won some thunderbud seeds


Active Member
yeah man there on attitudes site which i won from seems a f1 cross between purple urkel and pineaple funk looks like some killer man I got so many strain now from DNA to Short stuff and Nirvana and now these I dont even know which to grow out im thinking of doing all the autos first all together than go with DNA og 18 x skunk 1 and kandy kush x skunk 1


Active Member
Man I won my enitre collection from twitter and facebook contests I would say I have won over 600 dollars in seeds and t shirts mostly seeds im on attitudes website for the guy that tatooed the company name on my leg check out the videos section title attitude fan tattoos self I got a shit load of seeds from doing that and over 10 t shirts


Sector 5 Moderator
Anybody that tattoos a companies logo on their body DESERVES to win, LOL. I got a damn "Fat Harry" t-shirt, not exactly what I was expecting when I paid for it, but wtf the seeds were incredible. The Tude rocks!


Active Member
yeah i just got a New York City Diesel T-shirt with the seeds the t shirt is badass btw one of there new t-shirts
Thunderbud is amazing " pure THC candy almost bubblegum flavoured ,grew really strong and got a great mother to keep.. worth every watt !