Guinness and Leffe Blond taste nothing alike, just like Paulaner Hefeweizen tastes nothing like Stone Arrogant bastard. Different styles, different flavors. To me, I don't get the night and day difference between different strains like I would styles of beer.
Right but with the beers listed, you're comparing apples to oranges. Now if you were to say Widmir Hefeweizen and Blue moon taste similar but have a bit of variation because of the very minor differences in their process and ingredients then you'd be on the right track. They're both low hops, wheat, and have a few minor ingredients. Blue moon having a bit more bitter taste with the orange peel adding during fermentation. That is if you want to get as close as you can to comparing cannibis to beer.
Cannibis is Cannibis with some minor differences in the genome and phenome. Various nutrients probably play a bit into it as well but for the most part all MJ has the same taste with touches or hints of something else.
I hope this makes sense.
Take care,
- DiGGy
EDIT: Whoops! I didn't read the last post of the thread but yes, B2GROW is right where I'm at with the taste difference. Cheers!