Plants are yellowing and leaves falling off...NEED HELP PLEASE!!!


Sector 5 Moderator
YOUR words from your "grow" thread: "I also do not appreciate know it alls that pop into other's grow threads and drop their know it all opinions." I never said anything against removing unhealthy leaves and you know it troll. I read your pathetic little led grow and I see that it's your FIRST grow. You were giving your seedlings BLOOM nutes! You were overwatering your peat pots and then had the balls to demand that Nirvana compensate you for your ignorance. You burned the crap out of your little seedlings with how many fricking led panels???? And you're going to show up us 1000w HID users with your pitiful little overpriced ghetto op? Hahahahahaha.

Because English seems to be a difficult language for you, I'll say it clearly: Remove the yellow or brown leaves but not the green ones. Is that clear enough? Now before you continue calling a respected, long-time member names that will get you banned, maybe you should have a grow journal or two - all the way to completion, the way I have SEVERAL TIMES. Anybody can sprout seeds but not everybody can grow a plant all the way to maturity. Maybe if you were not such an arrogant prick you would have friends on here that actually know something and could help you.

Also, in your grow journal you said (post #22) "Watt for watt, I'm getting a much better yield with LEDS." WHAT YIELD??? You smoking your burnt seedlings? You don't have a "yield" until the end of the crop Einstein.


Well-Known Member
YOUR words from your "grow" thread: "I also do not appreciate know it alls that pop into other's grow threads and drop their know it all opinions." I never said anything against removing unhealthy leaves and you know it troll. I read your pathetic little led grow and I see that it's your FIRST grow. You were giving your seedlings BLOOM nutes! You were overwatering your peat pots and then had the balls to demand that Nirvana compensate you for your ignorance. You burned the crap out of your little seedlings with how many fricking led panels???? And you're going to show up us 1000w HID users with your pitiful little overpriced ghetto op? Hahahahahaha.

Because English seems to be a difficult language for you, I'll say it clearly: Remove the yellow or brown leaves but not the green ones. Is that clear enough? Now before you continue calling a respected, long-time member names that will get you banned, maybe you should have a grow journal or two - all the way to completion, the way I have SEVERAL TIMES. Anybody can sprout seeds but not everybody can grow a plant all the way to maturity. Maybe if you were not such an arrogant prick you would have friends on here that actually know something and could help you.

Also, in your grow journal you said (post #22) "Watt for watt, I'm getting a much better yield with LEDS." WHAT YIELD??? You smoking your burnt seedlings? You don't have a "yield" until the end of the crop Einstein.
Thanks for checking out my LED thread.... Did you read where it states it is my first LED grow? You never specified it is OK to remove yellowed or diseased leaves. Look at the subject line of this thread and then read your first response moron. You told him or her NOT to. That is just plain asinine.

And how the hell do you over water peat pellets when you soak them for 20 minutes and remove the water bright bulb?

I hardly consider you respected, you have yet to earn mine. As for the time you have been here, :clap: :clap: Are you seeking an e-cookie?


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves are where the plants get their energy. If you cut the leaves off you are screwing yourself out of bud.
This is the asinine quote I'm referring to. did you even read the subject line before replying? You said nothing about it being OK to take out dying leaves until I called you on it...

And if you look at these posts carefully, you are the first one that started calling me names.....

Again, get over yourself and quit acting like a dick.


Sector 5 Moderator
Hip Hop Grower: "I dont see those huge leaves because by now I would have cut em off to give the buds more energy to thicken up" (is there any suggestion about yellowing or brown leaves here? NO, he's talking about clipping healthy leaves)

Me: "The fan leaves are where the plants get their energy. If you cut the leaves off you are screwing yourself out of bud." (is there any suggestion about not removing yellow or brown leaves here? NO)

The OP was talking about yellowing leaves; got it. Hip Hop was the one I was addressing. Can't you be just a little less condescending? I never called you a name. If you want to keep this us we can but you're just making a mistake. Your call.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
thats bacterial leaf spot disease or septoria or blight! either way you need to control it with a fugicide like liquid copper, sulpher, serenade etc its been a bigg problem the last few years for most of the US and southern canada! i had it the past two years and again this year, the disease will continue to spread and defoliate your plants after 2-3 weeks if not taken care off, i lost many plants due to this disease and this year im trying liquid copper wich seems to have stopped it or atleast slow it down to a manageable condition! stop looking for other diagnosis, iv'e tried everything the past two years ph, bug problems, deficiancies etc and many plants died, this year i finally figured out that it is a disease and i can tell you for sure that is exacttley what you have! look around at the other vegetation and you will undoubtedly see it on other plants, im my area its on almost everything and seems to just keep getting worse! peace


Well-Known Member
Because English seems to be a difficult language for you, I'll say it clearly: Remove the yellow or brown leaves but not the green ones. Is that clear enough?
It's great to see you changing your response to the OP's question now that you've been called out on your lame response. What is clear is that you told him not to remove any leaves and you are now clarifying your original statement.

