nutrient burn? i have pictures! please someone help me


Active Member
ok so this is one of my 5 plants i have growing outside this year. The strain is unknown, used fox farms soil, was using tiger bloom nutes every other watering and watering every other day (recently stopped using nutes), i leave my water out for at least 24 hrs before watering to allow chemicals to evaporate, gets a least 10 hrs of direct sunlight a day, temps anywhere from 70-90 in the day and 55-65 in the night, growing it in cali:lol:.

So why the curling droopy leaves? i was thinking over/under watering (but i water when the soil is dry which is every other day or sometimes 2 days with about 1/3 gallon of water) so now im thinking nute burn since some of the leaves have yellow tips and some have a little bit of dead leaf on the end or possibly cold temps in the night?

also whats your thought on yeild? its 4'3" tall and 2' wide, just started to flower about a week ago...started to see a few extra hairs about 5 days ago​


Well-Known Member
Are the leaves limp or firm?

For some reason I thought it was in a pot.

First, try giving it a good soak. 1/3 gallon seems like very little. Two gallons would be more like it.

Frequent light watering can keep the surface damp while deeper roots go thirsty.

Good luck!


Active Member
yea thats what i thought...i watered yesterday so i will water again on sunday and just soak it but the leaves seem a little clawed and the stems hanging down some


Active Member
yea i dumped 2 gallons on it and came back like an hr and 15 mins later and it looked NO different...maybe it will look better tomorrow? hopefully that will have flushed it some if its nute lockout.....any other ideas?

Juan Valdez

Active Member
are you adjusting the ph off your nutrient solution? tiger bloom extremely lowers ph, adding it everyother watering/day like you said you were doing could have made the soil too acidic for the plant to live in? thats my first thought.


Well-Known Member
I'm at a loss if it doesn't begin to revive.

It doesn't sound like you were overwatering. Root rot is unlikely.

Overfeeding is a possibility, but a heavy watering might help it recover.

pH is a possible problem, but your plant collapsed quickly, which would make me wonder if some outside agency is at work.

Do you have gophers?


Active Member
Whats the problem with watering ??? Cant you tell if the soil is dry er what ? Looks dry as hell in the pics. What ppm are you feeding them ? looks like your nutes are way too high.


Active Member
pH is a possible problem, but your plant collapsed quickly, which would make me wonder if some outside agency is at work.Do you have gophers?
LOL +REP! I told this guy on his other thread he posted on the same thing that he needed to water this damn thing lol!


Active Member
thank you for the replies im just freaked out over losing possible a half pound of weed...i watered with 2 gallons and then 1 more with 10 mls h202 for possible root rot (cant hurt) and yea most likely overfeeding...going to water a third time and then start feeding lighter than the last times


Active Member
also i dont test my ph since i dont have $100 to spend of a ph meter (or not for this grow at least...nest year ill do things right) but i looked up my tap water is anywhere from 8.5-9.1 and with tiger bloom it should end up at 7 so that seems pretty good...


Active Member
Your ph is way too freakin high. My money is now on that as your issue along with under watering. Get some cheap ass $3 ph test strips from any garden store.


Active Member
yea i now think its that too...a combination of a few gonna get a ph adjuster tester kit thing tomorrow and hopefully its that and under watering


Active Member
When the ground in that area is very dry it's really hard to overwater cuz the water you give will be wicked away from your plant zone. Take a shovel and dig a hole 4 ft away from your plant and see how dry it is. If it's bone dry then you may wanna increase the waterings big time !


Active Member
yep turns out the tap water is 8.5 and when i water with nutes its 5.0 so im guessing that was stressing them to cause dying leaves and droopyness ect so i got some PH adj. to keep it at 6.5 for all types of watering


Well-Known Member
My buddies plants get 10 gallons of water / week. First five gallons of fresh well water then five gallons of fox farms trio w/ solubles. he used promix for soil. The native soil is clay, which I believe is acidic, and he DOES NOT PH. His plants are doing awesome. I think your plants are starving for water. 1/3 of a gallon is a puny amount. feed at least five gallons of fresh water, imo. peace


Active Member
yea i watered with 3 gallons yesterday...will do so again in a few days but would yellowing dying leaves be caused from bad PH balance?