I got some Grow Big,Tiger and Big Bloom for my auto's need help with feeding please


Active Member
True , So since I have liquids FF Nutes Grow Big and Bloom how would you dose it ? Mixing the 2 per gal

Thanks alot for the quick response also



New Member
bbloom i do 2 tbl/g in veg 1 in flower. gb depends on whats in your dirt already. if they have been fine and are now showing the first bit of yellowing i would start an 1/8 tsp up to a 1/4 and you may find it goes up by 1/4 tsp every time you water. but it depends on whats in you dirt and how your plants are post some pics


Active Member
whatever it says use 25% first feed 50% - 75% - 100 % then you should be near flower anyhow .. gradually step it up no harm can come with FF nutes if you under feed .
however FF is notorious for nute burning the shit out of MJ plants .. when people follow the tomato feeding schedule pictured above ...
use that and I guerantee the next morning you check on your ladies ... itl look like a wooly mammoth pissed on them , while beavers chewed the leaves ...
just a helpful warning ... ive been using FF products for 8 years .. and although the micro/macro nutrients are a bit out dated the product is still solid .


Well-Known Member
So your saying Dont use the Tiger At ALL ????????? starting with Bloom , how much and how long . Can you provided me with a schedule on how you would use these products if you had them " Big Grow , Tiger and Bloom "

These are the ones I have and I would like to know how to use them starting on Day 24 ...

Thank you for any info you can help me with

Dude, fuck fruitrollup's advice. I already told ya what to do and it comes straight from the feed schedule printed by Fox Farms. I even advised you to start with diluted amounts before going to full recommended strength. Someone even posted the poster of feeding schedules for you.

And fuck his advice to go for 100 plants.... Check your state laws, chances are more than 15 or 20 and you are looking at a first class felony in your state rather than a misdemeanor. Always know how many plants you can have before you cross that 10-15 year in prison line and NEVER go over it. Count clones, adults, mom's, seedlings, etc.

The feed schedule ain't hard. And no, you don't pour half the water on the plant then pour feed water. You feed and water at same time, that is why schedule shows how much water to feed ratio :wall:

Pour the mixture AROUND the base of the plant, not on the plant.


New Member
the schedule says 2tsp of gbig do a quarter of that on your first feed your shit will be dead. it really is an 1/8 -1/4 tsp the first feed, not more. as far as laws the cutoff point is like 50 plants you could have 45 and be in as much trouble as 12 but dont quote me on that part!


Well-Known Member
the schedule says 2tsp of gbig do a quarter of that on your first feed your shit will be dead. it really is an 1/8 -1/4 tsp the first feed, not more. as far as laws the cutoff point is like 50 plants you could have 45 and be in as much trouble as 12 but dont quote me on that part!
He was advised to use 1/4 of the recommended at first feeding. Nute burn was already warned about, but you come into the thread saying everyone's advice is bad and your confusing the OP. Then you tell him to grow 100 plants, without any consideration of where he lives and the legal consequences of said 100 plants. Now you are saying 50 is ok, but don't quote you on that. WTF are you even advising that if you DON'T KNOW?

I'd say it was your advice that was fucked, not the other's in this thread. He asked for feeding help, not opinions.


Active Member
all of this is really strain dependent ... my white widow only could handle an eighth of the recco ... my big bud chugged half the listed with no burn what so ever ...
but to be safe start with an eighth or quarter ..and if you decide to have any more plants then 12 imo ... put them outside


New Member
i never told him to do it i said if he did he could throw away his fuckups. youd be stupid if you got busted in veg and if you really had space for 100 you know what your doing and either way dont need to hear from you and your tiger bloom ways!


New Member
all strains i grow respond to the same feeds in veg. in flower they may take longer but its the same logic. what part of my advise is bad you cant just say that especially when you recomend dumping on tiger bloom and skipping feedings, hows the ph of your water on a skipped feed do you know what a ph is? give what you need and dont skip a feed- good rule


Well-Known Member
all strains i grow respond to the same feeds in veg. in flower they may take longer but its the same logic. what part of my advise is bad you cant just say that especially when you recomend dumping on tiger bloom and skipping feedings
I'm not here to argue with you dude..... He has an autoflowering variety. Depending on his soil, he may or may not need Grow Big. As for Tiger bloom, it's on the schedule and you can basically skip the first 3-4 weeks on the damn chart. He was also advised to cut the dosage in half for first 2-3 feedings.. As for skipping, you only feed every other watering. The reason for this is because nutrients remain in the soil and will be available on the next watering.