Now before you continue calling a respected, long-time member names that will get you banned, maybe you should have a grow journal or two - all the way to completion, the way I have SEVERAL TIMES. Anybody can sprout seeds but not everybody can grow a plant all the way to maturity. Maybe if you were not such an arrogant prick you would have friends on here that actually know something and could help you.
And please show me where before your post I called you a name? I will saying it again, you are acting like an ass. You have an attitude with just about every response you give to others. If you have nothing at all nice to say, how about just STFU? Are you mature enough to do it? Do you think that your 2, 585 posts make you better than anyone else here? If you are so valuable, why aren't you a paying member?


Well-Known Member
Hip Hop Grower: "I dont see those huge leaves because by now I would have cut em off to give the buds more energy to thicken up" (is there any suggestion about yellowing or brown leaves here? NO, he's talking about clipping healthy leaves)

Me: "The fan leaves are where the plants get their energy. If you cut the leaves off you are screwing yourself out of bud." (is there any suggestion about not removing yellow or brown leaves here? NO)

The OP was talking about yellowing leaves; got it. Hip Hop was the one I was addressing. Can't you be just a little less condescending? I never called you a name. If you want to keep this us we can but you're just making a mistake. Your call.
You called me an arrogant prick....

EDITED: I didn't realize you were responding to HipHop, that's why I always reply with quote unless the quote is too huge, even then I'll shorten it and use the quote to avoid confusion like this.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm done with this. Obviously you did not read one thing I said and you're only out to castigate me. I've got your number troll.


Well-Known Member
I'm done with this. Obviously you did not read one thing I said and you're only out to castigate me. I've got your number troll.
feel free to pull up my page and follow the posts I respond to. I'm hardly a troll. A troll doesn't stay on a site for almost 2 years and offer advice and seek assistance. You just got upset because someone had the audacity to question your infinite wisdom. :)

I do wish you well though and hope you have many happy harvests. I'm just tired of reading that people shouldn't remove diseased or dying leaves. In my mind, it is the most stressed myth on these boards. :)

p.s. I read what ya said and I know who started the name calling here. :)


Well-Known Member
feel free to pull up my page and follow the posts I respond to. I'm hardly a troll. A troll doesn't stay on a site for almost 2 years and offer advice and seek assistance. You just got upset because someone had the audacity to question your infinite wisdom. :)

I do wish you well though and hope you have many happy harvests. I'm just tired of reading that people shouldn't remove diseased or dying leaves. In my mind, it is the most stressed myth on these boards. :)

p.s. I read what ya said and I know who started the name calling here. :)

The only leaves I remove are brown and crispy, unless there is evidence of a fungal disease.

I don't remove leaves that are yellowing, because the process of recovering energy from the leaf isn't complete.

IMO, removing healthy green leaves is always counterproductive.

Somehow, I think you two aren't communicating. Your ideas don't seem to be that far apart.


New Member
So here are a few pics below of 2 Barney's Farm LSD clones and the other plant is supposedly a Lowryder strain of some sort.

The problem is that the leaves recently have started to yellow and come over with brown spots, resulting in leaves that literally fall off to the touch of a finger.

I should also add that the plants were moved from inside to outside due to height issues in my small growing chamber. I am currently using FoxFarm original planting soil mixed with 1/3 pearlite. And as far as nutrients are concerned both plants are taking approximately 1/2 strength FoxFarm tiger bloom and big bloom. Any advice on what could be causing this porblem in the leafing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The pics below: nThe first two to the left are close ups of the LSD buds, The next pic is an overall shot of the three plants when they were reasonably helathy, the next two shots are of the progressing of the yellowing in the plant, and the last is an overall shot of the leaf damage in reference to the entire plant
IMHHO add N... Have found lsd to be very heavy feeders...Hope it helps



Sector 5 Moderator
The only leaves I remove are brown and crispy, unless there is evidence of a fungal disease.

