Who is the wealthiest person on RIU?


Well-Known Member
wealthy is a state of mind. i have a roof over my head, wife by my side, food in my tummy, and a garden in my office. i am truly the luckiest guy in the world, you can keep your material wealth
I agree. I was just curious to see who made the most money (material wealth), and what they had to do to get it. We got any millionaires that brows through RIU?


Well-Known Member
wealthy is a state of mind. i have a roof over my head, wife by my side, food in my tummy, and a garden in my office. i am truly the luckiest guy in the world, you can keep your material wealth
Great post, that's all I have too, and a new puppy :D My wife always jokes that I would make a shitty millionaire because the things I want are too modest


Well-Known Member
I wake up on the finest trillion count thread silk made from imported Silk Worms off the coast of Bora Bora. The first thing i do is take a golden piss...not the color but my urine actually contain gold flakes as i recently underwent an out patient surgery to have my urethra lined with gold from King Tut's tomb. After that i take a bath in Fiji water while my taint is tounge scrubbed by Mason Moore, Priya Rai, & Gianna Micheals. That usually builds quite the appetite so after that i eat a breakfast of T-Rex eggs (had to bribe a Chinese consolate to get them but goddamn are they worth it!) and free range grass fed organic buffalo steaks topped with Crushed Diamond Salt prepared by Bobby Flay & Mario Batali...all that before 9am, id say im pretty damn wealthy.


Active Member
Having been around affluent people most of my adult life (My boss makes on average 33-34 million per year) I can say, as UB said, material wealth is not true wealth.

Wealth to me is the dirt beneath my feet on a mountain after a long day trekking, it's the birds greeting me on damp mornings, and it's the deer playing in my yard, not worried about hunting season just yet...

I love the wealth my mother earth has provided me, I just wish others could see it the same way.
i think everyone can understand this to a point, but untill you actually HAVE wealth, material wealth is always wanted, its almost a self actualization that is required to enjoy that aspect of life... if that makes sense.


Active Member
I wake up on the finest trillion count thread silk made from imported Silk Worms off the coast of Bora Bora. The first thing i do is take a golden piss...not the color but my urine actually contain gold flakes as i recently underwent an out patient surgery to have my urethra lined with gold from King Tut's tomb. After that i take a bath in Fiji water while my taint is tounge scrubbed by Mason Moore, Priya Rai, & Gianna Micheals. That usually builds quite the appetite so after that i eat a breakfast of T-Rex eggs (had to bribe a Chinese consolate to get them but goddamn are they worth it!) and free range grass fed organic buffalo steaks topped with Crushed Diamond Salt prepared by Bobby Flay & Mario Batali...all that before 9am, id say im pretty damn wealthy.
Lol hilarious. "Two reasons why I put diamonds on everything I eat - one, cuz its the ballerest shit you can do to your food. And two, because it makes my dookie twinkle mang!"


Active Member
I wake up on the finest trillion count thread silk made from imported Silk Worms off the coast of Bora Bora. The first thing i do is take a golden piss...not the color but my urine actually contain gold flakes as i recently underwent an out patient surgery to have my urethra lined with gold from King Tut's tomb. After that i take a bath in Fiji water while my taint is tounge scrubbed by Mason Moore, Priya Rai, & Gianna Micheals. That usually builds quite the appetite so after that i eat a breakfast of T-Rex eggs (had to bribe a Chinese consolate to get them but goddamn are they worth it!) and free range grass fed organic buffalo steaks topped with Crushed Diamond Salt prepared by Bobby Flay & Mario Batali...all that before 9am, id say im pretty damn wealthy.
Oh your related to 37 1/2 cent and Lil Wayne. It bloody obvious! They Rap( does that stand for Retards Attempting Poetry?) about the same shit...Any chance you smack a ho while Farting Gold Pixie Dust like a Chamillionare ?


Well-Known Member
Oh your related to 37 1/2 cent and Lil Wayne. It bloody obvious! They Rap( does that stand for Retards Attempting Poetry?) about the same shit...Any chance you smack a ho while Farting Gold Pixie Dust like a Chamillionare ?

how silly, someone of my wealth only farts the finest PLATINUM pixie dust

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i have a wicked lady a tent full of babes money to go eat drink when i want a big tv and a fam that love me. im one of the wealthiest guys i know


Well-Known Member
i have a wicked lady a tent full of babes money to go eat drink when i want a big tv and a fam that love me. im one of the wealthiest guys i know
Gotta agree. It dont go with ya when ur gone.....I dont need mad money....Thats what pawn shops are for......hahaha.....I do construction so I am building my own home in like 2 years...Me and two guys from the crew. No better feeling than living in your own home that YOU built. I dont care how much it cost. Mo Money Mo Problems.....hahaha


Well-Known Member
im sorry...but the only people who say "money doesnt matter" are the folks who dont have any.

thats just the truth

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
im sorry...but the only people who say "money doesnt matter" are the folks who dont have any.

thats just the truth
To a certain degree, having no money meaning no home, food or clean clothing, certainly that is an issue, but if i have enough money to grow/buy cannabis, buy my groceries pay my bills, and keep my car on the road, well that's me pretty much sorted. Sure i wouldn't mind a Mercades AMG, but i can make do without just fine.