damn. i guess i got some dud seeds from nirvana

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Bullshit, Nirvana sells GREAT seeds. I have bought several strains from them on several occasions and I have always had very good success with them. The seed growing upside down certainly was not their fault. I'm not trying to be a smart ass but It's probably your lack of good growing skills.

I know how to put a seed in the dirt....SEEDS UPSIDE DOWN.... errr WTF.. The seed were old nothing to do with anyones "growing skills". Not every order they send is exactly correct... not trying to be a smart ass

SCREW nirvana....
Harsh. I guess you can only go by your own experiences.
Thank you ...
1st time i ordered it was gr8
2nd time i ordered not all seed popped but it was still 7/10
3rd time didnt get seed
4th times no seeds
5th they promised to send seed with order got seed never sent free seeds with order
6th the plants grew 7 ft never matured leaves only and these like grassy buds in 10weeks of 12/12 finally hashed em
last order my seed did pop all 5 fems $70 email, took 3 times to get back got told i didnt germ right, told them no germ just straight in dirt ALL 5... kept email back and forth explaining my process and the rep started getting sarcastic and plain out told me that it was too bad.... I never order again.... and now the crap is starting with the Dr....
I KNOW UPSIDE DOWN ..... COME ON!!! sound like someone dont know what the %$#$ they are talking about .... upside down... ROFL!!!
I was defending myself. You misunderstood my post about removing the leaves as I have pointed out several times since then but you just won't drop it. I'm really sick of this; I'm here to help people. I'm a good grower, as can be shown in my grow journal and proven by my many successful grows. I guess this just got started off with some misunderstandings. Yes I read your entire grow journal, made compliments and wished you the best. Can we drop this petty crap now?
I was defending myself. You misunderstood my post about removing the leaves as I have pointed out several times since then but you just won't drop it. I'm really sick of this; I'm here to help people. I'm a good grower, as can be shown in my grow journal and proven by my many successful grows. I guess this just got started off with some misunderstandings. Yes I read your entire grow journal, made compliments and wished you the best. Can we drop this petty crap now?

Absolutely...... I just thought it was kinda crappy of you to call my $1000 set up ghetto and then telling me and my thread subscribers I'd be lucky to end up with a quarter ounce. That was very gentlemanly of you....

You just gotta keep it up don't you? You can't let it go. You completely ignored the facts that I gave (1) you called the first name. After my initial post in which I qualified it by saying I was not trying to be a smart ass, you posted "LOL, your reply was nothing but smart assed. How does one plant a seed wrong and have it grow upside down? Now that would take some fucking skill. Just another know it all ....... BTW, in another thread you advised someone not remove sickly looking leaves because it would hurt bud production.... LOL... WTF? Seems a little ignorant to me...." OK, so we see here that you indeed did call me a smart ass, a know it all, and ignorant. In post #26 you called me an ass and a moron. Then, after I extended the hand of friendship, and wanted to drop it, you still had to be very sarcastic. Here is my last post on your thread: "You're doing it the right way then. "no idea" is good. Best wishes to you." Does that sound like I was flaming you? Is that anything but showing respect and extending the hand of friendship?

How does one plant a seed wrong and have it grow upside down? You stick it in the dirt; there is close to a 50/50 chance that it will go in upside down. In nature, the seed would tend to go into the soil with the pointy end down, thus helping to ensure the survivability of the plants offspring. I'm sure you know this and I have no idea how you took exception to me pointing out it was not the seed company's fault that the seed was, accidentally or not, planted upside down.

(2) I never said a word about not removing unhealthy leaves. I could go on and on about what you did NOT say in some of your posts. When I clarified my point, you ignored my intent and are still lying about my intent to remove unhealthy leaves. You assumed I was talking about removing dead leaves; I never said that. It is an honest mistake to misinterpret someone's intentions, but when they clarify it, then it's time to take that at face value and move on. The poster has the right to make his point and a person that takes an issue with his intent is nothing but a troll.

I am not going to allow you to ignore the facts and twist my words into something I did not say. I'm just hoping the mod does not shut this thread down. My sincere apologies to the OP of this thread for this getting out of hand. I was just trying to help. Since it's obvious you have no respect for me, If you want to argue with someone, try Uncle Ben; he is my mentor.

Just because you spent $1,000 on your grow does not mean it's not ghetto. I spent $4,500 on my *first* LED grow. This is your first LED grow; you said so yourself. You also claimed "Watt for watt, I'm getting a much better yield with LEDS." This is nothing but a LIE. Your plants are seedlings. You have NO "yield", none, zip, nada. Your seedlings are 2" high and you're already lying about your "much better yield". How do you explain that?
wow... its hilarious that there are so many arrogant people on here.. this is a forum site. your supposed to get and give helpful advice... your not supposed to put people down. just because you have all your ropes in line don't come making fun of me to make yourself feel better. the reason that damn plant grew upside down is b/c of people like you telling me that it cant happen and to leave it alone it will fix its self.. that goes to show how much you people no. obviously you don't no too much if you didn't no a plant CAN grow upside down.. many people on here have been extremely helpful...(THANK YOU).. this is to the people who no who they are..."if you already no "everything" and you don't want to give helpful advice why don't you just delete your account. nobody wants or needs you on here. you would be better off keeping your shitty knowledge to yourself b/c that's what stuck up people do."
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