Indoor/Outdoor Season Journal


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback guys! Yeah they certainly came a long way since may. I never would have guessed I'd have 4 large females when I started all this back in April. Definitely gotta thank RIU for all the help. No way I'd be where I am today without all the support. I was very lucky to have a vet, who unfortunately is no longer with us at RIU, to help mentor me when I first started here.:clap:


Well-Known Member
i just went thru like this whole thread and this is such a sick grow. next year this is exactly like thhe way im planning on doing hings. great photos. I got into it late this year and only have one plant at a month old now and it was good seeing what i can expect at week 6 and 7. great job keep it up man.


Well-Known Member
i just went thru like this whole thread and this is such a sick grow. next year this is exactly like thhe way im planning on doing hings. great photos. I got into it late this year and only have one plant at a month old now and it was good seeing what i can expect at week 6 and 7. great job keep it up man.
Thanks man I appreciate it. Yeah I can't wait for next year, I got some big plans already. What I'd really like to do if I have the room is start much earlier. Get like 2 or 3 mothers going and only put out clones. That's how the pros do it. I still have a bunch of beans left, so if I decide to go with the genetics I already have, I hope they are still good by then. My biggest project during the offseason is going to be finding good spots. Hopefully I can get out scouting in the fall once I'm done with these while there's still some leaves left on the trees so I can get a feel for how much light an area is going to have. The one patch I have now is decent. I can take down some trees for more light if I really wanted to, but it's a little to close for me to feel comfortable enough to put more than just a few plants there.


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya, i found the greatest place ever. It is on a marshy island with a little dry land in the center with lots of smaller shrubs and grasses in the middle of the lake behind my house. it is completely hidden, and if anyone did want to get to it, they would have to walk through about 40 feeet of shin deep nasty mud, then thick brush with prickers haha im satisfied, but i couldnt have too many bug plants there without it being noticeable.


Well-Known Member
Smaller patches are the way to go if you can IMO. Depending on how much time I have on my hands next year I'm gonna try to go bigger, but spread them out over a few different spots. Less noticable and if one patch is found you don't lose everything. Good natural barriers are always a plus.


Well-Known Member
Quick update. Took a visit out 2 days ago, but when I got there the camera batteries were dead (figures). All the plants are coming along nicely. I'd say the Ceres Purple is the farthest along. The cola on the one fantaseed plant is getting so heavy it's slightly tipping the plant to one side. Going to have to prop it up a little better next time. If anyone following along remembers, I think I mentioned a few weeks ago the hairs on the other fantaseed plant looked like that had a purple tint to them. I was wrong, they are PINK. I think they will probably end up turning brown anyway, but it would be pretty cool if some of them stayed pink. Ironically, the the purple plant is still green. Maybe with the cooler nights it will start to turn purple for me. I never seen any purple weed before, or anyone I know for that matter, so I was looking forward to a purple crop. The Nirvana Northern Lights is looking good too. It's really starting to flower hard and I'm impressed with the amount of budsites. I'm thinking it's going to be one of the last to finish.

The purple has been flowering for over a month now and I couldn't help myself and took a little sample. Figured why not, there's enough of it there. After letting it dry for 2 days I tried it out and it was surprisingly strong for being so immature. It's good to know that even if something were to go wrong I could still pick it and it wouldn't be a complete loss. Not planning on doing that for at least 3 more weeks though.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like everythings coming along really well, that would be nice to have some purple buds!!

How many weeks is the purple supposed to flower for?


Well-Known Member
The breeder says 50-60 day, so 3 weeks is right in the middle of that. Going to play it by ear. My autos should be done in about 2 weeks so I'm not in too much of a hurry.


Well-Known Member
The breeder says 50-60 day, so 3 weeks is right in the middle of that. Going to play it by ear. My autos should be done in about 2 weeks so I'm not in too much of a hurry.

Shit thats not bad at all. I can't wait to see those DR's harvested, if I was going to go with an auto, it would the these!


Well-Known Member
New pics! Not too much to report really except the buds are starting to fatten up. It's been raining here the past few days, so the soil was still to wet for me to feed them. If I do this again next year, I'm definitely going to put some worm castings, guano, or even time release pellets in the soil so when it is too wet to liquid feed they don't go hungry. Coincidentally, I was just complaining about the purple not turning purple and it looks like it is starting to change. Actually, all except the northern lights look like they are getting a little purple to them. I think it's partly due to the cool nights we've been having lately. I don't think I caught it in any of the pics, but where the "finger" on the leaves come together at the leave stem, that little node or node or whatever you want to call it, is turning purple. So, if all goes well I might come out of this with some purple bud yet, haha.

