feeding schedule Starting from seeds


Active Member
Ok im going to be using fox farm products and voodoo juice to start my grow. I have done alot of research and i feel that this a great combo. I am just a bit confused when i should start these neuts. Im starting from seeds. Should i start when the ROOTS are noticable at bottom of rock wool? or should i start when they pop out of rockwool with a leaf. Its just unclear when i should truly start. Ive grown before but its been a while and this time im on my own, and i never played a big part in the begining. Here is the schedule im going to follow. And for the Voodoo Juice i was going to start that the same time i start the fox farm. If any experts can point me in the right direction id be thankful. Also any comments on my neuts that im using is greatly appreciated as well.



Active Member
Well my advice would be to wait until your little ones show the slightest yellow color like there's a deficiency and then start to feed them. Until that happens, just plain water will suffice. If you absolutely want to use some nutes in the start, I would start with a very mild mix of nutes, something like an 1/8-1/4 of what the recommended per gallon is.



Active Member
Well my advice would be to wait until your little ones show the slightest yellow color like there's a deficiency and then start to feed them. Until that happens, just plain water will suffice. If you absolutely want to use some nutes in the start, I would start with a very mild mix of nutes, something like an 1/8-1/4 of what the recommended per gallon is.

Im with him.

It also depends on what medium ur going to be growing in...... a soil based will give enough food for atleast to weeks of veg. Now that is only after they have shown roots and have been transplanted and maybe even up to a week after that before they are actually in full veg.....in a soil less mix I would say right when they start to turn yellow in color.. goodluck


Active Member
I am doing hydro, ebb n flow. i am germin inside rockwool then placing rockwool into hydroton...