sure I"ll let other people enjoy it

by smoking/vaping.
you see, the problem with sending out a strain that suddenly becomes ridiculously popular to other people is that, they are highly likely to decieve you and start selling it to others to make a huge profit.
its just crap, its hard to trust people. chitown made some very very good choices and got lucky with others. I'm not risking my shit with anyone. there isn't a single person out there I would trust with it, it's too rare of a strain, too much personal profit possible.
only people with the most integrity can have this strain . .. I will not hoard it till I die, I will pass it on to someone else if it's not leaked by the time I am older, but you bet your ass I"m not releasing this shit for the public to rape and ruin.
I mean really, fuck commercialized chitown sour kush, fuck the idea of even tempting it anymore. I believe the right people already have it, now we just have to hope and prey they have the same personal integrity I and others have.