Grow box


Well-Known Member
Still haven't got anything done, today was the day but I got called into work since the other guy decided watching the Cowboy's game would be more fun than work. AND! someone came in my room while I was at work and stole my last bit of weed and cash. So tomorrow, I'm fortifying my room.
That's fucked up man! I would electrify my door knob! haha



Well-Known Member
Most of it is put together now, Only things left to do are sand it, paint it and put the doors on.
Some pics of Eden in construction.
Nice! Double door would be a good idea, it would require less space to open the cabinet of eden, and it would look cooler when you open it!


Looking great! Your cab seems to be about the same size as the one I'm planning on using. I like your double door idea, I hadn't considered something like that. Only downside is then you have to decide whether you put a support beam in the middle for them to close tighter against and help with overall stability (but get in the way when your working inside) or leave it without the beam and have to figure out how best to keep light out and such.


Well-Known Member
Looking great! Your cab seems to be about the same size as the one I'm planning on using. I like your double door idea, I hadn't considered something like that. Only downside is then you have to decide whether you put a support beam in the middle for them to close tighter against and help with overall stability (but get in the way when your working inside) or leave it without the beam and have to figure out how best to keep light out and such.
he can probably try adding some weather stripping to the doors, just in case of any light/air leaks...



Well-Known Member
The box is going to be light tight, I'm caulking up around where the wood comes together, doors are going to be weather stripped. I have a cross support on the bottom, I'm going to add one to the top as well so I don't have to have the center support.

I had an idea a couple days or so ago to power a fan using a small solar panel inside the box. So I started looking into panels, how they work and such. Now, I'm thinking about powering the whole thing by solar panels, or at least as much as I can afford. You can build them to fit your power needs, and It's not really hard. You guys should really check this out. It's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than you would think to build you own solar panels.


Well-Known Member
The box is going to be light tight, I'm caulking up around where the wood comes together, doors are going to be weather stripped. I have a cross support on the bottom, I'm going to add one to the top as well so I don't have to have the center support.

I had an idea a couple days or so ago to power a fan using a small solar panel inside the box. So I started looking into panels, how they work and such. Now, I'm thinking about powering the whole thing by solar panels, or at least as much as I can afford. You can build them to fit your power needs, and It's not really hard. You guys should really check this out. It's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than you would think to build you own solar panels.
I was thinking of making one out of a bunch of solar powered calculaters, just enough to power a 12 volt comp. fan! What do you think??



I mean, if you have a bunch lying around, why not try? I was tickled when I got my pc fans wired up so easily, as I am a total electrical newb, but its cool to see things come together. Share the results!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of making one out of a bunch of solar powered calculaters, just enough to power a 12 volt comp. fan! What do you think??

That's awesome dude, I thought of that exact thing when I was looking at solar cells today lol. I really don't see why it wouldn't work, as long as you able to wire them all together. I did find out that you need an AC to DC converter, I found one on walmarts website for like $30. So all in all, you need the panels, converter, and batteries to store the power. Keep in mind, I am still learning this stuff. I figure, since it's usually sunny and hot as hell in Texas, might as well get something out of it. lol. I'm planning on making mini solar setups to power the A/C window units in my house, seems like good practice, and a lower utility bill is always a plus these days :) Also, I was thinking, one of the ways growers can get unwanted attention is a spike in utility usage, right? So if your able to off set the electricity your grow is using with solar panels, less attention, right? It seems like something that has a lot of benefits, and I'm pretty sure there are tax breaks in the US for solar panels. Just some ramblings from a stoner.

I mean, if you have a bunch lying around, why not try? I was tickled when I got my pc fans wired up so easily, as I am a total electrical newb, but its cool to see things come together. Share the results!
I really would like to know how you do that, I've had a few ideas for PC fans, but I don't know how to wire them, I'm a noob too lol. I like how the PC fans come in multiple sizes but aren't really thick, you save a lot of space with them.


Well-Known Member
Alright, check this out.
At the gas station where I work, they are updating the store, and I might be able to get my hands on a drink fridge cooler thing. It's like 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It has a ventilation system and all!


Well-Known Member
Alright, check this out.
At the gas station where I work, they are updating the store, and I might be able to get my hands on a drink fridge cooler thing. It's like 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It has a ventilation system and all!
Awesome! Lucky find! (If you're able to get it!)



Well-Known Member
Progress is slow, just like funding.
It would be really cool to be able to get a business loan for an indoor grow. lol
I have to go open a bank account so I can get a debit card to buy my seeds and a few supplies online, I tried today, but apparently my DL and SS card aren't enough these days. I have to have a bill or some kind of statement with my name and address on, (Which I don't have).
So idk, still looking for something I can use as a secondary form of identification that's not more than 60 days old.
The one I'm choosing has a thing going on where If you open your account with a minimum opening deposit of $100, they deposit $100 within 10 days. I could always use and extra $100 for Eden.