Reptillians Rule the world

Evil Buddies

Ganja King

Wether or not they rule the world or exist, the worlds elite and government officials are part of satanic cults. They are related, whats u view on this, the link i posted has some very important information.

Just want to know what u all think about it please watch the video if u havent already done research on the reptillians b4 u answer. Then u can give me ur feedback remember if u take the reptillians out of it and go with the facts the evidence thats there.



New Member
ehh i personally don't give a fuck what their stupid beliefs/traditions are

bankers DO rule the world though...just imagine the power they have

but it IS funny that once you brand them the name "illuminati" or start talking about their bohemian grove antics, people look at you cross-eyed

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
If they believe in the devil and are devil worshippers i wouldnt want any of them ruling the country. If the devil exists and they are carrying out orders from the devil you might give a fukk about their beliefs. Especially if the NWO that they want starts to take place and they start rounding people up in there fema concerntration camps.


Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Can you think of a more exciting family gathering than one that includes both Brad Pitt and US president Barack Obama? Afternoon tea at Auntie Dot's house would take on a whole new level. Obama is Brad's ninth cousin on this mother's side. The actor is also distantly related to Winston Churchill, while partner Angelina Jolie's roots can be traced back to Hillary Clinton.

You know when you were always thinking: "Ooh, Gwen Stefani looks a bit like Madonna," well that's cause they're related! We'll let Gwen explain in her own words: "We really are related because, just pay attention closely: My grandma's sister's husband's mother is a Ciccone from Detroit."

ben affleck and matt damon
Ben and Matt, who wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting together, aren't just good friends. They're also 10th cousins, according to The New England Genealogical Society. What's weirder is that Affleck is also distantly related to Princess Diana's family!

Francis Ford-Coppola and Nicholas Cage are wildly different Hollywood beasts, but Cage is the award-winning director's nephew. Coppola is best known for helming the Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now, and could easily have given his wee nephew a foot-up into the world of movies. But young Nicholas Coppola was keen to avoid accusations of nepotism so changed his name to Cage and set about finding his own way in Hollywood.

Although his famous uncle did end up casting the actor in several films, Cage has proved worthy of his film star status thanks to hits as diverse as Face/Off, Captain Corelli's Mandolin and National Treasure. Nicholas has an Academy Award for his role in Leaving Los Vegas; Uncle Francis has five.

I bet all thier bloodlines relate back to the royal families and all the way back to vlad the impaler the blood drinking cannibal.

All the worlds elite are one big family that keep their true reptillian bloodlines by interbreeding. Manipulating man so they can control the gullable public that we are. Open ur mind free urself from the mind contol that they use against us.



Active Member
david icke

i love the guy

sometimes he says the smartest shit i have ever heard in my life
sometimes he says the dumbest shit i have ever heard in my life

both statements are true

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
. When someones brain is so narrow minded they have created a prison by themselves. If i can open up just one person's mind to be open minded and see whats happening around them. You dont have to think tha everything u see is real but take it as its possible it could be real. I think it's a matter of people who can see the evil rule on our earth and want to put a stop to it. Some people life is good for them at the moment they dont feel the pain and the suffering that millions go through. They dont care about trying to help our brothers of man. I care for the whole of humanity i see and feel the pain and suffering millions go through. I dont want our children to be brought up in this misery world. I want all the good people to come together to get our own land and live peacefully together with love respect for one another. Let the evil ones fight amongst theirsleves for greed and power will destroy themselves. I do a lot to try and make a difference but only if us good people come together can we achieve a better world. Wether or not the reptillians exist if they are in a spiritual or physical form. Our worlds elite are evil satanic devil worshippers, what they have planned for a ~NWO is as evil as the demons they worship.




Well-Known Member
. When someones brain is so narrow minded they have created a prison by themselves. If i can open up just one person's mind to be open minded and see whats happening around them. You dont have to think tha everything u see is real but take it as its possible it could be real. I think it's a matter of people who can see the evil rule on our earth and want to put a stop to it. Some people life is good for them at the moment they dont feel the pain and the suffering that millions go through. They dont care about trying to help our brothers of man. I care for the whole of humanity i see and feel the pain and suffering millions go through. I dont want our children to be brought up in this misery world. I want all the good people to come together to get our own land and live peacefully together with love respect for one another. Let the evil ones fight amongst theirsleves for greed and power will destroy themselves. I do a lot to try and make a difference but only if us good people come together can we achieve a better world. Wether or not the reptillians exist if they are in a spiritual or physical form. Our worlds elite are evil satanic devil worshippers, what they have planned for a ~NWO is as evil as the demons they worship.


there is no devil or demons just you. Come on David Icke also claimed to be the messiah so him saying that negates anything else he says even if it was true. The "elites" have power over you because you let them

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
u believe what u want i will believe with an open mind what i want to. The elites dont have power over me they have power over u for making u be narrowminded. You have no evidence that there isnt demons or the devil. If u believe in god then u must believe that the devil exists. You must believe angels exist, as god doesnt come from earth and his angels they must be E.T.s.