I don't remove leaves that are yellowing, because the process of recovering energy from the leaf isn't complete.

IMO, removing healthy green leaves is always counterproductive.

Somehow, I think you two aren't communicating. Your ideas don't seem to be that far apart.
Thanks Veggiegardener! My thoughts exactly.


Im also having the same probs. Im about 2-3 weeks into flowering and my lower leaves are yellowing and falling off. Im not sure if it was due to stress because some of the plants are in small pots and I think that they may have been overwatered. That was only about 1 week ago and think that they are coming out of it. If anyone has info on the yellowing/dying please let me know.


The best way to react to yellow leaves is if the leaves are about 50%+ yellow,pull of them off in a downward direction,this will allow the plant to use less energy in a more efficient way.


Well-Known Member
The best way to react to yellow leaves is if the leaves are about 50%+ yellow,pull of them off in a downward direction,this will allow the plant to use less energy in a more efficient way.
No, when you take off a yellowing leaf, the plant will then choose a new leaf to start feeding off of. Let the leaf die before picking and you will save more leaves. Its yellowing because the plant cant get what it needs from the soil therefore it takes it from the leaves


Well-Known Member
The best way to react to yellow leaves is if the leaves are about 50%+ yellow,pull of them off in a downward direction,this will allow the plant to use less energy in a more efficient way.
If you have evidence of that, I'd love to read it. It really doesn't agree with any print source that I've seen.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the advice from everyone.

I think this problem could be due to alot of things...for one it has been raining pretty consistently for the past week and a half or so. So in that case it has been subjected to overwatering. But i doubt that could be the only case. The leaves that are yellow with brown spots literally fall off to the touch of them. Mites isn't the issue because i've constantly checked the bottoms of the leaves and shows no signs of spider mites.

I also think that the plant is lacking nitrogen due to the purple stems in the LSD plants, so i think i'll add some low concentration grow big to correct that problem. I should add that recently i used FloraKleen to flush the nutrients out in case there was nute lock up with magnesium or calcium, but its too soon to tell just yet. Does anyone know if the FlorKleen works in the same way epsom salt does with correcting the
nute lock up problem?

I'm moving the plants back to my original grow area and was wondering if it would be okay to move them back inside under an hps light on a 12/12 cycle? Or would that further stress the plant and be better off just keeping them outside?

More pics will be up tomorrow!

Juan Valdez

Active Member
greenmeter, you might have missed my post? I am 100% sure that what you are experiencing is a fungal and/or bacterial infection! if you bring them inside and put them with other plants the disease will spread to the other plants and stunt their growth if not kill them! trust me on this one, I've been dealing with this disease the last 3 years. I tried everything the past 2 seaesons including insecticides, ph up/down, nutrient deficiencies etc... and none of it made a bit of difference, the disease continued to spread and I ended up losing quite a few plants. this year after the same symptoms appeared again around the same time (after pre-flower into 1st week flower) i started researching my ass off for an answer and found out that it is a fungus/bacteria that grows on the leaves of plants and eventually kills the leaf. i looked around at other vegetation and found the same disease on the majority of other native plants and trees. i can even see it on some of the native vegetation in the backround of your pics! shit is everywhere!

now that i am aware of what is causing all the spotting and yellowing of leaves i started treating with a fungicide (liquid copper) and the plants seem to be doing much better. the spotting and yellowing has slowed to a crawl with only 2 applications and on some plants it has stopped completely! do yourself a favor and take this advise bro, it's taken me 3 years to figure it out, now im passin it on to you and hopefully help out anybody else that may need it!

goodluck, peace


Well-Known Member
If it is a fungal/bacterial problem, most cures are as bad as the disease. You can't spray sulpher sprays on flowering plants, it will effect the flavor severely. Copper sprays aren't much better, especially if your still spraying it after about week 4-5 of flowering. The plants look perfectly normal to me for this stage, I see it all the time on my plants(the yellowing and dyeing of fan leaves) and never had any problems from it. It's part of the plants life cycle to do that. Now Jaun might be seeing something there that I don't, that's possible for sure, cause fungal problems can appear similar for sure, but without seeing them with my own eyes and touching and so forth , it's hard to tell. I wouldn't just start spraying stuff on em' at this stage , that's for sure, at least till you know for sure what it is. Watch em', and if it doesn't get radically worse, I wouldn't freak out about it.