Mixing Medicine and Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all I got some questions about mixing pain meds. and marijuana. Now I have no experience with this, or am I trying this to get super ripped. It's for my father. My father gets very severe muscle cramps in his stomach. Today he is writhing in pain, and it's extremely hard for me to watch. He said he took a 10 mg cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxant) and a 15 mg Oxycodone (pain pill). about hour and a half ago. He is still in severe pain.

If his pain continues another hour, I want to bring up the possibility of smoking some weed out of a bong. He used to smoke before, but he doesn't really know I smoke. I think it may possibly relieve him but i'm not sure how the substances would all mix. Could anyone shed any light on this fact for me. Any information or tips would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I would advice against it. you get a crazy high from mixing them. I've done it just to get a different high. unless you think your dad could handle a crazy trip with the spins. my dad is a medical marijuana patient but doesnt smoke it because he doesnt like how the pain meds and weed mix. he eats it and says it comes on slower for him, and he can handle it better.


Well-Known Member
i mix pain killlers and pot all the time its really relaxing and good stuff trust me u can get him high when he is in painkillers does not matter


Well-Known Member
I'm don't know how he'd take to it. As far as I know it's been a long while since he last toked. The way I saw was the pills were only 10 and 15 mg which doesn't sound alot to me. But then again I don't know much about prescrip. meds.


Active Member
i mix pain killlers and pot all the time its really relaxing and good stuff trust me u can get him high when he is in painkillers does not matter
you probably have the tolerance for it, he said his dad USED to smoke, thats why i didn't advise it. I'm trying to give him advice off my dad in the same situation. now if he didn't take the pain meds for quite a few hours, then it would be a different story. hope you can help him feel better :/


Well-Known Member
Marijuana doesn't have crazy reactions with other drugs. If anything, it makes taking prescriptions more tolerable. Your dad will be fine so long as he doesn't mix pills with other pills. He's taking more of a risk popping a muscle relaxer and pain pill at once, honestly. Pot won't make the pain go away because it doesn't work like that, but he will be more comfortable. He should smoke a heavy Indica.


Well-Known Member
I was just suggesting marijuana because when I smoke with a stomach ache, it usually gets rid of it within 30 minutes. Then I'll devour the shit out of a hamburger. lol.


Well-Known Member
I was just suggesting marijuana because when I smoke with a stomach ache, it usually gets rid of it within 30 minutes. Then I'll devour the shit out of a hamburger. lol.
That's what I mean. He'll benefit from the relaxing body high a nice Indica can provide.


Active Member
When I was into painkillers, I learned my lesson real quick about smoking pot at the same time. I could handle smoking large amounts of weed so I was no light weight but if I threw back 2 or 3 oxy or 4 or 5 lortabs I would the fucking spins so bad I would have to go somewhere real dark, quite and a fan blowing on my face just to ride it out. Do one or the other but don't mix. I would suggest just the weed for stomache problems. That's just me though.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
There isn't risk involved like there is with mixing pills and alcohol. If your dad isn't a regular smoker he should probably go with just a few hits.


Active Member
i mix my klonopin and vicoden with my lovely ganga. although, i dont take the first two as much as i should, do to the third. lol