Paranoia will annoy ya

new guy25

Well-Known Member
fecking police coppers and sometimes police cars just parked on our street lately they have been round our end alot But remembering back to before i grew anything they were always around then prob because its bit ruff



Active Member
Cops here just got grant money,now they are everywhere. Plain cars and trucks, and suv's . A shit lot more ya'll.

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Since the new gorverment come in iv heard of massive budget cuts for most public sectors and that policing will been afected.

Yes this is all terrible news for the general public but maybe not so bad for small growers :fire:

i.e Heat from HID lamps

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Wonder if its just a mith about them as in police etc randomly listening to phone calls? thats all way bugged me lol