DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!


Active Member
Seems things are coming along. The cat, wouldn't have realized it. Sorry

I need to get off my butt and finish my bigger cab. It will happen.


Well-Known Member
New setup looks good, you going to scrog in the grow box or prune and let them go? and Ill second the FloraNova Bloom its all I ever use one bottle dose it all and I never have to adjust PH either... Im using it now with my pineapple express and shes lovin it..

I thought we talked about sativa leaves or canna butter for your avatar... thoe that ones pretty good too. :D

Silent Running

Active Member
New setup looks good, you going to scrog in the grow box or prune and let them go? and Ill second the FloraNova Bloom its all I ever use one bottle dose it all and I never have to adjust PH either... Im using it now with my pineapple express and shes lovin it..

I thought we talked about sativa leaves or canna butter for your avatar... thoe that ones pretty good too. :D
I'm thinking about using LST for this grow. I have two more DWC homemade buckets to put in there along with two soil pots, but the girls are being bitches by not peeping through the soil yet. I've been following your last grow and saw you were doing the floranova bloom with some pretty amazing results.

Yes we did talk about the sativa leaves or canna butter...neither of which I have. lol I guess I could have just taken the picture sans hands...but I think I'm already pushing my luck as to what RIU will allow me to have as an avatar, and I'm not sure I'll get taken seriously with a topless avvie. That or no one will be paying attention to what I write. ;)


Well-Known Member
the girls are being bitches by not peeping through the soil yet.
Next time Try germinating in a wet paper towel till the tap root is about a 1/4" long then put them in.. and yeah the Nova is awsome stuff can be used in your soil and DWC and one bottle no other nutrients can do that and maintain perfect PH. only way to to go IMO..

Silent Running

Active Member
Next time Try germinating in a wet paper towel till the tap root is about a 1/4" long then put them in.. and yeah the Nova is awsome stuff can be used in your soil and DWC and one bottle no other nutrients can do that and maintain perfect PH. only way to to go IMO..
I did the shot glass method and had about 1/4th" tap roots on all of them. But only 1 NL and the PW actually sprouted (so far). I have some more currently germinating in the event the last 4 NLs don't sprout. I figure the hell with it, I have plenty of room if everything ends up breaking soil. lol


Well-Known Member
My PW never sprouted :( the WRXNL is doing great though!!! Glad to see you got at least two of yours to pop so far, i guess patience is the key huh


Active Member
Next time Try germinating in a wet paper towel till the tap root is about a 1/4" long then put them in.. and yeah the Nova is awsome stuff can be used in your soil and DWC and one bottle no other nutrients can do that and maintain perfect PH. only way to to go IMO..
I wonder way mine climbs. Everytime. I adjust it once and it is all good. I have used distilled water and water with a ppm of 40,60,100,125 and everytime 12 to 18 hrs. they climb from 6.0 to 6.7 a little ph down and they're good till there gone. I got it down to were I can adjust it in 10 sec. 18 drops of ph down per gallon. I am also using only 3/4 gallons at a time maybe thats why they climb so fast.

I don't see no reason to switch nutes. It is only a minor problem.