Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


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lmao, finally got weed! Man I almost forgot how it felt to be high! Three days with no weed. No bueno.


Well-Known Member
lmao, finally got weed! Man I almost forgot how it felt to be high! Three days with no weed. No bueno.
I need to take a break myself, I'm smoking more than I usually do and I don't want to have to smoke more to get high... Maybe I'll start next week though, my friend is supposed to pay his share of the electric bill today :D

BTW, staying home with a puppy all day is not as fun as it sounds


Well-Known Member
I need to take a break myself, I'm smoking more than I usually do and I don't want to have to smoke more to get high... Maybe I'll start next week though, my friend is supposed to pay his share of the electric bill today :D

BTW, staying home with a puppy all day is not as fun as it sounds
How did the Vet go? Dogs will make you a prisoner in your own home sometimes man.

I tell you though I was STONED last night. I wanna go a week not smoking now just to be able to get higher in a sense, ya know?

EDIT* Hey did you notice anything with the C02?


Well-Known Member
We rescheduled the vet appointment because it was a lot harder to drive with him alone in my truck than I had thought, thanks for asking. Gonna take him again in about 2 weeks with my wife. I'm definitely on his schedule right now, it sucks! hahahaha

I know that taking just a few days off will lower your tolerance by a lot, I need to do that soon... I don't know about a week though, lol :D

To be honest I can't really tell if that little C02 DIY set up made a difference or not, I hope it does because I can't seem to keep my temps down these passed few days, it's still bubbling like it said it would so I'm assuming it's working. I need to post pics so you guys can see the difference from the last time I posted them


Well-Known Member
lol I know your pain!

A week does seem a bit much, it would be hard, but the pay off would be HIGH!!! :-)

Let's see them! What are you temps getting up to?


Well-Known Member
We rescheduled the vet appointment because it was a lot harder to drive with him alone in my truck than I had thought, thanks for asking. Gonna take him again in about 2 weeks with my wife. I'm definitely on his schedule right now, it sucks! hahahaha

I know that taking just a few days off will lower your tolerance by a lot, I need to do that soon... I don't know about a week though, lol :D

To be honest I can't really tell if that little C02 DIY set up made a difference or not, I hope it does because I can't seem to keep my temps down these passed few days, it's still bubbling like it said it would so I'm assuming it's working. I need to post pics so you guys can see the difference from the last time I posted them
im stuck in north carolina, and just ran out of herb yesterday, i was thinkin about hunting some down but i think i will just wait to get home next thursday for the tolerance drop =-D

i was also thinkin about grabbin a co2 tank and regulator, or maybe just doin a diy... everyone always says not to worry about co2 on your first grow, but im thinkin why the hell not... =-P


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Here are a few updated pics of Delilah, hope you enjoy :D She is exactly 22" tall from the base of the soil



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And some Jack Herer (3) pics, she isn't very tall since I didn't veg her very long but hopefully she'll be done in time to get some nice big plants in from my veg tent :D



Well-Known Member
lol I know your pain!

A week does seem a bit much, it would be hard, but the pay off would be HIGH!!! :-)

Let's see them! What are you temps getting up to?
I'm hitting as high as 95 today, this weekends project is getting a portable AC, my wife finally caved in, but not for the plants...for her puppy, lol :D

im stuck in north carolina, and just ran out of herb yesterday, i was thinkin about hunting some down but i think i will just wait to get home next thursday for the tolerance drop =-D

i was also thinkin about grabbin a co2 tank and regulator, or maybe just doin a diy... everyone always says not to worry about co2 on your first grow, but im thinkin why the hell not... =-P
This little DIY set up was cheap, I used the yeast/sugar with warm water thing and it seems to be doing like it says. Since I've never grown before I have no idea if it is really working or not but figured it was worth a try. When I get my Attitude seedlings in there in a few weeks, I plan to have a complete C02 set up for them, like you said, "why the hell not?" :D


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It's gonna be tough not chopping these down sooner than I should but I'm gonna try! lol I need to stock up really well during those last 2 weeks of flowering :D

When the others start to show some real progress I'll post pics of those 2. These are the furthest ahead. Good news, I found new homes for my 2 Jack Herer and G13 clones :D Finally free up some space in my veg room!


Well-Known Member
dammit bill I wish!! I can't leave even without a puppy right now, I have every window, door and fan going full blast just to try and keep this place tolerable! lol