Why are so many growers against gun ownership?


Well-Known Member
So is the regularized spectacle of workplace and school shootings just the cost of admission for having a free society? Or can you stop crazies from getting guns or using them to cause harm?

I like guns and I'm all for responsible private gun ownership, but I also want to be able to go to work or have lunch somewhere without having to worry about some asshole shooting me. Or should I be carrying at all times as well...?
If crazies can't get their hands on guns they'll just get their hands on something else to brutally murder you with. Knives, chainsaws, various power tools, automobiles, etc. These are all items which can be used to kill you in a most horrific fashion. Are we going to outlaw all of those things too? This isn't a gun problem, it's a people problem. You are never going to get rid of crazies and you are never going to prevent seemingly stable people from snapping over something trivial. If you are afraid of getting capped then yeah, get yourself a carry permit, take a class to learn responsible and safe gun handling and arm yourself! Outlawing guns at this point would trully be an exercise in futility. There are SOOOOOOOOO many guns in this country, you'll never get all of them off of the streets and I believe that attempting to do so would cause way more violence, perhaps even civil war! They are going to have to pry mine "From my cold, dead hands!":fire:


Well-Known Member
And if you go around and worry about being shot all the time,You my friend need mental help then.


Well-Known Member
The picture of granny is actually the Queen of England. Notice how she looks to be well trained on a semi auto pistol with a suppressor, while the peasantry in Britain cannot own a pistol.


Well-Known Member
The picture of granny is actually the Queen of England. Notice how she looks to be well trained on a semi auto pistol with a suppressor, while the peasantry in Britain cannot own a pistol.
C'mon, that is an obvious photoshop....


Well-Known Member
I use my chainsaw and ziplocs for home defense ,Guns are for shooting Weed poachers, Weed Eating deer and other weed eating animals.


Well-Known Member
it has been proven in history time and time again that the second regular citizens stop or are denied the right to bear arms,civil liberties and freedoms are close to follow. it is a proven fact that a higher LEGAL gun ownership ratio drops the crime rate, which makes total and complete sense thieves dont like robbing people they KNOW are armed.
and i totally agree witht the first statement you could kill many more people with a hummer than a gun! you blow through a magazine in seconds but you could drive around for hours doin dammage...lol


Well-Known Member
it has been proven in history time and time again that the second regular citizens stop or are denied the right to bear arms,civil liberties and freedoms are close to follow. it is a proven fact that a higher LEGAL gun ownership ratio drops the crime rate, which makes total and complete sense thieves dont like robbing people they KNOW are armed.
and i totally agree witht the first statement you could kill many more people with a hummer than a gun! you blow through a magazine in seconds but you could drive around for hours doin dammage...lol
you don't carry extra clips? :roll: