my experience with really heavy smoking


Well-Known Member
this kid is no bullshitter. he posted a thread a month and a half ago saying he was coughing black shit out of his lungs and that he smoked like 20-30 grams a day . . . . but hey, douches like you don't care even if it is true, you're just here to troll.
dude are you guys serious, you hafta be retarded to not be able to tell that the story is so far fetched its like im reading a uk version of get rich or die trying.. "me and my gang were pushin so much weed, and takeing trips out of the country to test strains, cause wre super hard core from listening to rap music all day .......


Well-Known Member
dude are you guys serious, you hafta be retarded to not be able to tell that the story is so far fetched its like im reading a uk version of get rich or die trying.. "me and my gang were pushin so much weed, and takeing trips out of the country to test strains, cause wre super hard core from listening to rap music all day .......
It's probably another of Ukgrowers accounts to try and make his shit sound plausible.


Well-Known Member
lol every thread I seen from this dude turns like this.
He probably already knows my opinion on him.Im still waiting for the pics of the super grow room you guys got.Or maybe a couple stacks since your a huge baller.


Well-Known Member

ahahahaha you stold his story;-)


Well-Known Member
How did I get dragged into this?
your an asshole and i cant stand anything you write and your avatar pisses me off. now you and that imstoned4real guy just fuck off.
^This is the one thing that you have said that actually made me laugh my ass off. You just went up a microscopic amount in my book haha.

But i still think your full of shit until i see some proof. Use a proxy to post your pics so you "cant be traced." Until then BS flag remains raised.