I got some Grow Big,Tiger and Big Bloom for my auto's need help with feeding please


Active Member
Its day 24 for my girls and I want to start feeding them for the 1st time. I just need help with what to use 1st and how much. Please help me cause they need water/food in there life TONIGHT , there looking thirsty already



Well-Known Member
OK, the info I'm providing is for flowering, cause you are using Autos- The information comes from a FF feeding chart. I'm not guessing or providing BS info.

Through the rest of your flowering, use 2 tsp per gal of Tiger Bloom and one tbl per gallon of Big Bloom. Only feed every other watering. For first week of feeding, you may also want to add 2 tsp per gal of Grow Big.

If this is the first chemical feeding, I'd recommend cutting this in half, so you don't burn your plants. The second or third feeding should be full strength. Only feed every other watering! Keep a close eye on them after first feeding.


Active Member
OK , So add

2tsp Tiger
1tbl Big Bloom
2tsp Grow Big
all per gal

Now your saying cut this in half so ........
1tsp Tiger
1/2tbl Big Bloom
1tsp Grow Big
all per gal

Now if 1 plant gets more water more then the other that is ok right ????? Its not a over dose is it ?



Well-Known Member
No, you got it wrong already...

for first 2 feedings.........

1 tsp Grow Big
1 tsp Tiger
1 TBLS Big Bloom (Tablespoon, not teaspoon)

On 3-4 feeding, go full strength

2 TSP Tiger
2 TBLS Big Bloom
per gallon

Only feed the grow big for the first couple of feedings. :)

I measure my water. I usually feed about 1/3 - 1/2 of container size. Use a measuring pitcher for this purpose. Example, I water every 3-4 days. My one gallon containers get 1/2 gallon each for watering. Tou may need to adjust based on your grow rooms humidity, temp, light cycle, etc.


Active Member
ok , thanks for setting me straight. So your saying water the plants with reg. water then get 1/3 - 1/2 water/nute and pore on top of the plant after soaking the plant.

Sorry im a noob



Well-Known Member
it's fine, make sure you use dilluted mixes until you get your watering system down. They should all take about the same amount of water if you pour slowly and let it soak in. The soil will drain what it can't retain.


Active Member
So water the plants with reg. water then get 1/3 - 1/2 water/nute and pore on top of the plant after soaking the plant with reg. water

or just mix up all the nutes in one drum and then get to poring

Sorry little stoned on some Sour Diesel that my friend just finished growing 3wks ago


Active Member
So water the plants with reg. water then get 1/3 - 1/2 water/nute and pore on top of the plant after soaking the plant with reg. water

or just mix up all the nutes in one drum and then get to poring


Well-Known Member
ok , thanks for setting me straight. So your saying water the plants with reg. water then get 1/3 - 1/2 water/nute and pore on top of the plant after soaking the plant.

Sorry im a noob

Are you still trying to grow 100 plants your first time out ? I honestly recommend to you to reduce the grow to just a few plants and learn what you are doing first.


New Member
ive never seen worse advise on a fox farm thread. start with bbloom and move on to that and gbig at minimal doeses and just work right up feed every time with the right ph. exactly as it would be. thats what you learn after concocting different ratios and shit is that its exactly as it would be. start at minimal and work right up. the schedule is 100% wrong on the amounts, although you can use it as rough timeline. never use tiger. never.. and nothing wrong with a shit ton of plants on the first attempt, you can lose your fuck ups and keep the ones that live through you. sorry for all the other bad advise people give id just say its logical right on up from small to large doses its not some tiger bloom witchcraft fuckin dose the shit out of it and skip feedings bullshit


Active Member
come on 100 plants without trying to grow even 1 first good luck why not use 2m2 of dark room keep the grow small and you can control variables a lot easier


New Member
Fuck all this nonsense just get floranova and youre good to. Technically this is all bad advise on here since every strain is diffrent unless youve grown the strain he's growing then you don't know for sure.


New Member
Fuck all this nonsense just get floranova and youre good to. Technically this is all bad advise on here since every strain is diffrent unless youve grown the strain he's growing then you don't know for sure.

this is now "the bad advise thread" officially. think about what my post said, exactly as it would be small amount to bigger. every strain is different like this smart guy says, but they will grow my way. the only difference would be a plant with longer flower time but its the same any way small to large. you just might take longer time on each fox powder


Active Member
ive never seen worse advise on a fox farm thread. start with bbloom and move on to that and gbig at minimal doeses and just work right up feed every time with the right ph. exactly as it would be. thats what you learn after concocting different ratios and shit is that its exactly as it would be. start at minimal and work right up. the schedule is 100% wrong on the amounts, although you can use it as rough timeline. never use tiger. never.. and nothing wrong with a shit ton of plants on the first attempt, you can lose your fuck ups and keep the ones that live through you. sorry for all the other bad advise people give id just say its logical right on up from small to large doses its not some tiger bloom witchcraft fuckin dose the shit out of it and skip feedings bullshit
So your saying Dont use the Tiger At ALL ????????? starting with Bloom , how much and how long . Can you provided me with a schedule on how you would use these products if you had them " Big Grow , Tiger and Bloom "

These are the ones I have and I would like to know how to use them starting on Day 24 ...

Thank you for any info you can help me with



Active Member
come on 100 plants without trying to grow even 1 first good luck why not use 2m2 of dark room keep the grow small and you can control variables a lot easier
I ended up just doing 10 cause I didnt want to fuck up 100 for the 1st time.


New Member
10s cool my first time i did like 50 mid seeds and kept the best ones. shit was good to for a first rounder on miracle grow. but it depends on what you did for dirt. if its got nutes becareful. bbloom will never burn and removes salts. in veg i always give 2 tbls/g in flower just 1 per g. i mix lw and of dirt 50/50. start just bbloom after 2-3 weeks get into gbig at minimal doses and work up. then in flower add powders i always do 1/4tsp scoop the whole time and this grow im maxing out at 3tsp of gbig plus powders and big bud every feeding which is about every 2 days. no tiger it will destroy what you love


Active Member
Well they just starting budding also. So your saying I can mix the 2 - Bloom 2 tbls/g and 1/2 tbls of Grow Big will work great. Also everything I have it liquid no powder forms


New Member
hey look close tsp and tbl are very different spoons!!! powders are other stuff if your on fox farm program ive never grown auto and i dont know what you did for dirt if they lived this long with no nutes id guess your dirt had some my first dose is not even a 1/4 tsp