Please take a peek I need your help! Should I give this one up?


Active Member

Ok I posted pics of these plants about a month ago I got them from a local pharmacy here in Cali (the two tall ones) The other two disregard. .. They where already showing pistils when I got them, Some how these plants went back to veg and now I see a few signs thats one of them is ready to flower, The one im concerned about is the pale green yellowish looking one, which I had no choice but to take alot of dead yellow leaves off.. I replanted it, and used a bit H2o2 as from reading it sounded like it could help the roots.. Im really worried this plant is gonna hermie on me, what do you guys think, should i just let it run its cycle and keeps a close eye for Balls LOL? I find it strange these plants didnt flower immediately when I put them outside..


Well-Known Member
if there isnt any pollen sacks on it you might as well just wait it out. looks fine too me, just needs a little TLC and you could get a solid harvest from it!


Active Member
It is a monster LOL... Hoping it pulls through :) Ive been told the pharmacys mostly sell off there weak clones or sick clones. When I saw it there about 4 feet I couldnt resist though. I cant even see the top now... Fingers Crossed... It looks a little better in the pic, because I pulled so many dead leaves off maybe the h2o2 will help breath some life into it now..


Active Member
if there isnt any pollen sacks on it you might as well just wait it out. looks fine too me, just needs a little TLC and you could get a solid harvest from it!
NO pollen sacs.. keeping a close eye.. dont wanna screw my others literally..


Active Member
Full of seeds no buds, I saved some seeds and yanked them....... Oh well for those two.... :( I guess they just where to stressed.. Hopefully my two little ones make it through this heat...