If your a college student you might want to quit school its probably the best carear move you could makeJust work and study jesus it's getting depressing, luckily I will graduate this year, so it will all be over soon, until I find something else to learn about.
Other than that.....................nothing, i don't even have money to drink at the moment, or buy clothes hahaha, fucking uni is expensive i tell ya, or maybe I'm just poor.
Hahahaha, well I've thought about it, but then I thought, shit, if I wanna make some good cash and have a nice house with a purpose built growroom, and all the top notch equipment, then maybe I should keep studyingIf your a college student you might want to quit school its probably the best carear move you could make
Thanks for your support.Dirt Nasty might be the wackest rapper around. Dude would be sucking cock for nickels on Sunset if he didnt do those gay porns first.
and Beardo?...ehhh, at least he's better than Andre Legacy.
hahaha...one thing you can never take away from Dirt, Beardo, Andre Legacy, Mickey Avalon, and Andy Milonakis is that they seem to make the music they want and have fun doing it.Thanks for your support.
Plus Rep if you can explain how to make this quote my sig
how could you not love this alf looking crack head[youtube]Ntzt8_9jyNM[/youtube]
Rep + for anyone who can explain how I can make this Quote my SigDirt Nasty might be the wackest rapper around. Dude would be sucking cock for nickels on Sunset if he didnt do those gay porns first.
and Beardo?...ehhh, at least he's better than Andre Legacy.
Click the quote button. Then copy the whole thing. Then go to my profile up top. Then go to edit signature. Done and Done.Thanks for your support.
Plus Rep if you can explain how to make this quote my sig