Ummm, let's see what else. Oh, no mold so far! Since they aren't calling for rain for at least the next week, I sprayed them down (hopefully for the last time) with some bug spray. I also had to tie down the purple a little bit. I don't think it's a good idea to do that this late into flowering but I had to you can see it from too far away. Also, I'm starting to get a lot more yellowing on the fan leaves on all the plants. I think that's fairly normal at this point though. Would have liked to keep them green as long as possible. I was concerned about the purple since they started turning yellow so early, but it seems like that is just part of the life cycle.

purple bent.jpgpurple cola.jpgnirvana northern light.jpgnirvana nl branch.jpgfant 1 all.jpgfant 1 branch.jpgfant 1 top.jpgfant 2 all.jpgfant 2 close.jpgfant 2 top.jpg


Well-Known Member
Everythings looking gorgeous sonar. Filling out nicely, im pretty sure youre right about the yellowing it all looks normal from the pics. Unfortunately i dont get to visit my spot but once every two weeks so time release was practically a must. Next time i go out i'll be giving the girls some Beasty Bloomz from foxfarm for a nice boost to the flowers. The azamax bugspray i have works awesome and made a huge difference though i only foliar sprayed and never got the chance to do a soil drench. I'm anxious to see what these cool nights bring us! Good luck n keep it up. peace


Well-Known Member
Every two weeks? I wish I could go that long without going out. Don't really mind the hike, just rather keep exposure to a minimum. It's been a pretty hot, dry summer here and back in late june/early july I had to go out 2 sometimes 3 times a week just to keep them watered. Now that it's a little cooler and we've been getting more rain every week or so is good enough just to feed.

Do you guys think I'll have enough trim to make it worth picking up some bubble bags? I was looking into them today and they are more expensive than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Looking good as usual!!

Hell yea you will have enough trim for some bubble bags, I think it will definitely be worth it.. I made some hash with a friend out of some scraps that he had laying around, "not nearly as good and as much as your going to have" and we got a decent amount out of it!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude the trek to the spot can leave me in some sticky situations so i keep visits to a minimum. Thats also why i opted for time release ferts and only giving liquid nutes whenever im there. it takes some thinking but its worked out thus far. you're right about our summer, very dry and hot. its made a resevoir a must. good luck ill be checking back. peace


Active Member
Hey SONAR, be careful with that light, HTG one, I had same light and when i went on my 12/12 cycle, the light would not re-ignite after about 5 days. HTG did send me a new one and that one did the same thing!! I called and they said they where haveing issues with the igniters (light would not re-light). After the seco0nd light wouldnt work they sent me an UPGRADED (free of charge) Digital 400w ballast! Yaaa. So just keep an eye on that light when you start to use it. PS. HTG where VERY good at sending NEW equipment right out to me, Plus they UPGRADED me at not cost. Digital ballest was $229. old mag. ballest $109.


Well-Known Member
Hey SONAR, be careful with that light, HTG one, I had same light and when i went on my 12/12 cycle, the light would not re-ignite after about 5 days. HTG did send me a new one and that one did the same thing!! I called and they said they where haveing issues with the igniters (light would not re-light). After the seco0nd light wouldnt work they sent me an UPGRADED (free of charge) Digital 400w ballast! Yaaa. So just keep an eye on that light when you start to use it. PS. HTG where VERY good at sending NEW equipment right out to me, Plus they UPGRADED me at not cost. Digital ballest was $229. old mag. ballest $109.
Thanks for the heads up. I actually still haven't got to use it yet. I'm thinking by the time I do I'm probably going to want something bigger anyway.

Been awhile since I did an update, so I'm going to try to get some new pictures up tomorrow. Been kind of slow going, so I haven't really anything new to report except the buds are getting fatter.


Well-Known Member
This project is certainly starting to get exciting. Coming down the home stretch here and thinking 2 of the plants might only have about 2 weeks or so left. It's been really windy the past few days and my concerns were warranted. An entire branch was broken off the Northern Lights. Didn't have anything to try to splint it up with so I just cut it off. Don't think it's worth trying to salvage, so it just went in the trim bag. Other than that, everything looks great.

1 and 2-Ceres Purple
3, 4, 5, and 6-Nirvana Northern Lights
7 and 8-Homegrown Fantaseed (pink/purple hairs)
9 and 10-Homegrown Fantaseed

c purple top.jpgc purple flower.jpgnirvana nl.jpgnirvana nl tops.jpgnirvana nl flower.jpgnirvana nl branch.jpgfant 1.jpgfant 1 pink.jpgfant 2.jpgfant 2 flower.jpg