HELP!!! male plant quick question


I have a small garden going and am at day 7 of 12/12 . I seen this morning one is growing sacks and i am removing it today before it can mature, im sure there are no female parts on it.

My question is, can i cut all the leaves from the plants to use for making butter, as long as i dont sever or break any pods? They arent developed enouigh to break but there are alot of leaves and Id like to at least salvage what I can, if you all think it would be alright. Thanks


You can keep the plant growing providing that you dont keep it anywhere near the females, it would only take 1 of the pollen sacks to pollinate the whole lot of your females, personally if you are looking to just have bud from the females you need to get rid of the male altogether. Good luck! :hump:


Yea i was planning on destroying it completely but in a different room of course. I just wanted to trim all the leaves off, so it wasnt a complete waste : )

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
In a immature male the THC and Cannabinoids content is likely to be so low it almost worthless. It would require several pounds of leaves to produce even a tiny amont of usefull product so the short-answer is no, it's not worth messing with.


alright, thats what i was wondering. I just didnt want to throw something out that had a little thc value.


Well-Known Member
Don't do it! I had a hermie that I cut down and try to make green dragon out of it and it wasn't worth it. It was 4 ft tall and 3 weeks into flower and showing both sex but still had no potency.


Active Member
I have a small garden going and am at day 7 of 12/12 . I seen this morning one is growing sacks and i am removing it today before it can mature, im sure there are no female parts on it.

My question is, can i cut all the leaves from the plants to use for making butter, as long as i dont sever or break any pods? They arent developed enouigh to break but there are alot of leaves and Id like to at least salvage what I can, if you all think it would be alright. Thanks
I'm vaping leaf from a male right now and im stoned. I use every part of any plant I harvest. The trim or even male leaves gets either tossed into the hash pile or cooked. There is absolutely no reason to throw away what you took time to grow. ALL of it is useful. Studies have shown that even some male leaves are more potent than some ripened female buds in certain strains. In other's it can be as low as .05% THC but the plant is filled with cannabinoids that all attribute to your high, not just THC. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that male is worthless. It won't produce buds but it is FAR from worthless.


Cool, i was thinking that, theres gotta be some thc value to it. I think i can cut all the leaves off without a prob, ill do it in a diff room and the pollen sacs arent even a day old yet. Thanks for the help!


Active Member
I'm vaping leaf from a male right now and im stoned. I use every part of any plant I harvest. The trim or even male leaves gets either tossed into the hash pile or cooked. There is absolutely no reason to throw away what you took time to grow. ALL of it is useful. Studies have shown that even some male leaves are more potent than some ripened female buds in certain strains. In other's it can be as low as .05% THC but the plant is filled with cannabinoids that all attribute to your high, not just THC. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that male is worthless. It won't produce buds but it is FAR from worthless.
thank you man i have been telling people that for ages and no-one would believe me, i even showed them with a white widow i found in my crop a while ago, i kept it and grew it in a different room, when it was ready i striped it down got all the resin off the stem and branches and turned the rest of it into honey oils


Active Member
The absolute most wonderful use that I have found for leaf and/or males or just general leftovers is to slow cook it with chicken soup. It tastes unusually well for cooked cannabis plant matter and it will destroy you harder than eatting just the cooked cannabis by itself like in a brownie or sum'n. I've cooked it a lot of ways and nothing compares to the slow cooked chicken soup method. It will end your fucking day.