Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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hey AL I HAVE FOR A QUESTION! The trimming you speak of in the 2nd and 3rd weeks. Could you elaborate on this matter as I am very curious. You are putting them straight into flowering so exactly how much of the lower part of the plant do you remove and doesnt this late trimming affect overall yield? Sry if you already answered this, I have scanned many pages of your thread and am very impressed, however missed this issue.
Thanks. :)

Cubes are the same dimension on all sides. That's why we call 'em 'cubes.' ;) Of course, the ones I use are L 40mm x W 40mm x H 40mm.

4" (100mm) cubes are too big. They hold water for too long for seedlings and clones. The water goes stagnant (loses all dissoved oxygen) before the plant can soak it up or the water can naturally evaporate from the cube. 100mm cubes are intended for intermediate planting in some crops. After a seedling or clone has been established in a smaller cube (usually 40mm), the smaller cube is placed on top of the 100mm cube and roots are allowed to bite into the 100mm cube, before the 100mm cube itself is nested into rockwool floc or onto a rockwool slab.This intermediate planting isn't really necessary for our purposes. Once the clone has set root adequately in a 40mm cube, it can be nested in a pot of rockwool floc or Fytocell, as I am presently doing.

Thanks and thanks. :)

the thing is that i in my grow area the humidty gets down 2 about 30 and everthing dries up real fast with the 1000wat hps its in a small grow area. and i actually noticed the they were 3in rockwell cubes.
hey AL I HAVE FOR A QUESTION! The trimming you speak of in the 2nd and 3rd weeks. Could you elaborate on this matter as I am very curious. You are putting them straight into flowering so exactly how much of the lower part of the plant do you remove and doesnt this late trimming affect overall yield? Sry if you already answered this, I have scanned many pages of your thread and am very impressed, however missed this issue.

You're looking to remove any branch which gets more than about an inch long, from the lower 1/3 of the plant. It takes a couple of passes at pruning, hence my advice to prune in wks 2 & 3. The lower branches produce poorly and restrict air circ around the plant in a SoG op.

The per-plant yield is naturally lower compared to unpruned plants, but I can fit ~6-8 SoG pruned plants in the space occupied by one unpruned plant- and all the buds I get are big, fat, heavy, sticky tops, no time-wasting, hard-to-manicure 'popcorn' buds from lower branches.

Mind, you won't want to use the SoG pruning strategy if you're only growing a very few plants. SoG is all about filling a lighted space with as many top colas as you can pack in. This is done by growing a greater number of smaller plants.

SoG has a real legal drawback given that it depends on high plant numbers, but the quality improvement and ease of manicuring large top buds is attractive.

the thing is that i in my grow area the humidty gets down 2 about 30 and everthing dries up real fast with the 1000wat hps its in a small grow area. and i actually noticed the they were 3in rockwell cubes.

It's a far greater sin to have excessively high humidity than excessively low. I've never lost a plant to low RH but have lost plenty to bud mould and other problems. 30-50% is ideal, but if RH does wander lower, don't fret.

About the only problem I can think of made worse by low RH is spider mites. Simple- don't bring mites in. Wear clean clothes, make sure the soles of your shoes are clean and avoid contact with any outdoor plants before entering your op.
My plan is just to use the method of trimming and keeping only the top cola. It wont be a fully loaded sog. Just 6-8 plants that will be vegged less and hurried into flowering.
Thanks, hope it will work as good as i plan. I dont think ill upgrade my light just yet. Maybe after my second grow cause a 400watt hps is plenty light for 6 big colas :joint::peace::peace::peace:
i have one 600 hps and my room is about 6x4 and i want 20 one gal pots is this gonna be to crowded and will they get enough light?

Very inspiring thread you have here, beautiful operation!
Thanks, hope it will work as good as i plan. I dont think ill upgrade my light just yet. Maybe after my second grow cause a 400watt hps is plenty light for 6 big colas :joint::peace::peace::peace:

More than plenty.

A 400 will cover 8 sq ft. If you use 8" dia pots, you'll be able to fit 8-10 SoG-pruned plants in the coverage area. That'll keep you stoned stoopid for a while. ;)
sweet my veg box is a bit smaller with a 400 so i should get some nice shit!!!! ill be happy if it looks half as nice as yours!!! so i can fit a total of 30 maybe i should go for it? Then i too could do a few plants every two weeks!!!! So is the inital cloning station considered a phase of growth like p 1 then into soil is p2 then vegging is stage three or do you put roots into soil and then straight veg? i know i read it but now i cant find it
More than plenty.

A 400 will cover 8 sq ft. If you use 8" dia pots, you'll be able to fit 8-10 SoG-pruned plants in the coverage area. That'll keep you stoned stoopid for a while. ;)

thanks for the great laugh i needed it. Thanks for all the help for my future sog, it will definetly be coming so keep your eyes open for it. What strain would you recommend. Im looking for great yields and super chronic bud. :joint::peace::peace::peace:
How many times will i have to trim these girls up? Will it be a one time thing, also just making sure about the trimming. Im trying the leaves not the branches? :joint::peace::peace:
how many time should i water them im one day? im thinking flooding the table 4 times a during 18/6. how that sound?

Clay pellets hold next to no water at all. You can flood mature plants in pellets for about 2-3 min every 60-90min during lights-on. The flood level should not reach the rockwool cube. Keeping the cube saturated will cause you grief. Plants in pellets should be hand watered from the top a couple of times a day for the first week or until you see roots poking out from the pot drain holes. Avoid saturating the RW cube when hand watering.
i have one 600 hps and my room is about 6x4 and i want 20 one gal pots is this gonna be to crowded and will they get enough light?

Very inspiring thread you have here, beautiful operation!

Figure that you need about 50W/sq ft of HPS for flowering. A 600 will cover 12 sq ft. An efficient batwing reflector ought to make the 600 nicely cover a 3' x 4' space.

I haven't a clue of the linear dimensions of a gallon pot to tell you how many will fit in the 12 sf lighted floorspace under your 600.
hmm...related to this matter mr. fuct, would you say that the higher wattage hps u use, the denser your buds will be? I have seen this on another thread somewhere, but was in disbelief. Will a 1000w hps produce denser and heavier buds than a 600? :spew:
Will a 1000w hps produce denser and heavier buds than a 600? :spew:

Yes and no. There's a theoretical maximum of possible bud density. A bud won't ever become as dense as a piece of wood, for example.

With all other factors correct, you'll get the maximum possible density with HPS lighting of just about all levels of output- depending on the bud's proximity to the lamp tube. You'll get rock-solid buds with a 150W HPS converted security light, but you won't get that density much more than 8-10" from the lamp tube. A 1000 will develop solid nugs 36-40" from the tube.

What greater power lamps really give you is that maximum over a larger area, notably down low on the plant and over a greater number of plants as the coverage area is larger. More power improves depth of foliar penetration, particularly at the limits of the lamp's coverage area and in areas shaded by other foliage. This improves the average density and thus yield over all buds produced.

There is a point of diminishing returns with HPS in flowering; that'd be somewhere between 50-60W/sq ft. I run about 61W/sf. Wouldn't make much difference to add any more as I already get solid buds to the bottom of the pruned area of each of my budstalks.
this thread is awesome. you dah man. i know ur first post is from like a year ago, but man nice system i've been inspired.
how close could you crowd plants?

or would it even matter with proper air flow and lollipopping?

Like LjI said, 4 per sf isn't unheard of. I've used 8" dia pots for years, but when I replace them, I'll be getting 6" dia- for 4 plants per sf.
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