Help I need to pass drug test and i smoked yesterday

There is no way to actually do a on the spot test to see if one is under the influence, this is another contribution to the reason why marijuana is still illegal.
Ever hear of an eye test to determine whether an individual is under the influence? Law enforcement seems to score close to 100% with it.... Lotteries in 12 states do surprise random eye screening looking for employees that have toked recently. I know, I used to be a lottery machine tech.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one mentioned the fat factor. I think water works for those that have little to no body fat because THC is stored in fat cells. I'd be surprised if water worked for anyone that was a few pounds overweight. Thoughts?

i was thinking the same thing. more fat=more storage of thc. fat isn't very water soluble and the excersise would only work for a fatty if they had some time. i would imagine if a heavy person smoked a few days before the test and did a bunch of excersise it would only serve as a slow release thc bomb unless they had time to really rid it. i have always went with the alcohol theory. if alcohol can remove all that crap from a bong maybe it would do something similar in the body. binge drink, followed by a whole day of water saturation to flush out whatever got dislodged by the booze, and repeat as many times as you have time for. stupid idea? maybe, but if you're gonna fail you may as well enjoy yourself.


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of an eye test to determine whether an individual is under the influence? Law enforcement seems to score close to 100% with it.... Lotteries in 12 states do surprise random eye screening looking for employees that have toked recently. I know, I used to be a lottery machine tech.
Well then i guess there is a test then ive never heard of it but you learn something new everyday i guess. I just rememberd that was a big block for marijuana was a reliable test that could be preformed efficiently.


Active Member
I lost count of how many piss tests I've taken...whatever the reason. I've tried a few things such as sneaking in an eyedropper of bleach and adding about 1-2 drops to kill anything in the urine. You have to be quick or the temperature of the urine will drop and the test will be unacceptable. That's a problem with using someone else's urine as well. It has worked for me and people i know but it has also failed due to adding too much solvent.

Most of the times that I have passed a urinalysis was due to that bottled stuff you can get at any head-shop. I always used 2 right before I left and it has never failed me. You need to drink lots of water before you drink the bottled stuff (for the ones ive used). THC is sticky and it sticks to the inner lining of your bladder. When you urinate, some of it inevitably washes out. The Stuff (actual name) becomes a gelatin like substance that coats the the inner lining of your bladder, allowing water to pass straight through without touching the thc, for a few hours. It sucks walking out of the bathroom to hear a nurse calling your name to take your sample but by drinking 2 bottles and lots of water before that, you should have no trouble filling the cup. Again, using the bottled stuff behind the counter at any head-shop has never failed me and that's a VERY good track record.


Active Member
The electrical union here in S. Ca. did away with urine tests for the very reason that they are so often adulterated.
Now they take hair samples.
Consider yourself lucky all they want is a pee test.
Good luck.


Active Member
I took a class in college called "drugs and society" taught by a psycologist, and one class all about marijuana. It's stored in fat cells for a period of 30-90 days. The biggest area for fat is in your brain. Therefore excersizing(?) will not help much. I've passed probation tests, job tests, and airmen certification tests. All use piss tests, but the biggest key was drinking lots of water for at least 7 days, preferebly 14 days, and taking one of those over the counter drinks at head shops that only mask the THC. I've heard Niacin helps but leaves your skin red-flushed and hot waves, but haven't tried it.

Hair tests, I've learned from that class, can tell what drugs you've used to the day. So if you have long hair that would take 3 yrs to grow, then they can tell what drugs you've used for 3 yrs to the day. Shampoos have no affect. If you shave your head, then they take an ear hair, nose hair, chest hair, pubic hair, arm pit hair; anything they can get. If they can't find one hair, they will reschedule for few days later and they will find out. If you show up still no hair, then auto fail.

Just some things I've learned from Wastern...I mean Western Mich University.

I may be wrong, misinformed, or taught with bad info, but it works and sounds reasonable...aka: common sense


Well-Known Member
ook so i think i passed, after i pissed the nurse grabed the big beaker and poured it into a smaller vial. she took 2 drops and driped them into an instant test device. the ones that absorbe the urine and change color. they all turned to a pink-rose-red. when i was signin pappers i looked closer at the tester and say that the red ment N which i hope means negitive. i only saw it for about the first 2 miniuts so they could have changed after i left.

The biggest hope i have right now is that the sheet with all the info they gave me after the test had a block where you could check that said needs further testing sample was non-negitive "who do they think their foolen with that double negitvive we all know that means positive." it was not checked, just a open bracket and i guess the printed number of my test id to the side of it computer printed so

Here gose i either get a 10% raise or get fired


Well-Known Member
rubs butter all over ur hair as this will minimise drug particles on and in ur hair (the most common way to test) the other is to drink lots of mineral waters before it so the majority is just water!

we use to get them inside all the time and use to jus drink water like 2 litres before it and passed every time!


Well-Known Member
while i was on probation i was selected to be in a test group for eye testing but they had to have a scan of your eyes clean so if you smoked so it was in your system then they match the scan to the next time you come in, piss testing you also to know if your clean or not. as long as you smoked your eyes matched and wala you passed again i was in the testing no idea how its changed since then, also i used AZO standard urinary track infection pills to pass piss drug test along with two days with out smokeing and like 4 gallons of water at least. those pills are sold at my walmart for 5 bucks and even say they "may" ruin the results of a urine test or drug test or something to that nature... they make you pee red (iodine i think)then it fades back to clear after drinking lot of water by the tie i was clear i felt safe drank some juice and tea the last night, smokeing ciggarets can help make your pee yellowish again and never failed. also warning about these pills there ment to be taken for urinary tract infection for rare use is ok but constant use is not advised you shoulld always read everything provided before taking them also oh and eat before you take them just dont wanna throw them back up iodine flavor


Active Member
Must not matter much to you if you pass or not. Smoking the day before a drug test is not too smart, no matter how much crap you're taking to clean out your system! Better not smoke any more till after the test if you want any chance at all of passing! Good luck dude, hope you can pull it off and pass.


Well-Known Member
the last pisstest i took i was on probation,,, smoked the day befor, drank 12 glasses of half n half, vinager and water, i passed and my probation officer was asshole