Well-Known Member
very nice article, well done!
depends on how you look at it, we're allowed 6 plants but it is supposed to be 2 in seed/clone, 2 in veg and 2 in flower, since I think I have 2 males I'm technically ok but then the guest came adding 2 more (both females) they were not supposed to stay but had to because of the mites, so yeah a bit of covering my ass going on
Upon using the protekt on my grapevines outdoors prior to using on my plants I noticed the precipitation when mixed in with the nutes. Upon looking further into this I found that the reason they do not add it to the concentrated nute mix is because in high concentrations silica can only be maintained water soluble at high ph. Upon further experimentation found that regardless of how dilute the nute solution, precipitation would still occur. As I feel that the precipitation would make the silica and whatever else it is reacting with unavailable I have either added it to my last gallon of "rain" intermittently or alternately nutes on last gallon of rain then protekt only in water when it is almost finished "wicking" Also I have used it every other "rain" as I also have Azomite included in my soil mix which is primarily a form of silica. Also I have been giving it to them since pretty much they sprouted and refrained from mixing it with anything else. Also am finding that Dynagro's levels are low so I have increased dosage of their products in comparisons with Jack's. We will see ...
My two cents for what it is worth.
has neone heard of ultra-sol 20-20-20? we use it in our water mix for the greenhouse and use it from veg thru to flower.. we use it for poinsettas and citrus trees does anyone kno about it? and do uthink it would be alright for herb? also they have instructions for a tobacco field and its safe for tobacco..
They actually only limit you to half in flowering. If you wanted to keep all 6 vegging they wouldn't care. Also those I've talked with that have had a visit from leo, said they only counted the plants, didn't care about light cycles. Furthermore, it actually says no more than half of your count can be 'mature', which is highly debatable as well. It's certainly not mature 2 weeks into flowering. No one has ever gone to jail or been charged with too many plants in flowering, just being over their plant count.
And the plants look great BTW
20-20-20 makes it an all purpose just like Jack's should work just fine for MJ
Been wanting to ask you this for awhile now. But has been slipping my mind. Whats your opinion on urea as a component of fert? I personally try to stay away from it in container gardening.
Got my little Calcined Clay balls today and my new veg nutes so we're getting ready to transplant, can't wait to see how they like it?
the nutes was a 25lb bag for $28, should last awhile
i try to follow most threads, but dont have the time to keep up like i like. but i dont remember the clay balls, and i dont remember you going hydro!! so what do ya do with that stuff?