Anything I should use in addition to Jacks?


Assuming my plants pull through whatever issue they are having right now; is there any benefit to using anything beyond the Jacks Classic (AP 20-20-20 / blossom booster 10-30-20)? I was planning on doing the whole molasses thing a little later on, just didn't know if I've overlooked something.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
bump. i'm about to switch from tiger bloom to jack's classic for flowering. the stuff seems pretty complete, although i still plan on using the ff grow big for veg and the big bloom throughout the grow, but big bloom is barely a nute. more of a conditioner. i'm hoping that the organic big bloom will help break down the urea based N in the jack's. i like the ratios in the jack's better than the tiger bloom so i'm pretty excited.


Cool... Well I guess I'm going to complete this grow with just the Jacks and molasses. I guess to elaborate on my original post, I have a bottle of the Alaska fish emulsion and also some random stuff that I could make a tea out of. I was more curious if there would be any benefit of mixing it up a little. Maybe cut back on the Jacks to "make room" for the fish emulsion or teas or stagger feedings (Jacks one time, tea / emulsion the next). I really wanted to try out the Superthrive this time but it appears my Walmart only carries it seasonally and is currently out of stock - maybe next time.


What is your soil mix?

You may need to add some dolomite lime.

Soil is:
Shitty Earthgro potting mix
Shitty Earthgro Hummus/manure
Worm turds
bat turds

I was having a bad leaf curling/twisting and stunted growth issue in the seedling starter mix I was using. Since I have repotted into this soil there has been an immediate improvement. I would like to start some nutes after the soil drys some from the transplanting. My plants are stunted approx 2 weeks worth of growth over this (my 3 week old plants are the size of most peoples' week olds). Just trying to make sure I'm not jacking something else up that will slow me down further.

Thanks for the help guys.


Well-Known Member
With all that in the soil, don't be in to big of a hurry with the Jack's.

See how the plants react to the nutes already in there, or risk burning them and setting yourself back.
