bunch of people come in saying I am full of shit blah blah blah. Flat out calling me a liar and telling me to get pics of my canopy. I do this and then I get nothing but weak ass comments on 2 year old gnat strips and some so called mildew. Some how that would invalidate my previous claims of success in removing leaves. Yeah ok. Typical BS tactics for people who are not winning an argument. Go off in another direction since they were already owned on the previous topic. I never claimed to be an expert of any kind. I posted my results. Obviously a lot of people are so poor at their own grows that they cant possibly beleive anyone could get over a gram per watt without CO2 and by cutting off all those energy producing leaves..... Inferiority complexes is all I can come up. Hell I was trying to help not start shit. That is fter all the point to these forums......