Plants severely drooping!!! I HAVE PICS!!!!!!!

I have two plants (Bubba OG Kush & Blue Dragon) that I just moved from a florescent light to my bloom room with a 400 W high-pressure sodium light about a foot and a half away from the plants and now they're extremely extremely droopy now and have been for the first three days of the blooming period.

is this normal?:confused:
is there some thing should I do something about it?:confused:

Thanks guys and gals:joint:View attachment 1109226View attachment 1109227


Well-Known Member
Do they do this often and stand back up later? If not heat may be the cause or overwatering. They are still green so it dont seem to be a nute issue.....YET. When switching to different light schedule they may rest more because of the extra dark period. In a way their sleeping. If they get worse or turn colors than you got a issue.
:joint:Yeah I checked them when the lights were off and the leaves were up and looking good but I also did spray them with some vitamin b water yesterday and today thanks stonedblownskiller:joint:



Well-Known Member
was the soil dry when the pics were taken? If your not under watering you may be over watering, if your not doing either of those, maybe root bound, or just a little stress from the switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Do they do this often and stand back up later? If not heat may be the cause or overwatering. They are still green so it dont seem to be a nute issue.....YET. When switching to different light schedule they may rest more because of the extra dark period. In a way their sleeping. If they get worse or turn colors than you got a issue.
Sorry man but I have to say BADASS avatar ! RIP Dimebag


Well-Known Member
What else have you done with your plants ? THe only details you gave was that you moved them into flower room.
Have they lifted yet? Probaly was just a reaction to the new brighter hotter light .Plants will droop sometimes as a defense mechanism.Only time I,ve seen this yet was heat stress and OD on co2 they droop too .


New Member
always make sure to swtich from light to light under darkness ! it is possable to cause stress ! if you dont belive me take a look at this dudes plants ! OUCH !