Well-Known Member
Chiefing DPQ - I was smoking Deep Purple Querkle last night
I was on the grolsch - Grolsch is a Dutch beer.
Aunt Sally - An English TC character that was in a programme called Worzel Gummage (who was actually a scarecrow who could change his heads, haha) Aunt Sally always had a cup of tea and a slice of cake!! Easy when you know eh!!! lol
EBONICS..........N-LAND STYLE^^^lol
im so high

right to the face at 5:30am
lovely pics MM,welcome too the club
I was on the grolsch - Grolsch is a Dutch beer.
Aunt Sally - An English TC character that was in a programme called Worzel Gummage (who was actually a scarecrow who could change his heads, haha) Aunt Sally always had a cup of tea and a slice of cake!! Easy when you know eh!!! lol
EBONICS..........N-LAND STYLE^^^lol
im so high

lovely pics MM,welcome too the club