First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
If she is 8 weeks in how long did you plan on letting her keep going before you chop? I don't think you'll have much of a problem, I'm having a hard time even seeing where the plant has hermed. It takes at least 2-3 weeks for male flowers to mature & be able to spread pollen. I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think it will compromise your yield too much at this point if at all.


Active Member
Yep, I'm pretty sure ur right silent. Doesn't matter anyway, I put her in for her 24 hr dark cycle this morning...she's comin down tomorrow!

Silent Running

Active Member
Yep, I'm pretty sure ur right silent. Doesn't matter anyway, I put her in for her 24 hr dark cycle this morning...she's comin down tomorrow!
YAY! How's your other girl smoking? Or are you curing her first? Or did I just miss your smoke report somewhere? Other than stressing the one...did the move go smooth for you? I hate moving.


Active Member
My bf and I broke up. Twice. Everything is good now though, cuz most of the hard stuff is all done LOL.

Idk if I gave a smoke report or not, I guess I've been to stoned LOL. Destiny had kind of a piney taste to her, where hope and faith are both sweeter tasting. Both a have a fuckin killer high. I only got about 5 grams per plant dry weight, but that coulda been something I did so we will see with the next round.

'Nother ? Anybody know how long seeds have to dry before you can plant them and expect them to grow?

Silent Running

Active Member
Sorry to hear DoinIt. I can relate. One of the reasons I like my Jack Russells so much. Unconditional love! lol

Funny thing about seeds. A lot of people say when they are mature enough to fall off by themselves, they are ready. I didn't find this to be true with 5 I attempted from my last run. And I guess if you were to think of it from a nature standpoint...the seeds normally fall off and go dormant until the next growing season. Bill said....about 3 weeks....the same seeds I attempted right after they matured...I allowed to dry out for 3 weeks...and just popped 5 in shotglasses two days ago. 3 have cracked and are showing their baby tap root. So....long story short....(too late!)...3-4 weeks seems to be a good time frame.


Active Member
Well he loves me was just the stress of moving.

Okay, well Ill give em another week or so and then give the next round of autos a go! Thanks guys!


Active Member
Well, I've cut lucky and today was day 2 of curing. I cut the smaller one and smoked her already, and DAMN its amazing how much better the mids taste than the shit the seeds came from...Musta done something right LOL. I'm guessing I'll only get about a half ounce, but I could be wrong, there are two almost full pint jars on the shelf. I cant wait till the seeds dry out enough to use them. I can't wait to see if the auto pollen shared any of the auto traites with the mid...

Violet (the super skunk) is looking very nice. Light and airy like Sativa is supposed to be...its a good thing shes almost 4 feet tall or I wouldn't have gotten shit. I think this is a better outdoor strain...

My PW broke soil today, but I could see the tap root poking out of the soil about 1/4 inch from the seed casing so I recovered it with just the tiniest layer of soil so that the tap root will have a chance to grow down into the soil...thats the only thing I could think of to do.


Well-Known Member
My bf and I broke up. Twice. Everything is good now though, cuz most of the hard stuff is all done LOL.

Idk if I gave a smoke report or not, I guess I've been to stoned LOL. Destiny had kind of a piney taste to her, where hope and faith are both sweeter tasting. Both a have a fuckin killer high. I only got about 5 grams per plant dry weight, but that coulda been something I did so we will see with the next round.

'Nother ? Anybody know how long seeds have to dry before you can plant them and expect them to grow?
Ya I waited a month on my diesel seeds to grow them after I got them out of some nugs. I also know they are hermed seeds cuz they were all feminized, & I have no herms, so do da math on dat one...


Active Member
Hey Bill! Sorry, I harvested and then starting slackin on my thread lol. I harvested all the autos, I think I already posted a smoke report on them. I also cut Lucky, and she tastes fuckin beautiful compared to the shit the seeds came from. Violet, the skunk, is still in flower, but thats expected cuz shes sativa. Long and lanky as hell, and really light and airy. Unless this is some bomb ass weed I dont think I'll be tryin this one again. I had to pull a male mid, but the other mid showed itself as female on the same day, so all worked out. I checked out the pw,and I think I see the seed casing trying to poke thru the dirt, but I already moved it to check on it yesterday, so I don't wanna mess with it again. I know its an outdoor strain, but is 55-60 degrees F too cold for a little plant? Those are our recent overnight temps...


Well-Known Member
Hey Bill! Sorry, I harvested and then starting slackin on my thread lol. I harvested all the autos, I think I already posted a smoke report on them. I also cut Lucky, and she tastes fuckin beautiful compared to the shit the seeds came from. Violet, the skunk, is still in flower, but thats expected cuz shes sativa. Long and lanky as hell, and really light and airy. Unless this is some bomb ass weed I dont think I'll be tryin this one again. I had to pull a male mid, but the other mid showed itself as female on the same day, so all worked out. I checked out the pw,and I think I see the seed casing trying to poke thru the dirt, but I already moved it to check on it yesterday, so I don't wanna mess with it again. I know its an outdoor strain, but is 55-60 degrees F too cold for a little plant? Those are our recent overnight temps...
I wouldn't put her outdoor until she was a little more established. :)


Active Member
crap, sorry, forgot all about it. All I can take pics of is the 3 in the flowering room and some harvest pics from lucky. I'll try to get it done tomorrow, I'll b home all day havin a yard sale.


Well-Known Member
Ha she was too busy in the mirror to take pics of her plant. Priorities, priotities... Lol

On the real tip tho, where is some new bud pics D2G