Amount of weed produced by RIU members


Well-Known Member
I think its easily in the tons.. Theres a lot of members harvesting a lot of pounds at a time.. damn thats A LOT of weed hahaha just something to think about eh?
it's something to smile about. i have often wondered how much weed i have smoked throughout my life. like if a magic genie came and filled my living room with the precise amount i have smoked, would i still be able to see my tv?. it would be staggering i'm sure. enough to make my lungs cry. i have also wondered if i had every roach that was thrown away in the world just in the past week it would probably equal several pounds if not tons just in roaches. i used to have a buddy that every time someone threw out a roach he would make a comment about how there are people with no weed that would mow lawns for that roach. it all adds up.
Lol Total Head totally hit the nail on the head ;)

Anyway...every member of RIU, both indoors and out? Around 50,000 lbs. a year? Maybe more? There are a fairly substantial number of RIU'ers that do 100 units a year, im sure. Maybe im just high and 50k sounds like a good guess :hump::joint:
Several tons maybe.

I don't grow, but know someone who grows. His stock is somewhere close to 750 kilo grams this year. He grows openly on the hill side.
well lets see . .. . theres probably around 300 pro-status outdoor growers . . . . .if each of them get 20-40 pounds each . .

so thats 12K pounds without the indoor growers, 1000s of indoor growers, most of them yeilding 8-16 oz each. we'll average it at 13. so the produce about 813 pounds to themselves . . . . .

so RIU probably produes an average of 13K pounds a year ;) RIU probably produes an average of 13K pounds a year ;)

I like your math except I still think it has to be much more than 13k pounds. My original 50k guess might still have been a little high, however. A good number of those "pro" growers you're talking about do A LOT more than 20-40 lbs from an outdoor crop. Last year a friend of mine talked his mom into growing for the first time and she pulled 20 pounds from 5 plants no problem lol. I'd say 100 lbs from 25 plants in full sunlight is par for the course for hundreds of legal smaller-time/back yard growers in Northern California. Most I've ever seen from 25 plants (the legal limit in my county) was 137 pounds, and im sure there are people on here that can do better than that. I can't even really speculate when it comes to indoor, as I mostly deal with OD, but theres gotta be 15k-20k pounds just outdoor produced by RIU members.
I like your math except I still think it has to be much more than 13k pounds. My original 50k guess might still have been a little high, however. A good number of those "pro" growers you're talking about do A LOT more than 20-40 lbs from an outdoor crop. Last year a friend of mine talked his mom into growing for the first time and she pulled 20 pounds from 5 plants no problem lol. I'd say 100 lbs from 25 plants in full sunlight is par for the course for hundreds of legal smaller-time/back yard growers in Northern California. Most I've ever seen from 25 plants (the legal limit in my county) was 137 pounds, and im sure there are people on here that can do better than that. I can't even really speculate when it comes to indoor, as I mostly deal with OD, but theres gotta be 15k-20k pounds just outdoor produced by RIU members.

yeah but these 'pro' growers that grow beyond 50 pounds are less than 100 . . . so maybe 10k more than I estimated max . . . haha.
I heard street value was $420,000,000,000,000,069 latest stat from the counsil against drug use and the d.e.a
I used to zone out alot when Id get super stoned and one time I had a bookbag that kept producing blunts whenever I looked inside. Only one at a time though. My buddy asked me to use my cell phone and I handed him air and told him to get it out the bag. I didnt even have a fuckin bookbag for real. I was so caught up in how cool it would be to have a magic blunt making bookbag that I thought it was really there. I didnt have a phone either. Everytime I see him I pretend Im talkin to someone on the phone with just my hand. He thinks Im nuts....haha....he says let me use that when your done and I hand it to him and he smashes it. What a imagination right?