Has Anyone Here Try K2?


Well-Known Member
i risk my life everyday. i have a huge smile on my face right now so if i die it will be with a smile on my face. open casket baby!!


Active Member
Compared to THC, which is a partial agonist at CB1 receptors, JWH-018 (and many of its analogues) are full agonists. This means that users may experience far more intense effects compared to smoking cannabis. THC has been shown to inhibit GABA neurotransmission in the brain via several pathways.[15][16] JWH-018 may cause intense anxiety, agitation, and even seizures or convulsions by inhibiting GABA neurotransmission more efficiently than THC. Cannabinoid receptor full agonists may present serious dangers to the user when overdosed.[17]


Well-Known Member
well ... it will have to do untill i pass 2 piss tests. il just take 2 hits and be stoned.


Undercover Mod
Yeah, I seen my two buddies smoke a gram between them out of a bong and they were fucked. They couldn't function. lol


Well-Known Member
im not telling anyone its safe. but with that said im still here and stoned from the only 2 hits i took ever


Active Member
I've been smoking K2 and similar for the past few months because I didn't know anybody who could get me the real thing. I love the stuff, and it's way cheaper than pot here... so it's a nice trade off.


I 100% agree. Do NOT smoke K2. K2 is unhealthy and not for human consumption and can kill you. There are what like 240 million studies in the us on marijuana now showing and proving its safety. Do not do destructive things, if you have a destructive personality tho marijuana would be the safe alternative for your needs. If they only discovered marijuana today and looked at it before trying it in a lab they would have felt they had found the greatest find in medical history. K2 is like huffing gas... just why? why? no reason to risk yer life!
Show some studies! People are talking about how dangerous jwh is and how smokers of jwh only put out misinformation. "K2 is like huffing gas" STFU you have no clue what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
Synthetic or not unless you smoked it day after day all day one bowl after another it would take a long time to have serious consequences. I'm sorry you guys have to resort to that crap no matter how you look at it. I bet you'll be very happy when real herb becomes an option again.


Undercover Mod
Yeah I'm working on my own business at the current time. I need to get some start up money so I gotta get a real job. so no herb for the time being. Only been 8 days and K2 is working for me.

I'm just gonna have a hard time when harvest comes. I can't pass up brownies and bhang. It's pure heaven.

Completely Organic Fertilizer. Real cheap stuff and amazing results. I'm gonna have some free samples for test grows in a couple months.