How much light will cause a hermie?


I am currently growing out of a pc case, and I am wondering, how much light will cause a hermie. I ask this because the case is not 100% light proof. When the lights are on inside the case, you can defiantly tell the case is glowing. So I checked to see how much light leaks inside the closed case with a timered camera, and I found out that just a little glow comes in from the outside light, no more then what the moon and stars would emit on a naturally growing plant. But its still making me wonder, cause I dont want my first non-autoflower grow to become a lady gaga :o


Well-Known Member
Anything stronger than full moonlight will upset the photo period. Each strain has a different tolerance. If you find you have a hermie you can use a spray called Reverse to kill off male tendancies, but you must correct the source of stress first.


Well-Known Member
If your in veg I'd just go with 24/0 lights on and you will have no problems. If flowering I would make sure it is leak proof. It might not be as bright as the stars or moon but I can tell you that they dont put off the same spectrum as the moon and stars and it's not worth risking hermies.


I spent alot of time and alot of aluminum foil light proofing it so that it wasnt as bad as before and light is still leaking from somewhere. But when I say equivalent to moonlight, that is slightly over-exaggerating. Its kinda like the light from a tv that is in another room with the door closed. Just a slight glow. Is this really a big deal?


Well-Known Member
It's really just a good idea to have zero light leaks... It might be tough, but it's worth it in the end.


Well-Known Member
its really not about the intensity of the lights but how constant it is. I have a really strong strain and every now and then i will turn on one of my 6 1,000 watt hps to cut clones or do a choir every now and then and they have allways been fine


ok, so most of the light is now coming in through the fans because the little filters arnt very thick. What can I put over the fans to make them light proof?


Well-Known Member
Light from a tv (or like a tv) will not cause any problem, the light leaks cause hermies is a myth