Well-Known Member
Ive read up on the new world order quite a bit and they have some really good points but the devil coming to rule the world n bla bla bla i think not the only devils in this world are evil people and nothing more and wtf is the big deal if the world unites under 1 ruler and rounds up a few billion lets be realistic if something like that dont happen then we are all fucked because theres just to many of us and just 1 to many bad bastards in the world my only hope is that the round up 1 billion bad bastards in the world then there will be a billion less mouths to feed and a billion less crimes so.... come on the nwo hurry up ta fuck before its to late THE END IS NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lol ;)


Well-Known Member
u believe what u want i will believe with an open mind what i want to. The elites dont have power over me they have power over u for making u be narrowminded. You have no evidence that there isnt demons or the devil. If u believe in god then u must believe that the devil exists. You must believe angels exist, as god doesnt come from earth and his angels they must be E.T.s.

how do they have power over me? lol Have you ever seen a reptilian in real life? Or are you just keeping an open mind by believing every schizophrenic induced theory? I don't have to believe any of that shit you just mentioned. If your god was real why is he letting the "demons" take over? Mother Mary had a son who healed with healing hands billions of boys lay dead.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I have an openmind and if u dont believe the reptillians could be a possibly and aliens then your wasting ur precious time replying to these threads. The power they have is mind control and manipulation



Well-Known Member
how do they have power over me? lol Have you ever seen a reptilian in real life? Or are you just keeping an open mind by believing every schizophrenic induced theory? I don't have to believe any of that shit you just mentioned. If your god was real why is he letting the "demons" take over? Mother Mary had a son who healed with healing hands billions of boys lay dead.
Wordz are you mad m8 have you never seen them on tv theres this documentry called v the reptiles already are here and they walk amongest us ooooo lmfao;)


Well-Known Member
evil buddy the dinasours were around fer billions of years so yea i do beleave that they prob got smart and left this planet if we can get into space in 200,000 years then why wouldnt they in billions but as far as trying to take over the world if they were around fer that long why bother infiltrateing the goverments of the world they would surely have the tech to just waste the fucking lot of us without even cutting down a single other species think about it we could wipe man out now with are bio arsenals and we wouldnt hurt another species as the bugs we tend to make effect ppl only true or am i an idiot?

and 1 more thing the people that rule us fuck us over everyday and have done since the dawn of time so maybe the demons would fuck us all over just as much except that they would have no closed doors they would just tell us how it is unlike the slimmy bastard humans that rule us and have always ruled, just a thought im stoned n love a gd debat cept u dont seem to have an awnser to my posts :P


Active Member
I know I'm late on this post...but who cares.
Evil: I strongly believe in your IDEA of all this, and I firmly believe in the NWO, Elite, and the works. But just for a thought, stop repeating everything these documentaries say. It's truly hard to feel that your being sincere. Don't jump to the conclusion and start throwing facts out there thinking that they will throw themselves into this belief.

Here, Lets try this. I challenge anyone saying that this is wrong to do their own research and check out some works by David Icke. I would also say the wake up project, BUT somehow, it has completely disappeared off the internet. Which makes me only believe more that this is all true.

It's only a matter of time before it allllll happens.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
You say stop repeating these documentaries. Well i man is here to show the people that havent seen or dont have the knowledge. Things are happening in ameirca u have no rights there. Your right to store rain water gone your right to grow food on ur own land is gone, your right to use natural homemade remedies gone. Many people are unaware of the losing rights they have. I man is doing what im doing so people can see the shit thats going on. People that can see the unjust world that we live in. Many people want a just fair world. They want equality for all people peace love justice. If one person sees my post and it gives them inspiration to do some research its all good and worth while to me. So u give me one good reason why i shouldnt let the people and them know waaa gwarn (whats going on). Knowledge is for all of us people shouldnt be kept in the dark when it involves their lives and rights as human beings

They passed new laws that they can lock up terrorists without trial indefinately. As the worlds elite and american gov is the biggest terrorist of the earth. They should be locked up they are the real danger, They terrorize their own people, they terrorise nations and now they even terrorize nature and mother earth. Whos gonna save america the people as we cant take no more. They are winding us up so we can riot and they can introduce martial law and kill us off and lock us up.

Look at america has turned into a mutation an un natural mutation cancer. They feed us poisons that will make our bodies un natural. They genetically modify our foods so they are un natural. Will there be anything natural left in a few years. This is attack against the people, nature, mother earth and god the prime creator. Mother earth can't take it much longer. She will have to cleanse herself from this cancer mutation. That wants to dominate the people nature everything they can. Destroy its essence and replace it with an un natural mutation. What is this world coming to the way they act it will be the end of man.


Active Member
Ive read up on the new world order quite a bit and they have some really good points but the devil coming to rule the world n bla bla bla i think not the only devils in this world are evil people and nothing more and wtf is the big deal if the world unites under 1 ruler and rounds up a few billion lets be realistic if something like that dont happen then we are all fucked because theres just to many of us and just 1 to many bad bastards in the world my only hope is that the round up 1 billion bad bastards in the world then there will be a billion less mouths to feed and a billion less crimes so.... come on the nwo hurry up ta fuck before its to late THE END IS NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lol ;)
couldn't have said it better +rep