Damn some people are hard fucking headed.


New Member
schedule is a timeline only. the amounts are wrong. even a quarter of 2tsp is 1/2 tsp. THAT IS TOO MUCH CRABASS! and dont leave nutes to build up in the soil feed what you need to and only what you need. more conscience than leaving shit around where you hope its going to work. you risk burn and salt build up when you give too much. and i guarantee this guy doesnt know ph. when ferts are in the water you can ph it. when there are no nutes in the water it is more difficult to ph because it will swing way more sensitively. feed every watering with the right amount of phed nutes no tiger


Well-Known Member
Its day 24 for my girls and I want to start feeding them for the 1st time. I just need help with what to use 1st and how much. Please help me cause they need water/food in there life TONIGHT , there looking thirsty already

What strain of autos are you growing? What kind of medium are you using? e.g., soil, hydro, whatever. Indoors or outdoors? What size pots? Got any pics?

As a general rule, autos are sensitive to nutes. Do not feed autos according to a schedule put out by Fox Farms, as autos are not what that schedule was intended for. I use Fox Farms products on my autos, but I don't try or even need to have it down to some kind of exact science. Your plants should be flowering by now. They only need Big Bloom. I've never used Grow Big on any of my autos.

I use both Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom every other feeding, but I've also done just fine with only the Big Bloom. The plant is what it is. You can't turn it into a super plant by adding nutrients, rather you will just keep it healthy and doing what it is genetically predisposed to do.

Look at the back of the bottles for the directions. Big Bloom says 4 tablespoons per gallon, every other watering for "general feeding". That is too much. For your 1st feeding, just use 1 tablespoon per gallon, which is the dose it also recommends for seedlings. Tiger Bloom says 2 - 3 teaspoons per gallon every other watering - so just start out with 1 teaspoon for your first feeding.

Then watch and see how your plants react. They should be just fine. If the plants seem good with that, I would do the same thing for the next feeding. After that, they should be big enough to increase the dosage a bit if you want. Remember that autos are more sensitive to nutes than regular plants. You will never need to use more than 2 tablespoons of Big Bloom per gallon or 2 teaspoons of Tiger Bloom per gallon. Just keep an eye on your plants and adjust accordingly.

I've only been growing for 1 year, but I've never had a problem with nutes when it comes to my autos. Their lifecycle is so short it's hard to screw it up.

If you haven't seen this thread already, it may help to check it out: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/199319-autoflower-thread-resource-guide.html

Best of luck. And post some pics, damnit.


Feed every other watering. Never feed with every watering as fruityroll says. Let the plants dry out before you water (not wilting but dry soil).

If you plan on continuing to grow, I suggest investing in a tri-meter. Around 200$ for a solid unit that accurately displays ph/ppm/temperature. Mine has lasted for 5 years. Solid investment.

Everything I give my plants is pinpoint accurate as far as ph and ppm. I use FF Ocean Forest soil and nutes. I feed every other watering. I use Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom ONLY. Every other week I might water only for two three waterings straight to cleanse the soil.

Not all strains react the same
. I find it much easier especially for noobs to use one proven strain for your environment. If your gonna grow 12 plants grow the same strain or two at most that are proven stable for your setup; i.e. outdoor strain vs indoor strain; light feeder vs. heavy feeder. If you research your genetics you will find what you need. This way you can master the strain and all of your plants can thrive, life will be easy:eyesmoke:

The only problems I ever run into are pests and mental errors. Other than that, follow these guidelines and your plants will love you...


im out of this horror show check my pics blue hash powerkush sour cream og18 im just gonna say why risk dumping extra shit in and leaving it, feed them the perfect cocktail each time. thats how i roll kiddies
you also happen to be rolling in a closet.


Active Member
6000 dollars of weed in 3-4 months is enough for me to actually "roll" in
yo help me

I got about 5 autos theyre on like day 9 and i have big bloom grow big and tiger bloom

Which ones do i use in veg?

How much is safe?

when do i use the other ones ?
And how much?

Just for clarity
im using soil and 1000w hps bulb