Keeping my temps below 83f with 2 1000w xxxl magnums


Well-Known Member
I have 2 1000w magnum xxxl reflectors in a 8x4 tent. My temps sometimes soar to 87 but they usually stay at 83. I was wondering can I alternate running both lights like 2 hours on the left side and then two hours on the right. Would this stress them out at all?


Active Member
I would suggest just getting a light mover then you wont have to deal with the heat problem and use less electricity.


Active Member
Thats like moving one light around. That'll kill your yield. I think those temps are fine, give it lots of wind (fans) and call it good.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to use a light mover cause that will sacrifice a little height that I need. Ok I guess I'll just keep it going hoping it goes good. My first grow btw!


Well-Known Member
Okay heres what u do . Wait till the electric bill comes . Then when u wake up in the hospital after having a heart attack after seeing your electric bill , stop by the hydro store on the way home and get 2 400 watters ! Just joking around man but it is gonna be way high .2000w seems like over kill in 8x4 waste of money.gonna cost you 600 dollars in elec for one crop .


Well-Known Member
Oh and if u just dont care 82 is mine btw but it helps if your lights out temp drops lower than ur day temps .


Active Member
Above 85 is bad in my experience, best way to fix your problem is to run a 6" hose from your intake to an ac and tape it to the grill, cost ya more in electricity but I know it will work and 2000watts in a 8x4 is way overkill and it's not going to help your yield but will more than likely speed things up a bit but not enough for it to be worth the electricity. I'd just grab another tent and run a 1000 watts in each you'll get twice the yield.


Well-Known Member
i have grown in 85 and at 75. i wont waste my time on a 85 crop after i seen what i get at 75. whatever it takes to cool that room should be your attitude and it will pay off after a couple grows.


Active Member
i have grown in 85 and at 75. i wont waste my time on a 85 crop after i seen what i get at 75. whatever it takes to cool that room should be your attitude and it will pay off after a couple grows.
Isn't 85 ideal if your running CO2? If not, then yes it would be way too hot.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could get my temps down to 87, with this heat wave my closet gets up to 100.


Active Member
2000 watts for an 8x4 is overkill? You guys dont have a clue what your talkin about, I think it's on the verge of needing more light. And your hydro bill wont be $600, I run 2 rooms with 5- 1000 hps and my bill hovers around $300 Plus fans, plus pumps plus 1 or 2 400s depending whats veggin.


Well-Known Member
I decided to take out one of the lights and my temps are down at 76.4f. Since I have a extra ballast, reflector and fan I'm going to get another tent! Thanks for all the advice!!!!