advanced nutrients and fox farm


im looking to get bud candy by advanced nutrients im using for farm grow big and big bloom i dont wanna use tiger bloom and im trying to find something to use in flower if someone could help me this +repp

btw its a soil grow


Well-Known Member
Im sure you could use bud candy with foxfarm I don't think it would hurt. I would honestly do the tiger bloom also. Fox farm nutes are designed to work with one another, not different companies. Some you might be able to get away with but others u won't be so lucky.


ya i dont wanna use tiger bloom one of my friends tryed something out with using tiger bloom on one of his plants and one with out and the one with out the taste was much better and smoother and i asked the guy at my hydro shop and he said he thinks his buds taste better with out tiger bloom


Well-Known Member
Ive honestly never had issues with my bud tasting even remotely bad using tiger bloom, but i also flush for a good solid 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Bud Candy is awful expensive for only giving your plants .5% magnesium. Look into sweet from botanicare, or if you want magnesium, try cal mag.


its not that expensive i found it cheaper then tiger bloom i just wanna get something that will make my buds sweeter and bigger


Well-Known Member
Well, bud candy is not only Magnesuim, your not paying for its 0-0-1 NPK..

Your paying for its breakdown of soluble sugars for the plant.. This is not meant as a flowering nutrient as it is a substitute from using molasses.. A much better solution than molasses

This is not going to replace tiger blooms

If your looking for somethijng to replace tiger bloom, dont, stick with foxfarm if your already using grow big and big bloom, and then you replace it with a nute from another company.. your gonna mess your self up, these were designed to be used in conjunction with each other

So you can either..

Get the foxfarm bundle

Or get the advanced nurients bundle (grow, micro, bloom OR sensi 2 part veg and flower)

Hope this helps

TIger bloom is 2-8-4 and is a nute for your plants, bud candy is not..

if anything get rid of bud candy, buy tiger bloom(or switch all around to another nute regimen)

and mix water with blackstrap molasses to sweeten your buds

save the money and get on the right nute system

flushing your plants for a solid 2 weeks as mentioned earlier, will get rid of any taste regardless of the chemical used.. just keep flushing


Well-Known Member
Well, bud candy is not only Magnesuim, your not paying for its 0-0-1 NPK..

Your paying for its breakdown of soluble sugars for the plant.. This is not meant as a flowering nutrient as it is a substitute from using molasses.. A much better solution than molasses

....and mix water with blackstrap molasses to sweeten your buds
Plants already produce their own sugars. Molasses is for the SOIL, not the plant. It will do nothing to 'sweeten' your product. Bud candy gives you magnesium (, molasses at least gives you some potash, sulfur, and a variety of other micronutrients.
im looking to get bud candy by advanced nutrients im using for farm grow big and big bloom i dont wanna use tiger bloom and im trying to find something to use in flower if someone could help me this +repp

btw its a soil grow
Yup, you can use Bud Candy in soil.

And for the other folks who say you can't = WRONG. Actually, you can use any nutes for any grow medium. Doesn't mean they'll always work, but can always try. Some might work better for some strains than others.

This isn't a precise science, well, for for me anyway.

Yes, Bud Candy works really well, and if you're nervous about it, just find some on Ebay or Craigslist, try it out at 25% strength and see what happens. I think you'll like what you see...


bud candy by Advcd Ntrnts is more or less Carboload with a lil magnesium, its basically a carbohydrate supplement. Use it with enzymes like Hygrozyme, or with myco or trich bact products for the best results.


Well-Known Member
bud candy by Advcd Ntrnts is more or less Carboload with a lil magnesium, its basically a carbohydrate supplement. Use it with enzymes like Hygrozyme, or with myco or trich bact products for the best results.
That's true. Not sure how that answers anything in this thread, however.

Bud Candy is a carb since the plants need carbs to grow up big and strong. Actually, everyone and everything that's alive needs to have sugars to grow. At the base level, the cells need sugar as fuel - and so does MJ.

Not sure how magnesium works with everything, but it sounds good. LOL

Interesting vote's for AN if the question is still between AN and Fox Farm.

Nothing against FF, I just like Advanced Nutrients better...