M 30.


Im not a big pill head, but i have experimented with many types of pills, morphine i have done at least once a week for about a month or two now. Only because Morphine 30's have become very easily obtainable for me. tonight i have snorted 90 mg's and ate 30 mg's and im barely feeling it, ive also has a glass of wine and a beer. WTF. High tolerance to blame, or is that not high enough dosage?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am fairly certain that Morphine has a higher bioavailability orally than intranasally. If you took 4 * Morphine 30's and did not feel anything, they were probably fake.

noober doober

Active Member
Sorry bro but stop now, you are hooked on opiates. Morphine is synthetic heroin much like oxycontin. You don't won't to keep going down this road... trust me


Active Member
I'd say tolerance, but wow 120mgs and nothin? They might be fake, but if you've been using any kind of opiates (oxys, hydros, demerol etc.) for a while, you've probably got one wicked tolerance built up. You oughta quit now if you can, cause opiate addiction really messes people up.

*Morphine isn't a synthetic opioid like oxy or hydro (heroin is semi-synthetic), it's the primary alkaloid in the opium poppy.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Morphine is synthetic heroin much like oxycontin.
Morphine is synthetic heroin? You must be retarded.. morphine is a naturally active alkaloid in the Papaver somniferum, along with codeine, thebaine, papaverine, and noscapine. Heroin, diacetylmorphine, is a semi-synthetic opioid that is produced by the acetylation of morphine.

And by the way, synthetic opiates are called opioids...


Active Member
If you want to get down to it, any opioid agonist is technically an opiod; not just the synthetic ones. This is true whether it is active on delta, kappa, mu, or nocineptin receptors. However, in common parlance either term is considered acceptable.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Good point! Was not thinking about that.. hence being why substances like mitragynine can be labelled as opioids I presume.


Active Member
I'd assume so too, salvinorin A is also a kappa opioid agonist also. I wonder if using kratom would make you piss positive? I'd assume it would, but I've never really looked too closely at mitragynine or its metabolites. I guess if it did, you could list it under "medications and supplements" to create the illusion of a false positive.