Just a word of warning, be very cautious if you try k2 or any of the jwh compounds. I cant speak for everyone. But i can share my experience.The first time i tried it, being the cautious person i am, i only loaded the bowl with 4 specks of leaf material! That was enough to send me on and unexpected mind trip. By mind trip i mean having unconscious thoughts/realizations/insights being thrown at you 100 miles a minute. It was unsettling and i didnt know what to do to make it stop. Tried lieing down,closing eyes,walking around, watching tv, everything was uncomfortable and i was in a head space i didnt want to be in. I did however relax myself and actually tried it again later that day. The 2nd time was actually mellow and enjoyable like weed. So basically what happen to me was a mix of having zero tolerance to this substance and being very nervous not knowing what to expect. I also hadnt smoked weed in months so i hadnt been high on anything in a long time. Thats just my experience, so i can only say start very small if you do it. Now i have access to the real herb so ill never use that stuff again. If your a regular weed smoker your not as likely to have a bad experience like i did.