Serious help needed asap...all pics and info inside


hey riu fam,
im very new to the board and to growing and have come to a serious problem with a few of my clones. In the big pots i have 8 mendo purple clones that are doing mostly well, and in the smaller pots on the left i have 12 chem kush clones, 8 doing well and 4 doing bad with 2 dead/almost dead. The clones have been in my house under a 1000 watt metal halide light thats kept about 3 feet above the plants, with mylar on the walls. The mendo clones have been in their around a week and the chem kush clones were just added 2 days ago. The room is kept at 73-77 degrees and the humidity is kept low so neither of those should be the problem. In the big pots with the mendo, they are in basement soil (blue bag) and the smaller chem kush clones are in coco fiber root organics (camo bag). They were both watered 2 days ago and i believe this is where the problem arose. I listened to the wrong advice and took tap water mixed with my nutrient (supernatural grow terra) and used it for watering (i didnt let the water sit), i did do a ph test on the water and it came out to 6.8. I dont know too much about nutrient problems but it appears this is what it could be. I have now purchased distilled water and believe i am supposed to flush the plants but dont know if i should do it to all plants, or just the affected ones, and if i should wait until the soil is completely dry or flush them immediately.
any help would be greatly appreciated, and i could be way off on the problem so if you see another problem(s) please let me know


Well-Known Member
They all look dry man, they are saggin cause they want some water. At least that what it looks like to me.


They all look dry man, they are saggin cause they want some water. At least that what it looks like to me.
Damn I just watered the little ones thouroughly yesterday and the big ones 2 days ago, and it seems pretty damp when I put my finger in...maybe it's a root problem you think?


That's what I was thinking but I've only watered the small ones once in the 3 days I've had them. I watered until it leaked out the bottom of the pot maybe that was too much?..


Active Member
Shit dude i dunno..

When I read it my first thought was using a 1000w hps for new clones would be to intense, but i dunno it seems like your doing everythong else ok.

What I'd suggest, wait a few days. If more of the plants are dying then fludh the soil. Dont flush the soil unless you know for sure that its soemthing your doing wrong instead of just a weakness in thos individual plants.

I got this method from the cannabis grow bible:

A soil flush is a last resort ‘time to save
our dying plant’ manoeuvre. You only resort to
a soil flush when all else has failed. Let us
pretend for a moment that you have a soil that
holds a lot of water and you want to feed your
plant. You take out your favourite feeding
bottle and you decide that you want to add it​
straight to your plant and then pour water in
This is never recommended! Always mix
your food with water in a container and then
use the container on your plant, such as a jug
or watering can. Try follow the guidelines on
the feeding bottle along with the
recommendations in the book. If not the
following story may happen!
So you open the cap
and bend it over towards the soil. You flinch,
the bottle spills. The next thing you know half
of your raw feeding liquid has managed to find
it’s way into the soil. You curse yourself that
you did not follow the instructions. You grab
your hair, ‘What to do?’ you say. You pick up
this book and turn to this chapter. You read
about the soil flush and see that your plant
now has a small chance of survival. You know
that all the raw chemicals will kill your
plant. All hope is lost. This is your last
resort. Here is how to flush your soil.
(1) Take the plant to a sink.
(2) Turn the plant on its side making sure that
you do not break the stem!
(3) If you think the stem will break then
quickly find a long stick and place it in the

(4) Use a piece of sowing thread to tie the
plant to the stick at several points.
(5) Tape the stick to the pot.
(6) Tilt the plant on its side so that the top
of the pot with the soil is facing at an angle
towards the sink.
(7) Watch the colour of the liquid that runs
(8) Do this until all the liquid has poured
(1) Pull your plant back up and sit it in the
sink. Pour lots of water on top of the soil.
(2) Wait until the water flows out the bottom
of the pot. Look at the colour of the flow.
(3) Repeat this process until the colour of the
water becomes clearer. (The soil should get
very muddy when you do this and some of the mud
will pass out with the water.)
(4) Once the water is clear tilt your plant on
its side again and wait for all the water to
drain out. You may repeat this process several
times. If your feeding solution does not have a​
colour then you should keep an eye on the
texture and smell of the solution that you are
flushing out. When this changes your flush has
(5) Quickly take your plant to a warm dry area
and wait for the soil to dry out.
(6) Use a pH meter to test the pH of your soil.
(7) Follow step D.
(1) You can use a screwdriver to make holes in
your pot if it is light and the plastic is not
tough. You can always use thick masking tape
later to patch the holes closed. If you can do
this then do and follow step B.
(2) If you can not then you need to do an
emergency transplant.
(3) Quickly set up a new pot and put in new
soil leaving a large gap in the middle where
your plant will go in.
(4) Take your plant and use a knife to cut
around the edge of the soil as close to the rim
of the pot as possible. Go as deep as you can.
(5) Put you fingers in down around the inside
of the rim and pull the plant out of the pot.​
Try not to rip the roots.
(6) Hold the soil over the sink and place it
down near the drain holding it together with
your hands. If your root mass is big you may
need help doing this.
(7) Turn on the water and let it run slowly
down over the soil.
(8) Keep holding the plant for a number of
minutes until you see a change in the water
that is coming out from the soil. Do not crush
the soil just hold it. It will get muddy and it
will break up a bit, but this is to be
(9) When the water changes quickly place the
plant into the new pot.
(10) Fill up the spaces with new soil and use a
stick to prop up your plant if needed.
(11) Quickly take your plant to a warm dry area
and wait for the soil to dry out.
(1) Every day measure the pH of the soil. If
you have flushed your plant properly it should
return to the near 7 mark (given that the water
you use is a neutral pH of 7). In the meantime
you can be reading about how to change your
plant’s pH as directed below.​
It is sad to say but very few plants do
survive such an emergency soil flush. The soil
flush is, in its essence, over-watering your
plant to the point of removing most of the
minerals and ingredients in the soil. If your
plant manages to pull through you have done
well. If your plant does not then you will know
better next time. A soil flush causes the plant
a great deal of shock and should only be
attempted as a last resort if your plant is
dying and can not be cured by any other means.
If your plant makes it, the plant may have
sustained some damage. If any of the leaves are
burnt or look dead you can remove them from the
plant by clipping them away. Plants usually​
take about 2 weeks to get back to full health.

Good luck mate. :)
do you use and b vitamins for transplant shock? that would be my guess if you recently transplanted them. were the roots nice and white? i dont think they will die~ ive had some look just like this myself but they will be behind and stunted when they come back. i say cull them now and save the space for the healthy ones.