Hawaiian Indica CFL Closet Grow

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you myfriend are the new CFL KING
1kw worth of cfl
i cant wait to here the dry weight
very nice noid spaceing
nice and tight branching without training
+ i think your getting a hell of a lot of (FREE) CO2 being in that furnish room trust me on that one
no need to spend any $$ on co2 , your getting way more then you need in there, just keep that fan blowing

a true "see of green'' done with cfl..WOW


Hey Makinthemagic. You might have become my best friend in the whole world. You see i just started a grow very similar to yours. 16 plants, and 1600 watts of actual cfl. I've been doing it for just about a week, and i fret that it will get too hot. I have plenty of circulation throughout the box the plants are in, but I'm afraid the 85 degree AC just won't cut it. So how cold do you keep your room? And do you have any extra air conditioners in this room, besides central air.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Hey Makinthemagic. You might have become my best friend in the whole world. You see i just started a grow very similar to yours. 16 plants, and 1600 watts of actual cfl. I've been doing it for just about a week, and i fret that it will get too hot. I have plenty of circulation throughout the box the plants are in, but I'm afraid the 85 degree AC just won't cut it. So how cold do you keep your room? And do you have any extra air conditioners in this room, besides central air.
co2 enrichment will allow you to keep higher temps, as high as 95F(35C)


Well-Known Member
co2 enrichment will allow you to keep higher temps, as high as 95F(35C)
Hey Makinthemagic. You might have become my best friend in the whole world. You see i just started a grow very similar to yours. 16 plants, and 1600 watts of actual cfl. I've been doing it for just about a week, and i fret that it will get too hot. I have plenty of circulation throughout the box the plants are in, but I'm afraid the 85 degree AC just won't cut it. So how cold do you keep your room? And do you have any extra air conditioners in this room, besides central air.
My plants seem to like the heat. My place has a southwestern exposure and plenty of windows. On sunny summer days it can get really hot really fast if the a/c isn't on. This summer, temps have regularly been 88-92 in the grow area during the day. I'm guessing the plants are getting some co2 off the water heater as they have shown no sign of heat stress.

I have a fan on the plants but have no cooling other than the central a/c. I can't afford to run too much and don't mind the heat, so it gets warm in the room. Word is that this is a tropical strain that might like the heat and humidity. Your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of bad news in this post. I have lost my 2 biggest and most promising plants, #4 and #7. #8 isn't looking good and might die too. Worst of all I don't know why.

Most of my plants are showing some symptoms of nute burn. There are crispy, yellowed leaf tips and some bottom fan leaves are dark green and dying. The problem seems to have grown in the plants that were cloned. The 3 best looking plants were cloned the most and now 2 are dead and 1 is on the same path. My best thinking is that the plants were nute burned and then stunned when clones were taken. That lowered the plant's strength and caused them to succumb to the nute burn. I've flushed the plants and that did not help. I flushed them to the point where I was concerned they were overwatered. Anyone have any opinions on this? I need help I can't figure out this problem.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
some soils carry diseases
but it looks more like the ph is off
and causing some type of nute lock out
test the run off for ph



Well-Known Member
some soils carry diseases
but it looks more like the ph is off
and causing some type of nute lock out
test the run off for ph

i checked the soil ph but not the runoff. the soil was mid 7's. . i spoke with a friend who is familiar with gardening. he confirmed its nute burn and says that there is nothing i can do except flush. he also confirmed that cloning in the middle of a nute burn situation made things worse. the clones appear to be doing better so i'm hoping to make up for my recent mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Your plants were lush and beautiful. Healthy green color and strong stalks. Wtf. I went through this and it all looked like one of the most productive CFL grows I have yet to see on this site. Hope you can pull things back together. Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Progress continues to be slow. Some plants have sustained heavy damage due to over feeding. They are continuing to recover on a diet of pure water. I have also flushed a few plants again. The plants are about 2’ tall now. I am going to veg them out some to recover some of the bud sites they lost. I hope to start flowering sometime early in September.

The clones continue to progress. They have all formed roots to some extent. Some might not grow their roots through the cube properly and will need some sort of transplant. Some will remain in the cubes until the roots pop out, at which point they will go into soil.


New Member
there looking good bro
you shouldve never killed the ones that looked like males my faviorte most beautiful plant turned out to be a male =(
great job thoe


Well-Known Member
Here is a video from the other night. Some clones will be moved to soil today from their incubator. Hopefully will have a smile and pics/video later of that.



Well-Known Member
Today I put some of the clones into soil. Some clones were not put in soil. The rationale on that decision is as follows: Some clones were not firmly into their cubes or had little leaf left. Their roots needed to hit soil asap but the roots had not come out of the sides of the cubes. The clones that were left in the cubes are the strongest and best seated into the cubes. I anticipate moving them to soil in the next week or so.

I used MG african violet soil in 6" pots with some gravel at the bottom. Hopefully there will be some success in the next few days.

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nice save on your plants bro. Sucks that your biggest ones were the ones that got it worst. U should try molasses for nutes and breakfast toast. won't burn your plants and its real cheap. great job up til the burn im sure ull do greater
La M