I like your math except I still think it has to be much more than 13k pounds. My original 50k guess might still have been a little high, however. A good number of those "pro" growers you're talking about do A LOT more than 20-40 lbs from an outdoor crop. Last year a friend of mine talked his mom into growing for the first time and she pulled 20 pounds from 5 plants no problem lol. I'd say 100 lbs from 25 plants in full sunlight is par for the course for hundreds of legal smaller-time/back yard growers in Northern California. Most I've ever seen from 25 plants (the legal limit in my county) was 137 pounds, and im sure there are people on here that can do better than that. I can't even really speculate when it comes to indoor, as I mostly deal with OD, but theres gotta be 15k-20k pounds just outdoor produced by RIU members.