HELP!! Leaves are getting worse and need advice ASAP! PICS


So today the leaves I took pics of are crispy and totally dead!! Is that what happens?? I am going to spray the plants again today. I did not do the nutes and was going to do it now but not sure how much the plant with absorb because of how wet the soil is. I am so close to throwing these away and starting over. PLEASE, if anyone knows if it is possible to bounce back, let me know! I have done all that I read on here. I am just not sure they are going to bounce back.. HELP!!!!
are you flushing? if the lights arent burning them then my next guess would be that they were burned with the nute spray you put on. they might have been at their max for nutes and the spray pushed them over the edge. how is the new growth? how is the overall health of the plants? is the damage limited to the affected leaves or is it spreading? does the rest of the plant look good? if you remove all the damaged leaves how would the garden look? these are all the things ide be asking myself to decide weather or not to start again or not. if your ph and ppm are right on, and you have flushed, ide just fert. lightly and wait a few days. the damaged leaves wont go back to normal but the new growth should be healthy. if its not, ide scrap them.


Active Member
they look very dry, like they need moisture in the air, your humidity must be really low follow serapis's advice, also you might try misting them daily to put moisture in the air hope it all works out for you


Yes, I did flush, last night, took about 4 hours!! We flushed with 6.5-6.8 water. I then turned the lights off for 4 hours and sprayed with the epsom salt mixture. I Was told to not take the dead leaves off because they need to just fall off and if I do take them off, some of the new ones may start to die? Any truth behind that? Also, we did do a little nutes today. If I took all of the dead ones off, they would look ok, some are still twisted and curled. YES! I cannot get my humidity up!! I have a humidifier in there (As of yesterday) and I feel that may have been the culprit all along, low humidity! I have a humidity gauge and it keeps highs and lows and I went in and read the last 3 days and it has fluctuated from 22%-31% PLUS I have added CO2, which dries the air out too. I am thinking the same thing! I am going to get another humidifier tonight. Unfortunately, I have not been misting like I should so when I did I may have burnt them then. Do you turn your lights off when you mist? I am going to do another epsom salt spray right now and turn the lights off for a few hours to give them rest. Thanks again!!


After all this I found the cause! We had got a new CO2 set up and the regulator has a small crack in it!! SOOOOO the plants were getting too much CO2! Thanks for ALL of your suggestions and comments. I think they will pull through. Like anything, too much of a good thing..........


Well-Known Member
After all this I found the cause! We had got a new CO2 set up and the regulator has a small crack in it!! SOOOOO the plants were getting too much CO2! Thanks for ALL of your suggestions and comments. I think they will pull through. Like anything, too much of a good thing..........
Congratulations!!! Still, watch that humidity. 20% is kinda low and it will cause the plant to sweat out it's potassium and magnesium through the stomata. I'd aim for 35-40%.



Active Member
Here is a lumen chart so you can judge your light distance better. Are you sure that was it? Mine did the same thing and I don't have CO2. I added some cal mag and a half dose of superthrive and the problem went away. I also raised my light up a little.
View attachment 1116366


RIU Bulldog
Your leave showed signs of nutes diff, and you mentioned that your soil is saturated with water, I dont it the co2..
But well see

Los Muertos

Active Member
I'm certainly no expert, but I know (w/any type of plant) you never spray anything on the leaves while the light is on or at the hottest part of the day, if outside. I learned that lesson the hard way. Hope everything works out for you.


New Member
I presume it is a sealed room? You are using co2 at 76-78 degrees so I presume that you have the co2 cos you have no outside air?


Thanks for all of the responses!! We agree with all of you guys!! We started to pull back on the nutes, thinking it was that too and things go worse so I think we made a bad thing worse!! Also, we are now doing CO2 AND fresh air and they look better! We don't spray with the lights on, we turn them off EVERY TIME we spray anything! We know the humidity is low, we have NEVER had this problem, usually the opposite. We are running 2 humidifiers to get it up to 35%!!! The leaves actually feel dry. They also are getting lighter. Regarding the chart, how do you read it?? We have them about 18" from the lights and they are 1000 watt bulbs. I didn't check this for a while and came back and had all these responses, so THANKS!! I am still trying to pull these through. I am going into flowering tonight, need to before they get any bigger. I have never had any problems with straight CO2 so this is weird. I know the mixture is the best and that is what I am doing now.


New Member
If safe it might be useful to simply put tome bowls of water in the room, it might help with the humidity. Presumably it also rises after watering? so dont be afraid to water well when its watering time.

18 inches is probably too low. raise them to about 24 inches+ for 1000w normally